Indomitable Woman Pugilist of Manipur: BSEM Class 10 English (Course) notes

Indomitable Woman Pugilist of Manipur
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Get summary, textbook solutions, questions, answers, notes, pdf, and extras to the chapter “Indomitable Woman Pugilist of Manipur” which is a part of Class 10 English (Course Book) syllabus for students studying under BSEM. The notes should, however, only be seen as references only and changes should be made according to needs.

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Mary Kom, affectionately known as “Magnificent Mary”, is a celebrated Indian boxer from Manipur. The story takes us back to her childhood days when she grew up partly in the hills of Churachandpur district and partly in Imphal Valley. Even as a young girl, Mary loved to play rough outdoor games like running, jumping, and kicking balls with the boys, much to the displeasure of her mother Saneikham who felt girls should focus on household chores and studies.

One morning, Saneikham scolded young Mary for playing too roughly with the boys. She reminded Mary that as a girl, she was supposed to help with domestic work and studies before playing. However, the spirited Mary pleaded to be allowed to play freely as she found the typical girls’ games boring. Her mother watched her with a meaningful smile, perhaps recognizing her daughter’s independent spirit and passion for sports.

After completing matriculation, Mary took an interest in athletics like pole vault, javelin throw, discus throw and sprinting, but did not make much headway. In 2000, she chanced upon some boxing training happening at the Khuman Lampak Sports Stadium and decided to join. With her natural talent and rigorous training under expert SAI coaches, Mary quickly rose through the ranks.

In 2000 itself, she became the best woman boxer in Manipur and started winning gold medals at national championships across India. Her international achievements are equally extraordinary – winning silver at the first World Women’s Boxing Championship in Pennsylvania, but going on to win gold medals at the next three World Championships in Turkey, Russia and New Delhi. She was also crowned champion at the 2nd and 3rd Asian Women’s Boxing Championships.

Mary’s tremendous success is a testament to her talent, persistence, hard work, discipline, commitment and indomitable fighting spirit. The Government of India recognized her achievements by conferring the Arjuna Award in 2003, Padma Shri in 2005 and the highest sporting honour of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna in 2008. She has also been featured in prestigious publications and honoured by corporates.

After taking a two-year break to start a family, the 31-year-old Mary made a stunning comeback in 2008 by winning her fourth successive World Championship gold medal, cementing her status as the most successful woman boxer ever. Adding to her incredible feats, she won the Asian Games gold in 2014 in the 51 kg category.

Mary Kom’s life story is an inspiration for all, especially young girls in India. It shows how an underprivileged girl from a small town defied gender stereotypes through her determination to make it big in a male-dominated sport like boxing. Her grit, hard work and never-say-die attitude make her a true sports icon and role model.

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Textbook solutions

Based on your reading complete the following

(i) When called by his mother Mary gave _______________________

Answer: no reply. 

(ii) Mary’s mother asked her if she _____________________________ 

Answer: remembered that she was a girl and what a girl is supposed to do first in the morning. 

(iii) Mary loved to play with the boys because _________________________

Answer: it allowed her to run, jump, kick, and blow, making her happy and satisfied. 

(iv) After seeing some boys and girls being trained in boxing at Khuman Lampak Mary ______________________________________

Answer: joined the training and did not look back.

(v) At the national level Mary Kom got Gold Medal ________________________

Answer: in almost all the national boxing championships for women.

(vi) Her achievements at the international ____________________________________  

Answer: level include winning gold medals in the World Boxing Championships and being adjudged the best boxer of the event in the First World Women’s Boxing tournament. 

(vii) Govt. of India honoured Mary Kom with________________________ 

Answer: the Arjuna Award in 2003 and the Padma Shri Award in 2005. 

Answer in a word, pharse or sentence each

1. ‘Coming to the gate she looked around and saw……….’What did Mary’s mother see? 

Answer: Mary’s mother saw the sprightly girl running and kicking a ball with some boys in a small field nearby. 

2. How did Mary feel playing girls’ game? 

Answer: Mary felt bored playing girls’ games. 

3. How did Mary feel playing with the boys? 

Answer: Playing with the boys made Mary happy and satisfied. 

4. When did Mary win in the 7th Men and Women Boxing Championship held in West Bengal? 

Answer: Mary won in the 7th Men and Women Boxing Championship held in West Bengal in December 2000. 

5. What did Mary win at the Pennsylvania First Women’s Boxing Championship? 

Answer: Mary won the silver medal at the Pennsylvania First Women’s Boxing Championship. 

6. What laurel did Mary Kom earn in 2007? 

Answer: In 2007, Mary Kom was included in the People of the year in the Limca Book of Records. 

7. How has Reliance Industries Limited and the T.V. Channel CNN/IBN honoured Mary Kom? 

Answer: Reliance Industries Limited and the T.V. Channel CNN/IBN honoured Mary Kom by awarding her as one of the ‘Real Heroes’. 

