Prepositions: NBSE Class 10 Alternative (Alt) English grammar solutions

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The following post contains solutions/answers to NBSE Class 10 Alternative English exercises of the grammar chapter/topic “Prepositions”. Attempts have been made to provide the correct solutions to all the exercises, however, if you notice any error, let us know. We’ll review and make corrections.


Definition: Prepositions are typically used immediately following the noun or pronoun to which they refer. Prepositions of place or position indicate where people or things are located. In, at, on, under, behind, between, among, in front of, in, beside, in front of, behind, next to, and opposite are some commonly used prepositions of place or position.


  • We use “at” to indicate a person’s or thing’s precise location. For example, John is currently at school.
  • We use the word “in” to indicate that a person or thing is housed within something. For example, his pencil is in his bag.
  • We use “on” to indicate that a person or thing is touching the surface of something. For instance, the baby is sitting on the bed.
  • We use the word “under” to indicate that something or someone is directly beneath the surface of something. For example, she placed the books under the window.
  • We use “behind” to indicate that something or someone is at or near the back of something or someone and is often hidden by it or them. For example, the girl is standing behind the pillar.
  • We use “between” to indicate that something or someone is in the middle of two other things or people. For example, Ram is standing between Abdul and Luke.
  • We use “among” to indicate that someone or something is in the middle of three or more things or people. For example, the teacher stood among the students.
  • We use “in front of” to indicate that something or someone is further away than someone or something else, but not by much. For example, he stood in front of us in the line.
  • When referring to a specific time on the clock, we use “at.” It is primarily used for festivals and weekends. For example, I will meet you at 6 p.m. / I will see you at Diwali.
  • We use “in” to refer to a time period within a day. For example, she will return in the evening. It is also used to refer to something that occurs at some point during a month, year, season, or century. For example, he returned in August.
  • For a specific day or date, we use the preposition “on.” For example, her birthday is on June 10th.
  • Prepositions of movement express movement and direction from one location to another. Here are some movement prepositions: out of, down, through, round, from, along, past, off, over, and up. For example, the little girl fell off the swing. The thief jumped over the wall. / The cat climbed over the wall in a single bound. He dashed from class to the playground.

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A. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentences.

1. We had to walk _____________past / after the headmaster when we arrived at school.

2. The head boy was standing ____________infront of / before the class.

3. _______________Beside / Past the head boy stood my friend.

4. He was holding a pile of books __________ in / on his hand.

5. I hung my bag __________ on / above the hook with my name on it.

6. Then I went and sat __________ beside / at my desk.


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B. Complete the sentences with the right preposition from the box.

atinsidein the middle ofpastunderneathin front of

1. There was a big rock right __________the park.

2. We returned to find a red car parked ___________our gate.

3. She peeped ______________the garage to see if someone was there.

4. I met my friend Sosinle  ____________the cinema yesterday.

5. The library is a mile ____________the first sienal.

6. Rongsenpokla wore a woollen sweater __________her Jacket.


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C. Choose the best preposition from the box to complete the text.

intoonin the middleunderatbesideinfromthroughinto

When we arrived,1 _______________the hotel we couldn’t see any lights on2__________ the windows. 3_______________ of the front door there was a notice which read, ‘Please ring the bell.’

A big brass bell hung4____________ the door. A rope hung5 ________ it. Someone was looking at me6 _______________ the glass in the front door so I just waved7 __________ them. It was a small child, who opened the door and ushered us8 ___________ the hall. The hall was big and cool and there was a large table9 __________________the window.10___________ the table was a large ledger and I wrote our names11 _______ it.


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D. Rearrange the given words and phrases by adding the Correct preposition(s) to make complete sentences.

1. Kolkata / this weekend / is coming / my sister

2. the book / tropical birds / I hope / you liked

3. net / us / protecting / to use / mosquitoes / we have

4. a lot / observing / you can I them / about people / learn

5. Christmas party / her friends / the / she went

6. to surprise / the door / he hid / his sister

7. went to / Frida / the theatre / yesterday / I

8. He / hello / without saying / walked / me


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E. Complete the following passage with appropriate prepositions.

Polar bears are an indigenous bear type found1____________ the Arctic Circ1e.2__________ thousands of years, they have been an important figure in the material, spiritual, and cultural life of the Arctic people. Polar bears are born3____________ land, but spend most of the time4 __________sea. They hunt their preferred food of seals5_________ the edge of sea ice.


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F. Complete the following passage with the words from the box. Some prepositions are used more than once.


