Conjunctions: NBSE Class 10 Alternative English Grammar solutions

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The following post contains solutions/answers to NBSE Class 10 Alternative English exercises of the grammar chapter/topic “Conjunctions”. Attempts have been made to provide the correct solutions to all the exercises, however, if you notice any error, let us know. We’ll review and make corrections.


Conjunctions are sometimes known as link words or connectors. They’re used to join words, groups of words, phrases, and sentences together. Conjunctions are divided into three categories.

Coordinating conjunctions: Words, phrases, and sentences are linked together by coordinating conjunctions. We use them to emphasise two main clauses at the same time. Eg. I waited at the cafe for you, but you did not show up.

Correlative conjunctions: The usage of correlative conjunctions is always done in pairs. Eg. He is not only famous but also very humble.

Subordinating conjunctions: Subordinating conjunctions are used to convey cause-and-effect interactions as well as contrast between ideas or time concepts. Eg. The baby is crying because he is hungry.

A. Complete the sentences using the conjunctions in the box.

[yet, therefore, but, and, however, nevertheless]

1. Our adventure programme provides opportunities for developing leadership qualities within a tough _____________supportive group environment.

2. The weekend will be spent at a training centre near the hills. Obviously, you’ll want some comfort, ________________we’ve arranged for accommodation in a small school.

3. You’ll spend most of your weekend outside, _______________there’s a warm bed waiting for you at night.

4. Farmers have used insects in weed control, _____________ reclaimed hundreds of thousands of acres with the help of insects.

5. Of course, many insect activities are harmful to us, ______________we must also recognise the ways in which insects help us.

6. He worked very hard, _________________ he couldn’t finish spraying the garden on Sunday.


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B. Choose the suitable conjunctions in the brackets and complete these sentences.

1. The crowd surrounded the actor _______________begin to cheer. (and, therefore, so)

2. They successfully completed the first stage of the interview; ______________they went on to the final round. (nor, consequently, however)

3. You can take this room _____________the one on the second floor. (neither, or, nor)

4. The land value here has appreciated; ______________________ you will get a good price. (nevertheless, and, therefore)

5. It was the first international competition; _____________________ they did their best. (when nevertheless, and)

6. He helped the community not only by providing job opportunity, ________________also by building schools and hospitals. (and, but, besides)


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C. Encircle the conjunctions in the given sentences.

1. She couldn’t attend the party, so her sister went there on her behalf.

2. The thief made away with the jewels while the family was fast asleep.

3. They decided to buy the property if the price seemed reasonable.

4. You could gift him a book but he would prefer a box of poster colours.

5. You should leave now or you will miss the flight.

6. They couldn’t have the meeting unless all the members turned up.

7. There used to be a bakery there before the apartments came up.

8. I could see she was annoyed for they had not taken her suggestion.


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D. Complete these sentences with the subordinating conjunctions in the box.

[where, because, when, who, unless, so, that]

1. The boy ________________lives next door wants to be an astronaut.

2. My father asked me ________________I had kept his car keys.

3. He went to Australia ____________________he wanted to meet his uncle and family there.

4. The time ___________________the fire broke out is not known.

5. He drove fast __________________ he could be in time for the meeting.

6. You won’t be able to speak French fluently ________________you speak it every day.


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E. Complete the sentences with the correct conjunctive adverb or intersection in the brackets.

1. Kenieno was driving too fast; _______________,she met with an accident. (still,also,hence)

2. Veto decided he wouldn’t take up engineering; _______________, he chose to be a research scientist. (instead, again, then)

3. You’d better take some rest; _________________, you have an early morning flight tomorrow. (moreover, consequently, nonetheless)

4. I think you must apologise to Kevisezo, _____________ he will never calm down. (besides, however, otherwise)

5. The summer solstice is in June in the Northern Hemisphere; _______________it occurs in December in the Southern Hemisphere. (likewise, thus, then)

6. Paul, the octopus, predicted the outcomes of all seven of Germany’s World Cup matches; ______________it also correctly predicted that Spain would lift the World Cup. (still, then, furthermore)


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F. In every sentence, introduce the conjunctions given in brackets in the right place.

1. Employment is hard to find in country towns, young people move to the cities. (therefore)

2. Most people believe country life is more difficult than city life, people often dream of moving out of the’big smoke’ (nevertheless)

3. Air pollution is a major problem in cities, most people still drive their cars to work. (but)

4. Cultural opportunities are fewer in the country; most city dwellers only rarely take these up. (on the other hand)

5. Being stuck in the morning traffic is the worst part of city life, most people have no other choice. (however)

6. Some cities are better than others, many are as easy to live in as the best country town. (and)


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G. Complete the sentences using suitable conjunctions.

