Internet: NBSE Class 10 FIT

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Get class 10 Foundations of Information Technology (FIT) notes for Chapter 1 Internet of Unit I Basics of Information Technology for students studying under Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE).

Information Technology refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet or the people that work with these technologies. Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate and/or disseminate information. When speaking of Information Technology as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

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Information technology uses both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve and manipulate information. Basically information technology is a set of two technologies in itself. These are computational technology and communication technology. The computational technology provides the basis for the processing of data to convert it into useful information whereas communication technology converts the information into digital codes and transmit over transmission media to reach the users.


1. The Internet is…

Answer: (a) a large network of networks

2. Which term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the entire site?

Answer: (a) URL

3. URL stands for ……..

Answer: (c) Uniform Resource Locator

4. Which of the following is not a web browser?

Answer: (e) Both (b) and (c) above

5. Internet is governed by …..

Answer: (d) None of these

6. WWW means…

Answer: (b) World Wide Web

7. When you open the Internet, the first page is referred to as…

Answer: (b) Home Page

8. The Internet can be used for…

Answer: (d) All of these

9. HTML means….

Answer: (a) Hypertext Markup Language

10. HTTP means…

Answer: (b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

11. WWW uses….. the protocol

Answer: (a) HTTP [corrected previous incorrect answer]

12. Website is a collection of…

Answer: (d) HTML files

13. In the, the component .org signifies that…

Answer: (c) mdu is a non-profit organization

14. In an e-mail address @ is used. It represents…

Answer: (d) none of these [corrected previous incorrect answer]

15. IP addresses are converted to…

Answer: A hierarchy of domain names

16. An IP address is a string of…… numbers separated by periods

Answer: (b) 4


(a) HTML: Hypertext Markup Language.

(b) FTP: File Transfer Protocol

(c) HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol

(d) DNS: Domain Naming System

(e) URL: Uniform Resource Locator

(h) TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

(i) ISP: Internet Service Provider


1. What is Internet?

Answer: Internet is a worldwide network of networks. It is also the network of networks that connects millions computers (called hosts).

2. What is the use of Internet?

Answer: The following are a list of some of the major uses of the Internet:

i. It can be used to search for anything and everything. Most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
ii. Shopping has become easier over the Internet. You can buy or sell online.
iii. It helps people to communicate through emails and chatting.
iv. Students can find many useful things to learn on the Internet.
v. We can listen to music, watch video from popular websites.
vi. We can reserve our travel tickets using the Internet.

3. Name a few services offered on the web.

Answer: A few services provided on the web are access to news, sending and receiving messages, listening to music, and watching videos.

4. Differentiate between a web page and website.

Answer: Web pages are what make up the World Wide Web. These documents are written in HTML (hypertext markup language) and are translated by your Web browser. Web pages can either be static or dynamic.

On the other hand, websites are a set of interconnected web pages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group or organization.

5. What is the advantage of using HTTP?

Answer: The advantage of using HTTP is that clients can request different kinds of content (such as text, images, video, and application data) from web and application servers that host the content.

6. Give one reason why each computer on the internet needs to have a unique IP address.

Answer: Every computer connected to the internet has its unique web address, without which it cannot be reached by other computers.

7. What is the role of the ISP?

Answer: An ISP is a company that provides Internet connectivity to home and business customers. The ISP provides a bridge between your computer and all the other computers, in the world, which are all a part of the Internet.

8. What is TCP?

Answer: TCP/IP is a sort of software which makes the Internet function efficiently.

9. What is DNS?

Answer: The DNS is a worldwide system of servers that stores location pointers to Web sites.

10. What is a search engine?

Answer: Search engine helps the user to search for a specific subject on the internet.

11. Give some names of search engines.

Answer: A few search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing.

12. What is a web page?

Answer: Web pages are what make up the World Wide Web. These documents are written in HTML (hypertext markup language) and are translated by your Web browser. Web pages can either be static or dynamic.

