NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2017 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2017 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes are allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
Iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) The allocated to each question are indicated against it.

N.B.: Check that all pages of the question paper are complete, as indicated on the top left side.

1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) What is the most important component of human resource development? (1)

(i) Education
(ii) Health
(iii) Poverty
(iv) Employment

(b) As per the census 2011, sex ratio in India is (1)

(i) 930
(ii) 940
(iii) 950
(iv) 960

(c) Which State has the largest number of members in the Vidhan Sabha? (1)

(i) Goa
(ii) Bihar
(iii) Uttar Pradesh
(iv) Maharashtra

(d) The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on (1)

(i) 9th December 1946|
(ii) 10th December 1947
(iii) 15th August 1946
(iv) 15th August 1947

(e) The Dandi March is associated with (1)

(i) Khilafat Movement
(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement
(iii) Non-Cooperation Movement
(iv) Quit India Movement

(f) Early maps were based on (1)

(i) astronomical determination
(ii) scale
(iii) surveying of the land
(iv) latitudes and longitudes

(g) Serfdom in Russia had been abolished in the year (1)

(i) 1860
(ii) 1862
(iii) 1861
(iv) 1863

(h) In which of the following State is the Sunderbans bioreserve located? (1)

(i) Assam
(ii) Meghalaya
(iii) West Bengal
(iv) Tamil Nadu

(i) Which of the following country is a typical example of a constitutional monarchy?  (1)

(i) USA
(ii) Britain
(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) India 

(j) Who was popularly referred to as the father of the democratic tradition in Nagaland? (1)

(i) Dr. Imkongliba Ao
(ii) Mr. T.N. Angami
(iii) Mr. P. Shilu Ao|
(iv) Dr. Hokishe Sema

Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence not exceeding 15 words:

2. What is population? (1)

3. Define unemployment. (1)

4. What are endangered species? (1)

5. When was the Indian Constitution enforced? (1)

6. What is the land area of India? (1)

7. Define climate. (1)

8. Which is the largest river basin in India? (1)

9. Which law turned the clergy into paid servants of the church? (1)

10. What was the importance of the Swastika? (1)

11. When was the Naga Club formed? (1)

Answer the questions in about 20-30 words:

12. Mention any two programmes that the NPP plans to implement. (2)

13.Differentiate between Ballot papers and EVM. (2)

14. Mention two factors which contributed to the growth of nationalism in India. (2)

15. Write any two aims of the New Economic Policy. (2)

16. Write any two arguments against democracy. (2)

17. Write the famous epitaph inscribed on stone panels at the bottom of the Kohima War Cemetery. (2)

Answer the questions in about 50-70 words:

18. Mention any four methods to conserve wildlife. (4)

19.a. Explain how an ordinary bill becomes a law.
Or (4)
b. Mention any four powers of the Indian Prime Minister.

20. a. Explain any two distinct parallel ranges of the Great Himalayan range.
Or (4)
b. Mention any four characteristic features of the hot weather season in India.

21.a. Explain any four features of a socialist economy.
Or (4)
b. Explain any four characteristics of underdeveloped economies.

22. a. Describe the crisis in Germany after the First World War.
Or (4)
b. Explain any two beliefs of the Nazis under Hitler.

23. On the given political map of India, four features A, B, C, D have been indicated. Identify these features with the help of information mentioned below and write their correct names against their letters.

i) Narmada basin
ii) Temperate forest with grassland
iii) Kaziranga National Park
iv) Wayanand Wildlife Sanctuary

24. Answer any three questions in about 80-100 words. (3×6=18)

(a) Explain any three causes of poverty in India (6)
(b) What is a constitution? Why do we need a Constitution? (1+5=6)
(c) Mention the six main features of the Arabian Sea branch. (6)
(d) Explain the social cause of the French Revolution. (6)
(e) Explain any three Fundamental Rights granted by the Indian constitution (6)

25.a. Give an account of the coming of Christianity in Nagaland.
Or (6)
b. Give an account of the ‘Battle of Kohima’.


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