NBSE 2018 Class 11 Alternative English question paper

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Here’s Nagaland Board (NBSE) 2018 Class 11 Alternative English question paper to prepare better for your upcoming examination.

Class 11, 2018, Alternative English

Full marks: 90 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes is allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 24 questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
iv) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.

N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper are complete as indicated on the top left side.

SECTION -A (Prose)

1. “Even the best technicians should be good citizens”. What does Russell mean by ‘citizens’ in this line? 1

2. What kind of association is termed as factious according to Francis Bacon? 2

3. Why was Franz taken by surprise when he arrived at school that day? 2

4 What was Nehru’s purpose behind writing the letters to Indira? 3

5. How can an insincere follower harm a person’s esteem? 3

6. According to Bertrand Russell, how should the teaching of wisdom be approached? 4

7. a. Explain the theme of linguistic chauvinism as brought out in ‘The Last Lesson’.
b. They would not take us to Bareily station lest people might see us, for we have become purdahnashins, and may not be seen! Fifty miles out they drove us by car to a little station in the wilderness. I feel thankful for this drive.

(a) Why would they not take the prisoners to Bareily station? 1
(b) Why have they become purdahnashins? 2
(c) Why was Nehru thankful for the drive? 2

SECTION- B (Poetry)

8. Why did Donne consistently spell Death with an upper case ‘D’? 2

9. Explain the theme of the poem ‘Indian Weavers’. 4

10. Explain the lines with reference to the context:
She had __
A heart __ how shall I say? Too soon made glad,
Too easily impressed; she like whatever
She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. 4

11. a. Write a note on the seven ages of man as proposed by Jaques in ‘All the World’s a stage’.
b. Discuss how Donne belittles the fierce figure of Death.

SECTION- C (Drama)

12. What did Philip learn from the Somme incident? 2

13. Sketch the character of Aunt Emily. 3

14. a. What does the play reveal about contemporary society?
b. How does Philip prove himself as a mature and responsible man in the play? 5

SECTION -D (Fiction)

15. Who teaches the children at old Mr Wopsle’s great aunt’s evening school? 1

16. Why are Miss Havisham’s relatives referred to as ‘toadies and humbugs’? 2

17. What is the nature of relationship between the two convicts? 3

18. a. Describe Miss Havisham and her house.
b. Explain any two important events that changed Pip’s life. 5

19. a. Explain with suitable examples on the theme ‘Greed for Money’ in the novel Great Expectations.
b. Comment on the plot construction of the novel , ‘Great Expectations’. 5

SECTION -E (Grammar)

20. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 3×1=3

(a) Peter is playing tennis____________Sunday.
(b) I hung my coat _________the floor.
(c) They walked slowly ___________the woods.

21. Join each pair of the following sentences with suitable conjunctions: 3×1=3

(a) John smokes. His brother does not smoke.
(b) I like him. He is very sincere.
(c) The piper played. The children danced.

22. Choose a word given within the brackets to complete these sentences: 4×1=4

(a) The politician wanted to ____ (affect/effect) a change in the system. (b) You can stay for as _(much/many) days as you want.
(c) I haven’t seen her_____ (since/for) ages.
(d) I take ____ (of/off) my shoes before going to sleep.

SECTION -F (Writing)

23. Write an essay on:

The Importance of random acts of kindness.
Overcoming bad habits. 10

Section-G (Reading)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Some people say that the best defence is a good offence; an octopus, however, would disagree. In addition to being one of the strangest and most beautiful creatures in nature, the octopus has some of the most inventive and effective defence mechanisms imaginable. While other animals have their teeth, horns or claws to help defend them from predators, the octopus concentrates its energy on hiding and confusing its attackers. When it wants to get away, the octopus has an impressive arsenal of tricks at its disposal.

The most well-known of the Octopus’ defence mechanism is its ability to squirt clouds of ink into the water. Some octopuses use this cloud of ink as camouflage; after squirting the ink, the Octopus retreats into the ink cloud where the predator cannot see it. In addition to confusing predators’ sense of sight, these ink clouds confuse their sense of smell. The ink is composed primarily of melanin, which can shut down a predator’s sense of smell.

Another defence mechanism possessed by many octopi is the ability to change colour. Some poisonous octopi, when provoked, will change their skin to a bright, eye-catching colour to warn predators that they are dangerous and ready to strike. Other octopi use this ability to change their skin and texture of seaweed or coral, allowing them to blend in with their environment. Finally, some octopi-such as the mimic octopus use this colour-changing ability to masquerade as other types of animal.

Yet, another defence mechanism possessed by some octopi is the ability to perform an autotomy, or self–amputation, of one of their limbs and regrow it later. When a predator catches a tentacle, the octopus can amputate this tentacle, thereby unfettering itself. While Octopus may not be the most vicious creature in the ocean, its numerous and clever defence mechanisms help it to survive in the dangerous undersea world.

i) How does a mimic octopus defend itself? 1
ii) In what way is the defence mechanism of an octopus different from other animals? 2
iii) What is an octopus’s ink composed of, and what can it do to the predators? 2
iv) How does an octopus perform autotomy? 2

b ) Find the synonyms from the passage: 3×1=3

i) collection ii) impersonate iii) freeing


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