1. She commanded everybody ______________she were a queen.

2. Neither the actor _____________the students of Oxford knew how long their question-answer session would take.

3. New research reveals that the loggerhead female turtle will not start to lay eggs ____________she is forty-five years old.

4. The physicist who invented the atomic clock is dead, ______________, his invention will live on.

5. His pup follows him _______________he goes.


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H. Complete the following sentences with the correct words given in brackets.

1. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian-American astronaut ________________the first Indian woman who travelled to space. (though / still / and / until)

2. Kalpana studied aeronautical engineering in Punjab in 1982 ________________girls were not expected to study engineering in those days. (if / as / because / even though)

3. Kalpana’s interest in space and flying grew ____________________of I R D Tata’s exploits as India’s first pilot. (although / because / even though / so)

4. Kalpana moved to the United States ___________________she could study further, obtaining a masters and a doctorate in aerospace engineering. (but / yet / so / for)

5. Kalpana was regarded _______________as one of the best astronauts at NASA, _____________an excellent pilot. (either…or I whether…or not / not only…but also / rather…than)


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I. Replace the incorrect conjunctions with the correct ones.

1. The students had to obey her orders unless she was the Principal.

2. You won’t be cured for you take the medicines.

3. You can wait for him in the drawing room neither the library.

4. I was waiting for the bus or the accident took place.

5. The movie was a great success if it was a well acted one.

6. Eishita that was my roommate wants to become an artist.

7. He waited patiently for his turn also I went to the bookstore.

8. Sangey ate the cake while it was for her brother.


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J. Complete the passage using the conjunctions given in the box.

[finally, presently, and, however, when, as]

Let me confess that I did not look forward to Joe’s coming. I felt he would not fit into my present surroundings.1 ______________, I came to town from Hammersmith on Monday night to be ready for Joe early next morning.2 ________________ the time approached, I would have liked to run away.3 _______________I heard Joe on the staircase, coming up in his clumsy manner.4 _______________,he stopped outside the door, I could hear his fingers tracing over the painted letters on my name5 _________________ wiping his feet on the mat6 ______________I lost all patience.


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K. Complete these sentences with and, but, or or a comma.

Serila: Lithrongla, the Dance Club is staging a show ______________ we’d like you to dance in the group.

LithrongIa: It’s nice of you to ask me ____________I can’t dance very well. I’ll help with costumes_______ in some other way.

Serila: You are just fussing. We know you can dance. Don’t forget we all live in the same hostel ______________we’ve seen you dance at parties. You move gracefully, your expression is good ______________you look great.

Lithrongla: It’s kind of you to say that ____________I can only dance at parties. On stage I would be very nervous. My steps would falter __________I would forget the moves. I love dancing ___________I dare not dance in public.


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L. Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.

1. She hurt her knee ___________(when / while) she fell off the bicycle.

2. Aroba was talking on the phone __________________ (while / when) he heard a strange sound in the kitchen.

3. Manlem called us _____________ (when / while) he was ready to leave.

4. ________________ (While / When) she decorated the cake, the others watched in admiration.

5. ______________ (When / While) the announcement was made, people started scrambling to get onto the bus.


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M. Rewrite the story by joining the sentences or using proper conjunctions as and where needed.

It surprised everyone. Ginger was a friendly cat. We didn’t know where he came from. We decided to adopt him anyway. Ginger made a comfortable home for himself in the hostel backyard. No one objected to it. He became a little unpopular with the cooks. He often tried to steal fish from the kitchen. We were to blame. We spoiled him with leftovers. We made him greedy for more. Ginger threw tantrums. He would only have fish. I tried to feed him chips once. It seemed like he didn’t care much about it.

Ginger would always be there during tea-time, in the kitchen, in the backyard. He would try to sip tea from our cups, curl up near our legs. Of course, it was a different story after dinner. Ginger would pay us no heed. He would be busy with his head in the dustbin. We would be temporarily forgotten.


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N. Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.

1. In some places in the desert, there is a small green area ______________ plants can grow. It is called an oasis.

a. whereas
b. while
c. where
d. when

2. People can ____________grow gardens for themselves, _____________plant vegetable crops to sell in the market.

a. either … or
b. rather … than
c. even … though
d. now … that

3. The oasis sometimes gets buried ____________in sandstorms.

a. while
b. due to
c. Therefore
d. since

4. The most important crop in every oasis is the date palm ______________the tree has adapted itself to the desert’s harsh climate.

a. although 
b. even thought
c. so 
d. because

5. In the spring, the flowers of the male tree are picked ________________tied on the female trees.

a. and 
b. but
c. until
d. though


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