Active and passive voice

ICSE Class 9 English Language

Chapter 2: ICSE Class 9 English Language/Grammar solved

Get textual answers, explanations, solutions, notes, extras, MCQs, PDF of Chapter 2: ICSE Class 9 English Language/Grammar (Total English) solved which comprises Active and Passive Voice, Beginning and Ending, and Personal Letters. However, the educational materials should only be used for reference, and students are encouraged to make necessary changes. Assignment: Active-Passive voice Rewrite the following […]

Chapter 2: ICSE Class 9 English Language/Grammar solved Read More »

active and passive voice

Active and Passive Voice: NBSE Class 10 Alternative English solutions

The following post contains solutions/answers to NBSE Class 10 Alternative English exercises of the grammar chapter/topic “Active and Passive Voice”. Attempts have been made to provide the correct solutions to all the exercises, however, if you notice any error, let us know. We’ll review and make corrections. A. Are these sentences written in the active

Active and Passive Voice: NBSE Class 10 Alternative English solutions Read More »

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