Adolf: BSEM Class 9 English questions, answers, summary

Adolf BSEM Class 9 English literature
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Get summary, workbook solutions, questions, answers, notes, pdf, and extras to the story “Adolf” by DH Lawrence, which is a part of Class 9 English (Literature) syllabus for students studying under Manipur Board (BSEM).


The story is about a coal miner’s family and their experience with a wild baby rabbit. The father often worked night shifts at the coal mine and would come home tired in the early mornings, just as the children were waking up. One morning, he came home and put a tiny brown rabbit he had found in the fields on the table. He had found the mother rabbit and three babies dead, with only this one still alive.

The children were thrilled to have the pet rabbit, but the mother was worried it was wild and would likely die. The rabbit sat motionless, not eating or responding to their affection. They tried to feed it milk and keep it warm, but still the rabbit remained unmoving like a “dark cloud”. The children grew sad, fearing it would die. Their mother was angry at their father for bringing the creature, which would likely cause them distress when it died.

They put the rabbit in the cold parlour overnight, but it still did not eat or move. The next day, they tucked it under the warm copper fireplace, hoping it would think it was in a burrow. In the morning, they found milk spilled on the floor and saw the rabbit’s ears peeking out from behind boots, its eyes bright. The rabbit had come alive, eating and drinking and apparently accepting its new home. By evening, the wild creature had become quite tame.

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Textual notes


(A) Based on your reading of the story complete the following statements

I. It was painful to the writer’s father to see his children gaily dressed in the morning while

Answer: he dragged himself in soiled and weary from night work.

II. The father’s face was black because

Answer: he worked in the coalmine.

III. In the field path the father came across

Answer: a dead mother rabbit and three dead little ones, with one alive but unmoving.

IV. The sore problem about the rabbit was

Answer: it refused to drink or eat and remained still, causing worry about its survival.

(B) Answer the following questions by putting (tick) mark on the correct answer:

(I) The mother was against keeping the rabbit because

a. it was a wild one. b. she did not like animals. c. its death will cause an outcry. d. it will be additional labour to her.

Answer: c. its death will cause an outcry.

(II) The writer wrapped the rabbit in a flannel and put in the cold parlour so that it will

a. die peacefully. b. get warmth. c. enjoy the cool flannel. d. be free from household noise.

Answer: d. be free from household noise.

(III) The children put the rabbit under the copper fireplace so that it

a. will get warmth. b. will not be disturbed. c. will not run away. d. will think it was in a hole.

Answer: d. will think it was in a hole.

(C) Answer the following questions briefly:

(I) Why was the meeting between the children and their father in the early spring morning not happy?

Answer: The meeting was not happy because the father felt pain seeing his children start their day energetically and happily while he returned home, exhausted and dirty from his night shift at the coalmine.

(II) One sunny morning why did the children feel that their father had something to tell them?

Answer: The children sensed their father had something to tell them because he came into the kitchen with a noticeable change in his demeanor, prompting a sense of anticipation and curiosity among them.

(III) Why was there some excitement among the children one spring morning?

Answer: The excitement among the children was due to their father bringing home a small, motionless rabbit that he found in the field, sparking their curiosity and compassion.

(IV) Why was the mother worried that the rabbit was a wild one?

Answer: The mother was worried about the rabbit being wild because she feared that its inevitable death would cause emotional distress to the family, especially the children, as they had experienced similar situations before.

(V) “He must bring it……” Why did the children cry out their father had to bring the rabbit?

Answer: The children insisted that their father had to bring the rabbit because they felt a strong sense of responsibility and compassion towards the helpless animal, believing it could not survive on its own.

(VI) “It won’t die father will it? Why will it? It won’t.” Bring out the sentiment expressed by the children in these lines.

Answer: In these lines, the children express a mixture of hope, denial, and pleading, showing their deep concern and emotional attachment to the rabbit’s well-being and their wish for it to survive.

(VII) What was the big problem the children faced at mid-day after school?

Answer: The major problem faced by the children at mid-day was their concern over the rabbit’s refusal to eat or drink, and its continuous state of motionlessness, which left them feeling helpless and worried.

(VIII) What changes did the children see in the rabbit at tea-time?

Answer: At tea-time, the children noticed a slight change in the rabbit, as it had moved a few inches out of its flannel wrap. This movement, although minimal, was significant enough to be noticed by the children, indicating some sign of life.

(IX) Why did the children tell their father to mind how he went in?

Answer: The children cautioned their father to be careful when entering because the rabbit, showing signs of life, was now more responsive and they wanted to ensure that it was not startled or harmed.

(D) Answer the following questions in about 80 words:

(I) Bring out the excitement in the house in the morning the father brought a little rabbit.

