AHSEC Class 12 notes & syllabus: Questions, answers, extras

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OFN provides summary, questions, answers, textbook solutions, extras, and pdf for various subjects (English, Alternative English, Economics) for class 12 (HSSLC) students studying under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC). Please choose the subject for which you require the notes and proceed accordingly. The notes of each subject are as per the current syllabus.

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EnglishAlternative English

About AHSEC Class 12 (Second Year, HSSLC)

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) governs, supervises, and develops the Higher Secondary Education system. Furthermore, AHSEC administers the higher secondary/class 12 final board examinations for both private and public schools in Assam, as well as providing certificates. The exam is usually held in the months of February or March and is held in various languages such as English and Assamese. Every year, around 2.4 lakh students appear in the HSSLC examinations conducted by AHSEC in three streams i.e., Arts, Commerce, and Science. Majority of the students , however, chooses Arts which comprises around 80% of all the students.

The different subjects that the students of class 12 can opt for are English, Alternative English, Assamese, Bodo, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Khasi, Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Hamar, Bengali, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Geology, Computer, Science & Application, Geography, Home Science, Economics, Logic & Philosophy, Engineering Drawing, Multimedia & Web Technology, Enterpreneurship Development, Sanskrit, Statistics, Political Science, History, Logic and Philosophy or Psychology, Education, Sociology or Anthropology, Home Science, Swadesh Adhyayan, Accountancy etc.

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