Village Song: AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English answers

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Get here the summary, questions, answers, textbook solutions, extras, and pdf of the poem “Village Song” by Sarojini Naidu of the Assam Board (AHSEC / SEBA) Class 12 Alternative English (Vibgyor) textbook. However, the given notes/solutions should only be used for references and should be modified/changed according to needs.

village song AHSEC Class 12

Summary: Indian life and events are depicted in the poem “Village Song” by Sarojini Naidu. The poem takes place in a rural location and depicts the everyday ritual of Indian village women who walk a considerable distance to bring home a pitcher of water. It’s a harrowing journey for the girl in the poem, who carries pitchers of Yamuna water on her arm as she trudges through the night. The darkness is making her nervous. She regrets spending so much time listening to the boatman’s music, but she couldn’t help but be enthralled by it. 

There are all types of phobias that she is haunted by. She is terrified by the screams of white cranes because she believes they are the hooting of an owl. Snakes and terrible spirits have returned to her thoughts. It occurs to her that her mother and brother may be wondering what happened to her while she was away from them. The last thing she wants is for her mother to be weeping and begging the gods to keep her daughter safe and bring her back home. The girl’s fear and anxiety grow as darkness falls. The young woman’s phobia of storms and lightning returns. 

The only thing she can do is sing the name of Lord Rama in the hope that she will be saved from all harm by her saviour, helpless in the face of all these inherent hazards. Sarojini Naidu’s poetry demonstrates her profound understanding of Indian women.

Answer the following questions in one or two words.

1. Who is the poet of the poem “Village Song”? 

Answer: The poem “The Village Song” was written by Sarojini Naidu.

2. What tempted the girl to tarry?

Answer: The girl was enthralled by the boatman’s enchanting singing.

3. Who will smite the village girl? 

Answer: The village girl would be slain by the evil spirits that haunted the land.

4. What will bite the girl in the darkness? 

Answer: During the night, a snake would bite the girl.

5. What words does the speaker utter when fear overcomes her?

Answer: “Ram re Ram,” she said out loud when she was overcome by terror.

Answer the following questions in a few words

1. What will be the mother’s reaction?

Answer: Her mother would be inconsolable if she ever saw her daughter. She would weep and plead to the gods, letting her emotions drive her actions in order to keep her daughter safe and bring her home safely. As a mother, she will be concerned for her daughter’s welfare.

2. Why will the speaker’s brother murmur?

Answer: The speaker’s brother is curious as to why it is taking her so long to respond. He’d mutter, “Why doth she linger?” 

3. What are the things the speaker is afraid of? 

Answer: Fearful of the approaching night, the narrator was overcome with anxiety. In her terror, she mistook the white cranes’ hooting for the hooting of the outside world. She was terrified that the same snake would sting her because there was no moonlight to help her return. He was also terrified of the evil spirits that were haunting the area because of his superstition. She feared a storm and lightning would hit and kill her. She feared they would cast deadly charms on her.

4. With what are the shadows of the evening compared? 

Answer: The village girl’s worry and anxiety are evoked by the gathering blackbirds in the sky against the backdrop of the evening’s shadows.

5. How does the girl realise that night is approaching? 

Answer: Upon returning home from the Yamuna, the girl became aware of a looming night because of the reduced light. No moonlight could be relied on for direction.

Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

1. What does the girl in the poem say about her mother and brother?

Answer: The girl in the poem was concerned about her mother and brother because her delay might cause them distress. For her brother’s sake, she should explain why she hasn’t returned home. To ensure her daughter’s safety, her mother would be sobbing and praying to the gods for their protection and for her safe return. For each girl, they will be concerned about the Yamuna’s potential for disaster because of their familiarity with the river’s magnitude.

2. What do the birds refer to in the poem symbolise? 

Answer: The birds mentioned in the poem, such as white cranes, owls, and blackbirds, represent the ominous scene in the dusk. The white cranes’ hooting sounds like owl hooting, which fills the girl with superstitions and symbolises her superstitious beliefs. The gathering of blackbirds in the sky represents growing gloom. All of the birds mentioned in the poem represent the country girl’s worry and anxiety.

3. “Ram re Ram! I shall die” – why does the girl utter these Donsulgrit words?

Answer: The village girl, who is carrying Yamuna water pitchers on her head, is forced to walk through a dark, isolated stretch of land. She was plagued by a variety of fears. Fear of the dark, snakes, evil spirits, storms, and lightning was among her many irrational fears. Lord Rama was the only one who could protect her from all of the perils she faced. That’s why she said this, hoping her saviour would save her from the grave.

Give suitable answers to the following

1. Describe the feelings of the girl in the course of the poem. 

Answer: The village girl’s fear of the dark dominates the poem “The Village Song.” She postponed her return journey due to her wanting to hear the boatman sing. As the night becomes darker, she must make her way across a lonesome expanse of land. Fears of snakes or malevolent spirits keep her awake at night. She’s scared that her mother and brother will wonder why she’s taking so long. She is concerned that a storm is imminent and that lightning could strike her. Psychologically, the girl is plagued by her preoccupation with superstitions. When faced with all of these inherent hazards, she felt helpless. But her everlasting confidence in Lord Rama has never wavered. Her terror was relieved when she heard the name of Lord Rama. She is hopeful as she waits for her saviour to save her.

2. How does Sarojini Naidu represent the form and spirit of Indian folklore in the poem “Village Song”? 

Answer: Indian village women’s daily routine of taking a pitcher of water home from the well is depicted in Sarojini Naidu’s poem “The Village Song.” The girl in the poem has gathered water from the Yamuna River and is making her way back to her hamlet in the midst of a darkening night. She regrets lingering to listen to the boatman’s enchanting song, which enthralled her. A variety of tasks are torturing her. None of the Moon Beans was around to teach her the way. A white raven or an owl’s hooting may be heard. She was afraid a snake would sting her or an evil spirit would strike her in the dark. She was also concerned that her mother and brother would be concerned and eager to learn the reason for her delay. A sudden storm and lightning frightened her, as well. Her only hope at this point was that Lord Rama would be her saviour. Despite the numerous threats she faced, she prayed to God for protection and guidance as she made her way back home. Sarojini Naidu has depicted the heart of a hamlet via the depiction of a girl, guided by unwavering confidence in supreme power even in the face of a wicked demon.

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