NBSE Class 9 Science 2017 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given Class 9 Science 2017 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes are allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 26 questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) The allocated to each question is indicated against it.

N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper are complete, as indicated on the top left side.

(a) The colloidal solutions having fluid-like appearance are called (1)

(i) aerosols
(ii) emulsions
(iii) sols
(iv) gels

(b) Which of the following is not a chemical change? (1)

(i) Souring of milk
(ii) Digestion of food in human body
(iii) Melting of ice
(iv) Fermentation of grapes

(c) The density of water at 40C is (1)

(i) 1g/cm2
(ii) 1g/cm3
(iii) 1g/mm2
(iv) 1g/mm3

(d) The normal temperature of a healthy human body is (1)

(i) 36°C
(ii) 37°C
(iii) 38°C
(iv) 39°C

(e) The motion of a particle from one extreme to the other extreme is called (1)

(i) displacement
(ii) amplitude
(iii) oscillation
(iv) vibration

(f) Which of the following tissues translocates food materials from leaves to other parts of the plants? (1)

(i) Xylem
(ii) Phloem
(iii) Collenchyma
(iv) Sclerenchyma

(g) Which of the following plant groups bears naked seeds? (1)

(i) Bryophyta
(ii) Pteridophyta
(iii) Gymnospermae
(iv) Angiospermae

(h) The percentage of oxygen present in air is (1)

(i) 1%
(ii) 21%
(iii) 78%
(iv) 95%

(i) The practice of beekeeping is called (1)

(i) sericulture
(ii) pisciculture
(iii) aquaculture
(iv) apiculture

(j) Which of the following represents a correct food chain? (1)

(i) Insect →Snake → Grasshopper
(ii) Frog → Snake → Insect
(iii) Plants →Grasshopper → Hawk 
(iv) Seed eating bird → Hawk → Plants

Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence:

2.Write the S.I units of acceleration and retardation. (1)

3.What is the latent heat of fusion? (1)

4. Why are lysosomes called ‘suicidal bags’? (1)

5. Define health according to WHO. (1)

6. What percentage of energy is passed down from one trophic level to another in an ecosystem? (1)

Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words:

7. What is an aqueous solution? Give one example. (1+1=2)

8.Write any two applications of radioactive isotopes. (2×1=2)

9. The atomic number of an element is 11. Write the electronic configuration and state its valency. (1+1=2)

10. Write any two general properties of ionic compounds. (2×1=2)

11. Calculate the power of a pump which takes 10 seconds to lift 100 kg of water to a tank kept at a height of 20m. (2)

Answer the following questions in about 40-60 words:

12. What is a mixture? Name two types of mixtures and give one example of each. (1+2=3)

13. Write three advantages of the modern periodic table. (3×1=3)

14. What is a balanced chemical equation? Balance the given chemical equations (1+2×1=3)

(i) CO2 – HO → CH12O6 – O2
(ii) CH2 – O2 →CO2 – H2

15. a. A train covers a distance of 3km in 5 minutes. Calculate the speed in

(1) metre per second (m/s)
(ii) kilometer per hour (km/h)

Or (3)

b. A train moves with a velocity of 120km/h. Find

(i) the distance it will cover in 30 seconds
(ii) the acceleration in 30 seconds

16. Write any three points of differences between mass and weight. (3)

17. Draw the structure of a neuron and label the different parts as mentioned

(i) Medullary sheat
(ii) Axon
(iii) Nucleus
(iv) Dendrites. (1+4x 1/2=3)

18. What is malnutrition? Write any two effects of malnutrition (1+2=3)

19. a. Write any three characteristics of Bryophytes.
Or (3×1=3)
b. Write any three characteristics of Aves.

20. a. Explain conservation and judicious use of natural resources.
Or (3)
b. Explain any three ways for the replenishment of forests.

21. a. Give a diagrammatic representation of the Nitrogen cycle in nature.
Or (3)
b. Give a diagrammatic representation of the Carbon cycle in nature.

Answer the following questions in about 70-100 words:

22. a. Explain the preparation of methane in the laboratory with the help of a labelled diagram.
Or (3+2=5)
b. Explain the laboratory preparation of acetylene with the help of a labelled diagram.

23. a. Explain the types of friction. Write any three advantages of friction. (2+3=5)
b. State Archimedes’ Principle. Write any four applications of Archimedes’ Principle. (14=5)

24. What is ultrasound? Mention any four applications of ultrasound. (1+4=5)

25. a. What is rabies? Write any two symptoms and two preventive measures of rabies. (1+2+2=5)
b. Write two symptoms and three preventive measures of malaria. (2+3=5)

26. What is meant by organic farming? Write any two advantages and any two disadvantages of organic farming. (1+2+2=5)


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