NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2019 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2019 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions :

i) Approximately 15 minutes is allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it.

N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper is complete as indicated on the top left side.

1.Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) Which country dropped the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (1)

(i) USSR
(ii) USA
(iii) Germany
(iv) UK

(b)When was Bengal Partitioned? (1)

(i) 1905
(ii) 1906
(iii) 1907

(c) The highest peak in the world, the Mount Everest, is located in which range of the Himalayas? (1)

(i) Himadri
(ii) Himachal
(iii) Shiwalik
(iv) Purvanchal

(d) Where is the Corbett National Park located? (1)

(i) Bihar
(ii) Uttar Pradesh
(iii) Uttarakhand
(iv) Odisha

(e) The white colour on a map denotes (1)

(i) oceans and seas
(ii) forest area
(iii) settlement huts
(iv) uncultivableland

(f) Which of the following country is a typical example of Constitutional Monarchy? (1)

(i) USA
(ii) India
(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Britain

(g) The minimum age required to be eligible as a Member of Lok Sabha is (1)

(i) 18 years
(ii) 20 years
(iii) 25 years
(iv) 30 years

(h) When was the Planning Commission established? (1)

(i) 1950
(ii) 1951
(iii) 1952
(iv) 1955

(i) The most important component of human resource development is (1)

(i) education
(ii) health
(iii) prosperity
(iv) employment

(j) Who is known as the first ‘King Scout’ of Nagaland ? (1)

(i) A. Kevichüsa
(ii) Samuel Mezhür Sekhose
(iii) Mayangnokcha
(iv) Hokishe Sema

Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence not exceeding 15 words:

2. What are Lagoons? (1)

3. Define climate. (1)

4. Write the full form of ICOLD. (1)

5. What is an ecosystem? (1)

6. What is a map? (1)

7. What is the name of the right given to all adults to vote? (1)

8. Which Fundamental Right is called as the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution? (1)

9. Define demography. (1)

10. Mention any two types of unemployment. (1)

11. Who was the first Naga lady Indian Ambassador? (1)

Answer the questions in about 20-30 words:

12. Mention the two aims of the Non-Cooperation Movement. (2)

13. Differentiate between tributary and distributary.(2)

14. Distinguish between Ballot paper and Electronic Voting Machine. (2)

15. Mention any two Fundamental Duties. (2)

16. What are the two main functions of an economy? (2)

17. Who was the first Christian missionary to the Nagas and when did he came to Nagaland? (1+1=2)

Answer the questions in about 50 -70 words:

18. Describe the nature of the October Revolution. (4)

19. a. Explain how the Nazis were able to make Nazism a mass movement in Germany. (4)
b. When was the Muslim League formed? Mention the main aims of the League. (1+3=4)

20. a. Write a brief note on the thorn forests and scrubs. (4)
b. Mention any four methods which can be used to conserve wildlife.

21. a. Give four arguments in favour of Democracy. (4)
b. What is a Constitution? Why do we need a Constitution? (1+3=4)

22. a. What is population? Briefly explain three major factors that determine population change. (1+3=4)
b. When was the National Population Policy implemented? Mention its objectives.

23. On the given political map of India, four features A, B, C, D have been indicated. Identify these features with the help of information mentioned below and write their correct names against their letters. (4)

i) Sambhar Lake
ii) Tropical rain forests
iii) Brahmaputra basin
iv) Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary

24. Answer any three questions in about 80 – 100 words. (3×6=18)

(a) Describe the legacy of the French Revolution. (6)
(b) Give an estimate of Gandhiji’s role in India’s struggle for freedom. (6)
(c) Write the characteristic features of hot weather season. (6)
(d) Mention any six functions of the Indian Parliament. (6)
(e) Explain any three poverty removal methods started by the government. (6)

25. a. Give an account of the Nagas in the 20th century. (6)
b. Give an account of the ‘Battle of Kohima’.


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