Get here the summary and solutions of the chapter/poem A Tiger in the Zoo of SEBA (Assam Board), TBSE (Tripura Board) Class 10 English (Literature, Second Language). However, the given notes/solutions should only be used for references and should be modified/changed according to needs.
SUMMARY: George Leslie Norris’s “A Tiger in the Zoo” contrasts a zoo-bound tiger with a tiger in its natural habitat. The poem skillfully shifts from the zoo to the jungle and back to the zoo. It begins with a description of a tiger stalking in its zoo cage and silently pacing the length of its cage in rage. The poet then describes the tiger’s activities in the wild. He claims it would have lurked in the shadows, stalking its prey—a fattened herd of deer drinking from the water hole. It would snarl its way through the villages, baring its claws and teeth and striking fear into the hearts of the villagers. Instead, he is imprisoned in a concrete cell, where he hears patrol cars at night and looks up at the bright stars from behind bars, daydreaming about his freedom.
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Questions and answers (extras)
1. Who wrote the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
Answer: The poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ was written by Leslie Norris.
2. Where does the tiger stalk after being caught?
Answer: The tiger stalks in the cage after being captured.
3. Do you believe the tiger is content in the zoo? Why or why not?
Answer: No, I believe the tiger is unhappy in the zoo. He is kept in a small cage rather than being allowed to run free among the tall grass, chasing prey as he would if free. When a living being is restrained in this way, he or she cannot be happy.
4. Where should the tiger be lurking?
Answer: The tiger should be lurking in the jungle’s shadows.
5. Where does the tiger look for food?
Answer: The tiger can spot food near a water hole where plump deer gather.
6. Where should the tiger snarl?
Answer: The tiger should be snarling around the houses on the outskirts of the jungle.
7. Who is terrorized by the tiger?
Answer: The villagers, near the jungle, are terrorized by the tiger.
8. Describe the different activities of the tiger?
Answer: Inside a cage, the tiger expresses its rage. When a tiger is in the jungle, it moves silently through the long grass in search of a healthy deer. When the tiger roams the villages at night, it terrorises the villagers. The tiger in the cage now hears the last voice of patrolling cars and stares at the brilliant stars at night.
9. Why does the tiger ignore the visitors?
Answer: The tiger is ignoring the visitors because he regards them as his adversaries.
10. What are the tiger’s thoughts in the cage?
Answer: In the cage, the tiger is always in a state of distress. The tiger keeps roaring, growing, and snarling. It always remains enraged in the cage and ignores the visitors.
11. How does the tiger frighten the villagers living near the jungle?
Answer: When the tiger moves around the villages, the villagers become terrified. They fear the tiger will attack and kill them. They believe the tiger will attack them at any time.
12. What does the tiger do at night?
Answer: The tiger hears the last voice of the patrolling cars late at night. The tiger’s eyes are razor-sharp, and it looks up at the brilliant stars. The tiger, in other words, does not sleep at night.
13. Is the tiger kept in a large cage? Cite the appropriate line from the poem to back up your answer.
Answer: No, the tiger’s cage was not particularly large. This is supported by the poem’s lines: “He stalks in his vivid stripes” and “The few steps of his cage.”
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