Answer: The morning the father brought home a little rabbit was filled with excitement. The children’s anticipation grew as they sensed their father had something unusual to share. The revelation of the small, motionless rabbit instantly sparked their curiosity and compassion, leading to a flurry of emotions and questions. Their father’s unusual find transformed an ordinary morning into one of intrigue and lively interest, highlighting the simple joys and surprises of childhood.

(II) What were the reasons for the children’s mother to object to the rabbit being brought?

Answer: The mother’s objections to the rabbit being brought home stemmed from practical and emotional concerns. She feared the rabbit’s potential death would cause emotional distress for the family, particularly the children, as they had previously experienced similar sadness with other pets. Additionally, she was concerned about the additional labor and responsibility that caring for a wild animal would entail, especially given its uncertain survival.

(III) ‘Trouble fell on us’. What was the trouble? How was it solved?

Answer: The trouble referred to was the rabbit’s refusal to eat or drink and its continuous immobility, which deeply worried the children. This issue was addressed by the children’s persistent care and adjustment of their approach. They wrapped the rabbit in flannel, placed it under the fireplace to mimic a hole, and scattered food around, gradually leading to the rabbit showing signs of life and movement, thereby alleviating their worries.

(IV) Write how everything about the rabbit finally end.

Answer: The story of the rabbit concluded on a positive note. Despite initial challenges, the rabbit gradually adapted to its new environment. It began showing signs of life, moving its ears and nose, and eventually becoming tame. The children’s dedicated care and the father’s initial act of kindness paid off, leading to the rabbit’s recovery and transformation from a motionless, silent creature to an alert and responsive pet.

(V) Comment on the attitude of the father and the children towards pets and animals.

Answer: The father and the children displayed a compassionate and nurturing attitude towards pets and animals. The father, despite his exhausting work, showed kindness by rescuing the rabbit, reflecting his empathy for helpless creatures. The children’s eagerness to care for the rabbit, their distress over its initial state, and their joy at its recovery highlight their deep affection and sense of responsibility towards animals, embodying a loving and protective approach.

Think and write

(I) Write a paragraph about what might have happened to the rabbit and to the boys in the following days and years.

Answer: In the days following, the rabbit likely became a cherished pet, thriving under the children’s care. The boys, having learned valuable lessons in responsibility and empathy, might have grown more attuned to the needs of animals. Over the years, this experience could have fostered a deeper respect for wildlife and possibly inspired a lifelong passion for animal welfare. The rabbit’s presence in their childhood might have left a lasting impact, shaping their attitudes towards kindness and compassion.

(II) Suppose the rabbit lived and looked lively and healthy. Do you think the attitude of the mother will be the same to it as it is described in the lesson? Write a few lines.

Answer: If the rabbit lived and appeared lively and healthy, the mother’s attitude might have softened. Initially objecting due to practical concerns, she might have grown more accepting and affectionate towards the rabbit as it became a healthy, integral part of the family. Her initial resistance likely stemmed from fear of emotional distress, which would be alleviated seeing the rabbit thrive, potentially leading to a more welcoming and nurturing attitude.


(A) Match the words on the left-hand side with their meanings on the right:

  • weary – tired
  • skulked – refused to eat
  • affection – a feeling of liking or loving
  • flannel – rough cloth
  • despair – hopelessness
  • scullery – room for washing utensils

(B) Fill in the gaps in the following paragraph with suitable words from the box given:

The children were thrilled to see the little rabbit. They expressed great joy but the mother did not welcome the creature. She did so because she thought the tiny creature would die and there would be a gloom of sadness in the family. The children took great care of the rabbit until the rabbit drank some milk. It meant it had accepted its new home.

Writing Practice

Dear Diary,

Today, on my way home, I had an unexpected encounter. I found a small bird lying by the roadside, its delicate form stirring something within me. It seemed injured, its tiny eyes looking up with a mix of fear and trust. I carefully picked it up, feeling its heartbeat against my palm. Its vulnerability reminded me of our duty to care for other living beings. I took it home, provided it with a warm, safe space, and fed it. Watching it slowly regain strength was heartwarming. This little birdie, so fragile yet resilient, has taught me a profound lesson in compassion and the interconnectedness of all life.


Extra MCQs

1. What did the father bring home one morning?

A. A baby cat B. A baby bird C. A baby rabbit D. A baby squirrel

Answer: C. A baby rabbit

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10. Who wrote this story?

A. Ruskin Bond B. R.K. Narayan C. D.H. Lawrence D. Premchand

Answer: C. D.H. Lawrence

Extra Questions and Answers

1. Why did the father bring home the baby rabbit?

Answer: The father found the baby rabbit alive next to its dead mother and siblings when walking home from work in the fields. He felt sorry for it and decided to bring it home with him.

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9. What larger theme about nature does the story explore?

Answer: The story examines humanity’s complex connection to untamed nature. The wild creature brings exhilarating beauty and wonder as well as inconsolable loss into the family’s civilized existence. Ultimately, patience and nurturing care enable peaceful coexistence.

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