8. Why did Mary Kom take a two-year sabbatical? 

Answer: Mary Kom took a two-year sabbatical to raise her family. 

Answer each of the following question briefly

(i) ‘Seeing that she smiled but raising her voice slightly she called…’. Why did Mary Kom’s mother smile on seeing her daughter give a mighty kick to a ball? 

Answer: Mary Kom’s mother smiled because she saw her daughter energetically playing and engaging in sports. She was playing with boys and engaging in activities typically associated with them, which likely filled her with pride and amusement at her daughter’s athleticism and spirited nature. 

(ii) ‘Do you also remember what a girl is supposed to do first in the morning?’ What according to Mary Kom’s mother should a girl do in the morning? 

Answer: According to Mary Kom’s mother, a girl should first help with domestic chores and then study in the morning. 

(iii) Why did Mary Kom remain silent when her mother told her to remember what a girl should do in the morning? 

Answer: Mary Kom remained silent possibly because she was aware of the traditional expectations from her as a girl but felt conflicted due to her own interests and desires to play and engage in sports. 

(iv) ‘Mother please allow me to play freely.’Why did Mary Kom plead so with her mother. 

Answer: Mary Kom pleaded with her mother to play freely because she wanted the liberty to play the sports she loved, which made her happy and satisfied, without being restricted by gender norms. 

(v) How did Mary Kom as a child want to play?. 

Answer: As a child, Mary Kom wanted to play energetically with the boys, engaging in activities like running, jumping, kicking, and blowing, which she found more satisfying than playing traditional girls’ games. 

(vi) Why did Mary’s mother remain silent with a meaningful smile when the girl told her how she wanted to play? 

Answer: Mary’s mother remained silent with a meaningful smile possibly because she understood and appreciated her daughter’s passion and determination to play sports, despite societal expectations, and was proud of her independent spirit. 

(vii) ‘This is the way M.C. Mary Kom grew up into full girlhood…’ How did Mary Kom grow up? 

Answer: Mary Kom grew up into full girlhood by balancing traditional expectations with her passion for sports, growing up partly in the hills of Churachandpur district and partly in the Imphal Valley of Manipur, engaging in athletic activities and eventually finding her calling in boxing. 

(viii) What were the items of athletics in which Mary Kom took interest after passing matriculations? 

Answer: After passing matriculation, Mary Kom took interest in athletics items like pole vault, javelin throw, discus throw, and sprint. 

(ix) ‘Then sometime in the year 2000 she happened to see…’What did Mary Kom see and what happened to her? 

Answer: In the year 2000, Mary Kom saw some boys and girls being trained in boxing at Khuman Lampak Sport Stadium, which led her to join the training and eventually become a highly successful boxer. 

(x) What were the personal qualities that enabled Mary Kom to achieve glorious record of success? 

Answer: The personal qualities that enabled Mary Kom to achieve a glorious record of success include talent, persistence, hard work, discipline, a deep sense of commitment to her cause, and a strong fighting spirit. 

List them in correct order

The following are the chronology of important events in the emergence of Mary Kom as an international sportsperson. But the events are mixed up. List them in their correct order.

(i) Mother says a girl should do household chores first.
(ii) Mary gives a mighty kick to the ball.
(iii) Mary’s mother calls out to Mary.
(iv) Mary says she is bored in playing with the girls.
(v) Mary pleads with her mother to allow her to play with boys.
(vi) Mary takes part in some atheletic items.
(vii) Mary joins boxing training.
(viii) She passes matriculation.
(ix) At Norway Mary is adjudged the Best Boxer.
(x) Mary gets a silver medal at Pennsylvania.
(xi) She is given the title of Real Heroes by the Reliance Industries Ltd. and CNN-IBN.
(xii) She is awarded Padmashri.

Answer: (iii) Mary’s mother calls out to Mary.
(ii) Mary gives a mighty kick to the ball.
(i) Mother says a girl should do household chores first.
(iv) Mary says she is bored in playing with the girls.
(v) Mary pleads with her mother to allow her to play with boys.
(viii) She passes matriculation.
(vi) Mary takes part in some athletic items.
(vii) Mary joins boxing training.
(x) Mary gets a silver medal at Pennsylvania.
(ix) At Norway, Mary is adjudged the Best Boxer.
(xi) She is given the title of Real Heroes by the Reliance Industries Ltd. and CNN-IBN.
(xii) She is awarded Padmashri.

Report writing

Manipuri sportspersons who represented the country at the Asian Games at Incheon are arriving at the Tulihal Airport after their magnificent achievements. A grand reception for these sportspersons is being arranged at the airport. As a reporter you will be covering the event. The followings are the notes you have made in your notebook. Now, develop the notes to a full news report for publication in your newspaper.


