NBSE Class 10 Social Science 2021 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given NBSE Class 10 Social Science 2021 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes is allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 25 main questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it.
v) Alternate question for the visually impaired students is provided in question 23.

Only the visually impaired students have to attempt such alternate questions. N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper are complete as indicated on the top left side

1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives :

(a) Which was the first Satyagraha launched by Gandhiji in India? (1)

(i) Champaran Satyagraha
(ii) Kheda Satyagraha
(iii) Ahmedabad Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha
(iv) None of these

(b) The leader of the peasants in the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh was (1)

(i) Baba Ramchandra
(ii) Venkata Raju
(iii) Alluri Staram Raju
(iv) Motilal Nehru

(c) The most important occupation of the people of India is (1)

(i) food gathering
(ii) agriculture
(ii) manufacturing
(iv) services

(d) A map showing the distribution of industries is a (1)

(i) physical map
(ii) political map
(iii) road map 
(iv) thematic map

(e) Indian party system falls under  (1)

(i) multi-party
(ii) bi-party
(iii) single party
(iv) penta-party

(f) Who chooses the candidates for contesting elections in India?  (1)

(i) Members and supporters of the party
(ii) Top party leaders
(iii) The existing government
(iv) The opposition

(g)Legal literacy means (1)

(i) legal help
(ii) challenging legal institutions
(iii) work based on law
(iv) legal education

(h) Per capita income is (1)

(i) income per month
(ii) income per family
(iii) income per person
(iv) income per earning person

(i) The most important criterion while comparing the real development of  a country is (1)

(i) Human Development Index (HDD)
(ii) Literacy rate
(iii) Export earnings
(iv) Income

(j) Who was the first Chief Minister of Nagaland? (1)

(i) TN. Angami
(ii) Hokishe Sana
(iii) P. Shilu Ao 
(iv) B Jasokie

Answer the questions in one word/one sentence of not more than 15 words:

2. Who formed the Swaraj party? (1)

3. When did Gandhiji return from South Africa? (1)

4. Name the two main fibre crops of India. (1)

5. When are rabi crops sown? (1)

6. Define a political party. (1)

7. What is a challenge? (1)

8. What is gender discrimination? (1)

9. Give the full form of GDP (1)

10. Define sex ratio (1)

11. Where is the Nagaland Mini Tool Room and Training Centre located?  (1)

Answer the questions in about 20-30 words:

12. When and why was the Inland Emigration Act passed by the British in India? (1+1=2)

13. What is Satyagraha? Write one principle of Satyagraha.  (1+1=2)

14. Mention any two advantages of waterways as a means of transport (2)

15. Mention two duties of an active and participatory citizen in a democracy (2)

16. State any two conditions necessary for sustainable development (2)

17. Name the four mountain ranges of Nagaland (2)

Answer the questions in about 50-70 words:

18.a. What is liberalism? Explain liberalism in the political field prevailing in Europe in the 19th century (1+3=4)
b. How did Greece become a nation-state (4)

19 a. Explain four causes of land degradation (4)
b. What is rainwater harvesting? Mention any three benefits of rainwater Harvesting  (1+3=4)

20. Describe the role of information technology in modern India. (4)

21 a. “Democracy is the better form of government.” Give reasons in support of the statement (4)
b. Explain any four factors that sustain democracy in India.

22 a. Mention two points of distinction between formal sector loans and informal sector loans. (4)
b. Describe the functioning of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in India

23. On the given political map of India, four features A, B, C, D have been indicated. Identify these features with the help of the information mentioned below and write their correct names against the given letters. (4)

Salem (Iron and Steel Plant)
Major rice-producing area
Indo-Gangetic Plains
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

Note: The following  questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. no. 23

a) Name the largest sugarcane-producing states of India (1)
b) Which city is called the ‘SiliconValley of India’? (1)
c) Where is the Indira Gandhi International Airport located? (1)
d) Which maps show boundaries between different countries along with their states, capitals, cities, towns and villages? (1)

24. Answer any three questions in about 80-100 words: (3×6=18)

(a) Describe the events that led to the “Dual Monarchy” in Hungary.  What were its consequences? (3+3=6)
(b) Explain any six impacts of globalisation. (6)
(c) Why is road transport more useful than rail transport in India? (6)
(d) Mention any six features of local self-government. (6)
(e) Who is a consumer? Explain the various rights of consumers (1+5=6)

25. a. Give an account on the climatic condition of Nagaland. (6)
b. Give an account on the flora and fauna of Nagaland


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