NBSE Class 10 Social Science 2019 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given NBSE Class 10 Social Science 2019 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes is allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it.

N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper is complete as indicated on the top left side.

1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives :

(a) The ‘History of the Loss of Vietnam’ was written by (1)

(i) Huynh Phu So
(ii) Phan Boi Chau
(iii) Phan Chu Trinh
(iv) Ho Chi Minh

(b) The decision-making in the IMF and the World Bank is controlled by (1)

(i) western industrial powers.
(ii) all the member-nations of these two banks
(iii) the Asian-African bloc
(iv) a majority vote by all the nations

(c) Which of the following reasons makes water a renewable and rechargeable resource? (1)

(i)  Water table
(ii) Oceans and seas
(iii) Hydrological cycle
(iv) Surface runoff

(d) The most important occupation of the people of India is (1)

(i) food gathering
(ii) agriculture
(iii) manufacturing
(iv) services

(e) Which type of road received special impetus under the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana? (1)

(i) National Highways
(ii) State Highways
(iii) Rural Roads
(iv) District Roads

(f) The third tier of government at the local level is known as (1)

(i) Local self-government
(ii) State government
(iii) Village Panchayats
(iv) Zilla Parishad

(g) Which of the following challenge is being faced by most democracies of the world? (1)

(i) Foundational challenge
(ii) Challenge of expansion
(iii) Challenge of deepening of democracy
(iv) None of these

(h) The most important criterion while comparing the real development of a country is (1)

(i) Human Development Index (HDI)
(ii) Literacy rate
(iii) Export earnings
(iv) Income

(i) The sector in which activities are guided by profit motive (1)

(i) Public
(ii) Private
(iii) Organised
(iv) Unorganised

(j) Nagaland covers an area of (1)

(i) 15,379 sq. km
(ii) 15,579 sq. km
(iii) 16,379 sq. km
(iv) 16,579 sq. kms

Answer the questions in one word/one sentence of not more than 15 words:

2. Who was considered as the ‘Soul’ by Italians? (1)

3. What does the term ‘Indo-China’ stand for? (1)

4. Name the two main beverage crops of India. (1)

5. Mention any two means of mass communication. (1)

6. What is an atlas? (1)

7. What is the sex ratio of India as per the 2011 census? (1)

8. Define a political party. (1)

9. What is barter system? (1)

10. Why is the tertiary sector also called the service sector? (1)

11. What are the two types of cultivation practised by the people of Nagaland? (1)

Answer the questions in about 20-30 words :

12. Mention any two factors that led to the rise of nation-states. (2)

13. When was the Simon Commission appointed? Why were the Indians against it? (1+1=2)

14. Differentiate between national parties and state parties. (2)

15. ‘Democracy is the better form of government’. Give two reasons in support of the statement. (2)

16. Mention any two advantages of formal sector loans. (2)

17.  What is floriculture? Why is floriculture one of the most interesting activities in Nagaland? (1+1=2)

Answer the questions in about 50-70 words:

18.a. What steps did France take to consolidate her position in Indo-China? (4)
b. When did the French interest in Indo-China begin? Give three reasons why the French considered it necessary to colonise Indochina. (1+3=4)

19.a. What is rainwater harvesting? Mention any three benefits of rainwater harvesting. (1+3=4)
b. What is natural gas? Mention any three advantages of natural gas.

20. Describe the role of the information technology industry in modern India. (4)

21.a. ‘Caste can take various forms in politics’. Give any four reasons in support of the statement. (4)
b. Explain the political expression of communalism.

22.a. Mention any four ways on how good health contributes to economic development. (4)
(b) Mention the reasons for the decline in the sex ratio in India.

23. On the given political map of India, four features A, B, C, D have been indicated. Identify these features with the help of the information mentioned below and write their correct names against their given letters. (4)

Black soils
Talcher coal field
Bhadravati iron and steel plant
Indo-Gangetic plains

24. Answer any three questions in about 80-100 words : (3×6=18)

(a) Describe the events that led to ‘Dual Monarchy’ in Hungary. What were its consequences? (3+3=6)
(b) Describe the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose to the freedom struggle of India. (6)
(c) Explain any six features of federalism. (6)
(d) Explain the role of an ordinary citizen in a democracy. (6)
(e) Who is a consumer? Explain any five forms of consumer exploitation. (1+5=6)

25.a. Give an account of the flora and fauna of Nagaland. (6)
b. Explain any three cottage industries in Nagaland.


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