Active and Passive Voice: NBSE Class 10 Alternative English solutions

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active and passive voice

The following post contains solutions/answers to NBSE Class 10 Alternative English exercises of the grammar chapter/topic “Active and Passive Voice”. Attempts have been made to provide the correct solutions to all the exercises, however, if you notice any error, let us know. We’ll review and make corrections.

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A. Are these sentences written in the active (A) or the passive (P) voice?

1. They often read emails while travelling to work.

2. The president was elected by the people.

3. This street has already been closed because of snow.

4. Will our invitation be accepted by them?

5. The instructor read out a long list of do’s and don’ts.

6. The electricians are testing the fire alarm.


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B. Complete the sentences in passive using the right forms of verbs in brackets.

1. She ___________(send) delicious chocolates by her grandfather

2. Ramu_____________(save) by a kind man.

3. The deer _____________(kill) by the tiger.

4. Jasmine ______________(give) a diary for her birthday.

5. The garden ______________ (take care of) by the gardener.

6. He _________________ (look after) by his mother.


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C. Look at the following paragraph. Change the underlined sentences in Active Voice to Passive Voice, and vice versa.

We weren’t invited to the play by Steve and his friends, but we made our own plans. We took an early train to the theatre, and we reached by half-past seven. People had just started to come in, while the media was busy taking photographs. It was decided by Peggy that we would patiently wait outside until her cousins showed up. Everyone knew that the tickets were being sold by Steve. After a while, Peggy’s cousins Matt and Eva came and went up to the counter confidently. Steve was a bit surprised when Peggy was greeted by Matt and Eva. Matt and Steve were best friends, so he couldn’t refuse when Matt bought six tickets for the play. We laughed quietly as we went in, for Peggy had turned the tables on Steve.


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D. Write the correct past form of the verb in brackets in the gaps. lt may be active and passive voice.

A portal dolmen is a type of chamber tomb. Portal dolmens 1 ___________(build) by the early Neolithic peoples of the British Isles in the period 4000 BC to 3000 BC. They 2 ________________(make) from large slabs of stone. Two big ones 3 ______________ (face) each other, forming a doorway into the single burial chamber. Portal means doorway, and these stones 4 ______________ (call) the portal stones. Behind this, smaller slabs 5 ___________ (place) in a rectangle to form the walls of the chamber. A giant stone 6 ___________ (balance) on top, supported at the front by the portal stones and at the back by one or more of the stones around the chamber. This stone generally 7 _________(slope) at an angle of about thirty degrees. A large open space 8 ______________ (construct) in front of the entrance. Often the entrance faced east but, in the case of portal dolmens built on a slope, the entrance 9 ____________(always make) to face up hill. Around or rectangular pile of stones 10 _________ (erect) over the top of the chamber. The remains of the dead person 11 ____________(lay) in the chamber and a flat stone placed between the portal stones to block up the doorway. Portal dolmen sites 12 __________(find) in Ireland, Wales and Cornwall.


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E. Rewrite the verb phrases in italics in the passive form.

1. A cairn is a pile of stones. People have used cairns as monuments to mark a pathway or to mark the summit of a hill.

2. Typically, travellers would have constructed them while they were crossing the moors.

3. They used stones which they picked up along the way and added to the next cairn encountered on their journey.

4. People used them to find their way in foggy climates.

5. In the Bronze Age, people used to build a cairn around a cist.

6. A cist (which you pronounce ‘kissed‘) was a stone box containing a dead body


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F. Rearrange the given words and phrases to form proper sentences. Then change the sentences to Active Voice and Passive Voice accordingly.

1. by / very well / was / the match / played / both teams

2. for / very dearly / he /the price / Iying / paid

3. mean /playeda /way / she / trick/ to have / her

4. assigned / have been / the Supervisor / you / this project / by

5. my birthday /gave / for /my grandmother / me / the silk scarf

6. was called / his / the police / statement / he /by / to give

5. he had / him / she asked I cat/ seen her / if

6. by / book / I / Mindy’s / was fascinated


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G. Using the word(s) in brackets, complete sentence b so that it means the same as sentence a.

1. a. The Prakriti Theatre has cancelled its summer production of The Wizard of Oz because of a row over rights. (been)
b. The Prakriti Theatre’s summer production of The Wizard of Oz _____________ because of a row over rights

2. a. Two hundred children were to take part in the annual musical event. (involved)
b. Two hundred children __________________the annual musical event.

