AHSEC Class 11 English summary, questions, answers, extras

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Get class 11 English summary, questions, answers, textbook solutions, extras, and pdf if you are a student of AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council) first year. The solutions made available here should be seen as references and nothing more. We’ve provided a brief introduction to each chapter so you can get a sense of what you’ll be reading in that chapter. To access the solutions for each chapter, click on the links provided under each chapter.

ahsec class 11 english first year solutions, summary, notes


AHSEC Class 11 English Prose Chapter 1: The Portrait of a Lady

Introduction: The author’s grandmother was an old woman. His grandfather, whose portrait hung in the drawing room, had died sometime before. He, too, appeared to be so old in the portrait that he did not appear to be the type of person who would have a wife or children. Similarly, the author’s grandmother’s stories of the games she used to play as a child sounded so ludicrous to the children that they resembled fables about the prophets she told them about.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Prose Chapter 2: We’re Not Afraid To Die…if We Can All Be Together

Introduction: The chapter “We’re Not Afraid To Die…if We Can All Be Together” is a first-person narrative of a family’s sea voyage full of danger and adventure. A businessman and his wife and three children set sail from Plymouth, England in July 1976 on a three-year trip around the world. He intended to make a circumnavigational journey like the one taken by Captain James Cook two centuries before. On January 2, large waves crashed over the side of the ship. They had managed to hold out for fifteen hours, but getting to Australia proved to be extremely challenging. On the sixth of January, four days later, they anchored off the coast of a little island whose 28 residents came out to greet them.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Prose Chapter 4: Landscape of the Soul

Introduction: This chapter, titled “Landscape of the Soul,” is an exploration of the many ways in which artists have come to view painting as both a medium of creative expression and a window into the artist’s soul. The author compares and contrasts Western and Chinese art. She employs anecdotes to highlight the differences between Chinese spiritual landscapes and figurative paintings based on the “delicate realism” practised in Europe. But man plays a universal role in them, integral to their expression; thus, he completes the landscape of the soul.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Prose Chapter 5: The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role

Introduction: This essay by Nani Palkiwala is incredibly thought-provoking and should serve as a wake-up call to all who live on this planet and have willfully ruined it. Planet Earth is ailing as a result of man’s persistent abuse of it through exploiting its natural resources. The primary cause of environmental destruction is the fast population increase. Man has jeopardised his own survival on this planet. Lester Brown is correct when he says that we did not inherit this earth from our forefathers; we borrowed it from our children. As a result, we must return it to them in good form so that it can still be used to propagate the human species.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Prose Chapter 9: My Impressions of Assam

Introduction: This is an excerpt from a conversation that Dr Verrier Elwin had with AIR Guwahati. It was taken from the “Collected Works” of Satish Ch. Kakati and edited by Prof. Dilip Kr. Kakati. “My Impressions of Assam” is the title of this section. This article emphasises the importance of preserving the natural beauty of the majestic land of Assam as well as its diverse culture and traditions. It also highlights the natural beauty of the state.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 1: A Photograph

Introduction: The poem captures the poet’s memory of her mother, who is immortalised in a photograph. It depicts the poet’s mother as a vivacious young girl on a beach with her cousins. Time has taken its toll, leaving the poet with pain and emptiness. The poem has an overarching sadness to it as it contrasts the transience of human life with the permanence of nature and art.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 4: The Voice of the Rain

Introduction: In this poem, the rain is given a human voice by the poet, who engages in a conversation with it. It’s a musical allegory for how rain can breathe new life into otherwise boring situations. The poet tries to capture the beauty and the sorrow of rain for the sensitive reader.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 6: Childhood

Introduction: Childhood is a reflective poem about growing up. The purity and candour of childhood, which seem eternal at the time, are gradually worn away as a child matures into an adult. The poet raises important and universal questions that remain unanswered after childhood ends. In the end, he makes an unfounded assumption as to where he thinks his forgotten childhood went to spend the rest of his life.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 8: Father to Son

Introduction: A touching poem with broad appeal, “Father to Son” recounts a father’s experience with his son. The speaker of this poem expresses a range of emotions, from longing to anger and grief to a desire to mend broken relationships. It vividly depicts contemporary culture, which is afflicted with estrangement from the immediate family.

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AHSEC Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 3: Ranga’s Marriage

Introduction: The story takes place in the rural Karnataka village of Hosahalli. The plot revolves around Ranga, the main character. The narrator is highly proud of his village and accuses English geographers of omitting its name from books. Few people spoke English or had travelled outside of the village. The village accountant was the first to send his son Ranga to study in Bangalore. His return home after six months was a big deal in the village. 

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AHSEC Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 4: Albert Einstein at School

Introduction: Albert Einstein had no interest in memorising historical facts and dates. To him, concepts were more significant than dates. His history teacher, Mr. Braun, was so enraged that he told Albert that he should drop out so that he wouldn’t waste his father’s money. Like many of his peers, Albert wanted to run away, but he knew his father would not let him. The food, the school, and the living situation all left him feeling miserable. Remembering information was difficult for him. 

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