13. What is a web browser?

Answer: A web browser is a software program that runs on your computer and displays home pages on the Web.

14. Write the names of any four web browsers.

Answer: Four web browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera.

15. What is a blog?

Answer: A blog is a listing of text, images or other objects that are arranged in chronological order. Blogs are often maintained and run by a single individual. These are updated daily or contain personal remarks about a topic or an update on the person’s life.

16. What is Intranet?

Answer: Intranet is an application of the Internet to a closed networking system. It allows the corporate in a cost-efficient manner to connect with the corporate networks and distributed information.

17. What is Extranet?

Answer: Extranet is that network which links some of the Intranets of a company with its partners, customers etc. who can access selected Intranet websites and company’s database.

18. What is the difference between Intranet and Extranet?

Answer: The difference between Intranet and Extranet are:

An Intranet allows for restricted access to only members of an organization.An extranet expands access by allowing non-members such as suppliers and customers to use company resources.
Intranet is basically a private computer network that uses network connectivity and internet protocols within an organization.An extranet is also a private network but it involves the organization as well as its partners like suppliers, vendors partners.
Intranet does not use public communication system.Extranet uses public communication system.


1. Briefly explain the use of protocols.

Answer: When two computers exchange information, they have to agree on how to interpret the electrical signals they send to each other. They also have to agree on when the first computer should send information and when and how the other should reply. This set of rules is known as a protocol. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the primary protocol for the transmission of information across the Internet. In its most basic format, HTTP forms the basis for how web pages are communicated from the webserver to the user’s browser. Using HTTP and HTML, clients can request different kinds of content (such as text, images, video, and application data) from web and application servers that host the content.

2. What are the benefits of networks?

Answer: Depending on the needs of an organization, a network may span a geographical divide or allow for interconnection between persons and devices within the same building. In this day and age, this interconnectivity is a matter of great importance because it facilitates the efficient running of an organization or helps it to maintain a competitive edge. Networks are of three types: Internet, Intranet and Extranet.

3. Explain the uses of Internet.

Answer: The following are a list of some of the major uses of the Internet:

i. It can be used to search for anything and everything. Most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
ii. Shopping has become easier over the Internet. You can buy or sell online.
iii. It helps people to communicate through emails and chatting.
iv. Students can find many useful things to learn on the Internet.
v. We can listen to music, watch video from the popular website.
vi. We can reserve our travel tickets using Internet.
vii. It provides us with news and the latest information on various topics.
viii. We can download useful software programs.

4. Explain the features of web browsers.

Answer: The important features of web browsers are:

i. The Web browser looks at the Web pages throughout the Internet or to connect to various sites to access information and explore resources.
ii. The Web browser enables you to follow the hyperlinks on a Web page and also to type in a URL for it to follow.
iii. A Web browser has a number of other commands readily available through menus, icons and buttons.
iv. A Web browser provides an easy way to get on-line help as well as built-in links to other resources on the Web that can give you help or answers to your questions.
v. A Web browser saves links to the sites you have visited on the WWW so that you can get back to them during other sessions.
vi. One of the main features of a browser is to search the information on the current page as well as search the WWW itself.

5. Explain TCP/IP protocol.

Answer: An IP address- is a binary number that uniquely identifies computers and other devices on a TCP/IP network. An IP address can be private – for use on a local area network (LAN) – or public – for use on the Internet or other wide area network (WAN). Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet.

6. What is URL? What are its components?

Answer: Internet structure of the www is built of some set of rules called hypertext transfer protocol. The URL specifies the Internet address of a file stored on a host computer or server, connected to the Internet. Web browsers use the URL to retrieve the file from the server. HTTP uses Internet address in a special format called uniform resource Iocator (URL).

The different components of a URL are:

i. Protocol (http://): The first part of a URL tells the other computer which set of rules you want it to use for communicating with you.
ii. Host: The second part of a URL is the host. The host normally starts with www which means World Wide Web
iii. Path and Filename: The part of a URL after the first forward slash (I) following the domain name is a path to a file stored on that computer.

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