3. a. Theatre managers said it had been necessary to cancel because they couldn’t secure suitable performing rights. (forced)
b. Theatre managers said they ______________to cancel the show because they were unable to secure suitable performing rights.

4. a. They said they had received the news yesterday that the owners of the rights had withdrawn the offer of a license. (informed, withdrawn)
b. They said they ______________yesterday that the offer of a license ______________

5 a. The girl who had got the part of Dorothy said she was extremely sad.  (given)
b. The girl who ___________ the part of Dorothy said she was extremely sad.

6. a. She said, ‘It’s so disappointing, as we have all put so much effort and energy into it.’ (dedicated)
b. She said, ‘We are really disappointed, as so much effort and energy _____________to it by all of us’.


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H. Choose which sentence of the pair has the better wording.

1. a. A museum has been established in the house where Columbus stayed on Gran Canaria.
b. The house where Columbus stayed when he came to Gran Canaria is now a museum.

2. a. Columbus had been commissioned to find a sea route to India.
b. People had commissioned Christopher Columbus to find a sea route to India.

3. a. A room dedicated to the cartological history of Gran Canaria exhibits a scale model of the island.
b. A scale model of Gran Canaria is exhibited in a room dedicated to the cartological history of the island.

4. a. The museum has been painstakingly renovated since the 1950s.
b. The painstaking renovation of the museum has been underway since the 1950s.

5. a. The Renaissance arches which come from the Convent of San Domingo, destroyed in the sixteenth century, are particularly outstanding.
b. The Renaissance arches which come from the Convent of San Domingo, which was destroyed in the sixteenth century, are particularly outstanding.

6. a. My aunt said the renovations had been done extremely successfully.
b. My aunt said the renovators had done a brilliant job!


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I. Change these sentences to the passive voice. Begin your sentences with the underlined words.

1. They are making the public aware of the problem.

2. Researchers are teaching farmers how to change their practices.

3. Scientists will use the knowledge to find some solutions.

4. Scuba divers do not often damage the corals.

5. The tourists are damaging the reefs.

6. Greenhouse gases cause the sea-warming.


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J. Rewrite the sentences in the same voice with the underlined word as the subject.

1. The Bravery Award was given to Ayang by the President.

2. Some nuts were fed to the monkey by the children.

3. Some sweets were given to Tongpang by the shopkeeper.

4. Some food was offered to the child by my mother.

5. A box of chocolates was promised to my friend by Father.

6. Shelter was provided for the stray animals by the association.


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K. Change the following questions to the passive voice.

1. Where have they kept the books?

2. Why is Mhathung lifting the heavy box?

3. Why are they emptying the cupboard?

4. Where are they taking him?

5. When should they begin work?

6. Why are they painting that building again?


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L. Rewrite the sentences changing the voice of the verbs, as the case may be.

1. We do not sell ready-made garments at this shop.

2. Rotten eggs and tomatoes were thrown at the speaker.

3. They will build a flyover at this site.

4. Please keep quiet.

5. Somebody had already informed the police.

6. Why were they serving us so little?


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M. For each sentence in the active voice, choose the correct corresponding sentence in the passive voice.

1. The boy kicked the ball.

a. The boy is kicked by the ball.
b. The ball was kick by the boy.
c. The ball is kicked by the boy.
d. The ball was kicked by the boy.

2. The headmistress called Benjong to her office.

a. The headmistress was called by Benjong to her office.
b. Benjong was called by the headmistress to her office.
c. Benjong called the headmistress to her office.
d. Benjong was call by the headmistress to her office.

3. Fans cool these rooms.

a. These fans are cooling rooms.
b. The rooms are cool by fans.
c. These rooms are kept cool by fans.
d. These rooms are cooled by fans.

4. The directors have told Lucy about her promotion.

a. The directors have told about her promotion to Lucy.
b. Lucy has been told about her promotion by the directors.
c. Lucy have told about her promotion to the directors.
d. Lucy has told about her promotion by the directors.

5. He has encouraged the children to improve their reading speed.

a. The children has been encouraged to improve their reading speed.
b. The children were encouraged to improve their reading speed.
c. The children have been encouraged by he to improve their reading speed.
d. The children have been encouraged to improve their reading speed.


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N. Use the words and phrases given below to make sentences in Active and Passive voice. Then write a small story using them.

was bakedallowedplacedhad decidedgave
had forgottenspilledwas brokenapologizedhad fun


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