Map Reading: NBSE Class 9 Social science Chapter 10 answers

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Here are the solutions, questions, answers, and notes of chapter 10: Map Reading (Including Drawing and Insertion) which is a part of social science class 9 syllabus of students studying under the Nagaland Board of School Education. However, these notes should be used only for references and additions/modifications should be made as per the requirements.


When we think of maps we generally mean a two-dimensional representation of the earth or a part of it. In other words, maps are the representation of a geographical area, usually a portion of the Earth’s surface, drawn or printed on a flat surface. Maps have been made since ancient times. The Greeks and the Romans in ancient times first popularised map making.

Map reading means analyzing the map by interpreting the various symbols used in the construction of a map. It is the translation of symbols, colours and conventional symbols back to the original features, they represent.

Although a sketch requires less interpretation and is readily understood by a layman, compared with an exact map, it has a great disadvantage. In it, the scale diminishes with the distance, and it shows only the side of the picture that is in front of you. On the other hand, a map is drawn to scale and reproduces the correct delineation along with their actual latitudes and longitudes.

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Textual question and answer

Choose the correct answer

1. Early maps were based on:

(a) Astronomical determination
(b) Scale
(c) Surveying of the land
(d) Latitudes and longitudes

Answer: (a) Astronomical determination

2. The White colour on a map denotes:

(a) Oceans and Seas
(b) Forest areas
(c) Uncultivable land
(d) Settlement huts

Answer: (c) Uncultivable land

3. The art and science of map making is called:

(a) Cartology
(b) Cartography
(c) Cartonomy
(d) None of these

Answer: (b) Cartography

4. A line drawn on the map joining places of equal temperature is called an:

(a) Isotherm
(b) Isopleth
(c) Isophel
(d) Isobar

Answer: (a) Isotherm

5. A line drawn on a map connecting places experiencing equal amount of atmospheric pressure is called:

(a) Isotherm
(b) Isopleth
(c) Isophel
(d) Isobar

Answer: (d) Isobar

6. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the codes given below:

Assertion (A): Conventional signs and symbols are accepted universally.
Reason (R): These are called conventional because the design and shape of these symbols have been laid down by mutual agreement among nations.

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
(d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct

Answer: (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

7. The above conventional symbol depicts which of the following features?

(a) Flat sand
(b) Sand hills
(c) Sand dunes
(d) Shifting sand dunes

Answer: (d) Shifting sand dunes

8. Identify the appropriate statements among the following regarding use of grid and grid reference:

I. A grid is a network of horizontal lines called Eastings and vertical lines called Northings
II. A point is chosen, say ‘O’ from where one can proceed towards north or east.
III. Generally the grid reference consists of values in terms of latitudes and longitudes.
IV. Eastings and Northings are not much helpful in location on a Survey Map.

(a) I and II are appropriate
(b) I, II, and III are appropriate
(c) All the statements are appropriate
(d) Only statement IV is appropriate

Answer: (b) I, II, and III are appropriate

Very short answer type questions

1. What is a map?

Answer: A map is a representation of a part or whole of the Earth’s surface drawn according to a scale on a plain sheet of paper, cloth or wood.

2. What is meant by scale?

Answer: A scale is a ratio between a distance measured on a map and the corresponding distance on the surface, connecting two given points, represented by the same unit.

3. Why are conventional symbols so called?

Answer: They are called conventional because the design and shape of these symbols have been laid down by mutual agreement among nations.

4. What is the importance of colour in a map?

Answer: The colours represent particular features and are more useful for representation of information and reading of survey maps.

5. Name the four intermediate directions.

Answer: Four intermediate directions are North-West (NW), North-East (NE), South-East (SE), and South-West (SW).

6. Name the two main types of map.

Answer: The two main types of maps are physical maps and cultural maps.

Short answer type questions

1. Briefly describe the importance of maps.

Answer: Maps are important for the following reasons:

i. Maps are essential for locating places on Earth.
ii. Maps help in locating resources, their mining and for comparing reserves.
iii. Maps are an essential tourist aid.
iv. Maps help us to measure distances and geographical differences.
v. Maps are an essential management tool.
vi. By drawing flow lines one can know the direction of rivers, winds, traffic movements, etc.

2. Explain any two ways of representing scale.

Answer: Two ways of representing scale are:

i. Ratio proportion method: In this case, 1 unit on the map may represent several thousand units on the ground.
ii. linear scale: In this case, a graphic line is drawn on the map.

Long answer type questions

1. Give the importance and function of colour on maps.

Answer: The colours represent particular features and are more useful for representation of information and reading of survey maps. Important colours may mean the following:

Blue: Oceans, seas, lakes and other water bodies.
Yellow: Cultivable land on a survey map. On Atlas maps, it may mean rough land.
White: Uncultivable land on survey maps and unvegetated land on Atlas maps.
Green: Forest area, grasslands etc.
Red: Settlements huts on survey maps.

2. What is known as cultural maps? Explain the different types of cultural maps.

Answer: Maps that have a specific purpose and content are called Cultural Maps. They may show the distribution of population, crops, etc.

A few different types of cultural maps are:

i. Population maps: These maps show the density of population in a particular regions.
ii. Literacy maps: These maps are developed to show the variations of literacy in a defined region.
iii. Religious maps: Religious maps show the concentration of people following different religions in a region.

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