The polar bear is the most carnivorous member of the bear family. Its diet range1____________ ringed and bearded seals to several types of fish. Bears mostly hunt2__________ the meeting points of water and ice. The bear uses its excellent sense of smell to locate breathing holes3________________ which the seals surface. It lies in wait4__________ hours. When it smells the seal’s breath, the bear reaches5__________ the hole and drags the seal6____________ the ice.


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G. Add the right time prepositions to this text. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

The Edinburgh Festival is the biggest arts festival in the world, and it takes place1____________ the month of August. It usually starts2_________ the end of the first week and runs3_________three weeks4____________ the beginning of September. This year it began5_________ Friday the sixth. There are two parts to the festival-the Edinburgh International Festival which has been running6__________ 1947, and the Festival Fringe, which has been running each year,7_________ the festival began. As it is very expensive for groups to stay in Edinburgh8________________ the festival, some companies only come,9_________ a week or two. For visitors it’s amazing, as you can see shows10_________ nine in the morning11____________ way after midnight, if you want.12______________ the end of the festival, every one is completely exhausted!


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H. Fill in the blanks with for, during, opposite, in front of, by or until

1. There is a supermarket ________my house.

2. I will come and see you _________a few minutes _________the recess.

3. Somebody had parked the car __________my front gate and I could not take my car out.

4. Can I stay __________the weekend?

5. You will have to leave ____________Monday midday at the latest.


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I. Underline the prepositions in the passage.

Show jumping is an Olympic sport in which both men and women can compete. As soon as the contestants ride into the ring, you can’t help but be impressed by the clothes they are dressed in. On their head they wear a neat black riding hat to protect them if they fall off the horse while jumping over the jumps placed around the ring. Round their neck they wear a cravat tucked into the front of their crisp white shirts. Over this shirt, they wear a close-fitting, plain, dark-coloured or tweed jacket, and of course they wear jodhpurs, those distinctive white or cream trousers, tight in the waist and legs but stretchy to enable them to move freely while getting on and off the horse and while riding. They also wear knee-high shiny black boots. They really do look splendid as they strut past the spectators on their gorgeous gleaming horses!


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J. ln the given story, the highlighted prepositions and phrases are placed incorrectly. Correct them.

We were unaware of the disaster on we got down among the bus. The entire stretch of road till the marketplace was covered into mud from the digging. Apparently, it was done in an effort to improve the roads, but Katha and I were in front the hundreds of people struggling to go home. “Get until the footpath’ she said, “unless you want to bump with something and fall’’. We pushed from the crowd and somehow managed to walk along. “Can’t you walk faster?” the woman against us muttered angrily. I tried to ignore, but Katha who was walking through me, said rather loudly, “Well, unless we transform next to a mouse and scuttle to the road, I don’t think it is possible. “The woman was obviously annoyed, and tried to walk along us hastily. And that was when she tripped and fell over right past us. “Well, look who decided to turn into a mouse after all Katha whispered behind my ears. However, we helped the poor woman and called a rickshaw in take her home safely.


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K. Complete the questions with the right prepositions.

1. What are you looking _________? There is nothing written on the paper.

2. What are you looking ____________? Your glasses are on the table.

3. Where do you come ____________? I thought you were a Bengali.

4. Where should I send the letter _____________? I do not know the address.

5. Who are you doing your project _____________? Luto and I are going to work together.

6. What are you talking ___________? I don’t understand.


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L. Correct the mistakes in the prepositions in the following text. There are ten mistakes. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

At the middle of the square there is a clock tower. In the top of the tower there is a clock face, and over that a statue of the mayor of the town. The butcher’s shop is at the front of the clock tower, after the greengrocer’s. I was standing waiting for a bus to the bus stop, when I saw my cousin, who was just going in the greengrocer’s. I called out at her and she turned and smiled over me. I ran over the road and told her the news!


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M. Complete the directions to the police station with the right prepositions.

1. Walk ____________ Rodger Street till you come to a roundabout.

2. Turn right ______________Park Lane.

3. Go _______________the traffic lights and take the second left.

4. Walk ____________into the park and reach the mainround.

5. Cross the road and make your way _____________the police station.


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N. Add the prepositions missing in the following sentences.

1. I need a pencil taking notes.

2. The plane flew our heads.

3. The teacher saw her lie.

4. Come quickly! The movie starts five minutes.

5. You must read a lot improve your vocabulary.

6. I was the store when I saw your sister her friend.

7. We will go meet Grandma the weekend.

8. The policeman sat the thief during interrogation.


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