ICSE Class 10: Get summary, explanation, answers, notes

ICSE Class 10
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OFN brings to you notes of different subjects for (ICSE/ISC Board) Class 10 for students. The provided study materials should only be used for references. Please select the subject you need the notes, summary, solutions, textbook answers, pdfs, and extras, and proceed accordingly.

English (Poems)English (Short Stories)
English (Drama/Julius Caesar)Language/Grammar

About ICSE Class 10

The ICSE Class 10 syllabus covers a diverse range of subjects including English, Mathematics, History and Civics, Geography, Home Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Commercial Studies, Environmental Applications, etc. Each broad subject area is further divided into specific topics to ensure comprehensive learning.

For example, the English syllabus encompasses literature and poetry from various acclaimed authors and poets. The Mathematics syllabus includes Commercial Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability.

The syllabus is structured to align with the timeline of classes and examinations slated between March/April to March/April. Along with core subjects, students can also opt for additional subjects as per their interests and career goals. The ICSE 10th board exam comprises three groups, with compulsory and optional subjects distributed across them.

The detailed ICSE syllabus is available as downloadable PDFs on the official website.

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