Grand Welcome for Manipuri Athletes Returning from Incheon Asian Games

Imphal, December 14, 2014: In a heartwarming display of pride and celebration, approximately 3,000 people gathered at Tulihal Airport early this morning to welcome home Manipuri athletes who represented the country at the Asian Games in Incheon. The athletes’ remarkable achievements have brought immense pride to the state, marking a day of celebration and joy for their return.

The atmosphere was electric as the crowd, waving flags and banners, awaited the arrival of the heroes. The excitement peaked at 9.20 a.m. when the Sports Minister made an entrance, further heightening the anticipation for the athletes’ arrival.

At precisely 9.30 a.m., the plane carrying the sports icons touched down, signalling the start of a series of heartfelt celebrations. It was a sight to behold as, ten minutes later, the athletes emerged from the terminal, greeted by the cheers of the gathered crowd. They were immediately welcomed with garlands by ministers and dignitaries, a gesture symbolising the honour and respect the state holds for their achievements.

The formal reception began at 10 a.m., with the Sports Minister addressing the crowd for five minutes, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the athletes’ hard work and dedication. This was followed by a brief speech from the Sports Director, who spoke for three minutes, highlighting the significance of the athletes’ success for sports development in the region.

Among the celebrated athletes was Mary Kom, whose performance at the games has been a source of inspiration for many. Her presence, along with other sports personalities, underscored the strength and potential of Manipuri athletes on the international stage.

Today’s grand reception not only celebrated the return of these sporting heroes but also served as a testament to the community’s support and pride in their achievements. The state looks forward to nurturing more talents who can follow in the footsteps of these remarkable athletes, elevating the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement in Manipur

Read and answer the questions

To-day what is uppermost in everyone’s mind is how to stop the breaking out of a third world war and save the world from the possible catastrophe of a nuclear war. The break out of a third world war in which atomic and hydrohen bombs will be used will leave the world totally devastated, a barren world with an atmosphere poisoned with nuclear radiation unfit for any living creature to dwell and live. ……….. the guidance of that magnificient organisation called UNO, every possible means is being taken up to prevent the world from plunging into a self-destructive feud involving all nations. One of the most important human activities which brings mutual understanding and love among humanity is sports. It is in this context that the Olympic Games, World-cup Football or cricket, the Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments, etc. become effective means of bringing in world understanding. Sports bring people together and when they meet and share their thoughts, friendship and affection grow. Sports in this context is vital to the continnuation of world civilisation and human existence.

(i) Why is it important to save the world from a third world war? 

Answer: It is important to save the world from a third world war to prevent the total devastation of the world, leaving it barren and with an atmosphere poisoned by nuclear radiation, unfit for any living creature to dwell and live. 

(ii) What is the relevance of the UNO in relation to preventing World War III? 

Answer: The UNO is relevant in relation to preventing World War III as it takes up every possible means under its guidance to prevent the world from plunging into a self-destructive feud involving all nations. 

(iii) How are sports activities important in the present world scenario? 

Answer: Sports activities are important in the present world scenario as they bring mutual understanding and love among humanity, acting as effective means of bringing world understanding. 

(iv) How do sports bring people together? 

Answer: Sports bring people together by providing opportunities for them to meet, share their thoughts, and develop friendship and affection. 

(v) Do you think sports activities should be promoted? Why? 

Answer: Yes, sports activities should be promoted because they are vital to the continuation of world civilization and human existence by fostering mutual understanding, friendship, and affection among people from different nations. 

(vi) Find words from the text words that mean. 

(a) disaster 

Answer: Catastrophe 

(b) where nothing grows 

Answer: Barren 

(c) great and beautiful Answer: Magnificent

Observe the following sentences

Saneikham said, “Mary, do you remember that you are a girl?

“Yes, mother, I remember.”

“Do you also remember what a girl is supposed to do first in the morning?”

Mary remained silent but the mother continued.

“A girl is supposed to help her mother in doing some of the domestic chores and after that she has to study for some time, shouldn’t she?”

“Yes mother, I can do all that very easily. But, mother, I want to play also. Mother, please allow me to play freely.

“Yes, you can play, but with girls only, and not with boys. You remember that.”

“But, I am bored with the games I play with the girls. With the boys I can run, jump, kick and blow. That makes me happy and satisfied.”

The above sentences are in direct narration. Now change the sentences into indirect narration

Answer: Saneikham asked Mary if she remembered that she was a girl. Mary affirmed, acknowledging her memory. Saneikham then questioned whether Mary also recalled what a girl was supposed to do first in the morning. Without Mary’s response, Saneikham continued, stating that a girl was expected to assist her mother with some of the domestic chores before dedicating time to her studies. Mary agreed, asserting her capability to fulfil these tasks effortlessly. However, she expressed a desire to play as well and asked her mother for permission to do so freely. Saneikham consented, with the condition that Mary could play only with girls, not boys, emphasising the importance of remembering this. Mary objected, revealing her boredom with the games played with girls and her preference for the activities she enjoyed with boys, which included running, jumping, kicking, and blowing, as these activities brought her happiness and satisfaction.

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