NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2018 Question Paper (Old)

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Disclaimer: The given NBSE Class 9 Social Science 2018 question paper has been sourced from NBSE


Total marks : 80 || Time : 3 hours

General instructions:

i) Approximately 15 minutes is allotted to read the question paper and revise the answers.
ii) The question paper consists of 25 questions. All questions are compulsory.
iii) Internal choice has been provided in some questions.
iv) Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it.

N.B: Check that all pages of the question paper is complete as indicated on the top left side.

1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) The ‘Popular Sovereignty Theory’ was advocated by (1)

(i) Montesquieu
(ii) Rousseau
(iii) Robespierre
(iv) Voltaire

(b) When did the Second World War come to an end? (1)

(i) 1945
(ii) 1946
(iii) 1947
(iv) 1948

(c) Which latitude divides India into two parts (1)

(i) Equator
(ii) Prime Meridian
(iii) Tropic of Capricorn
(iv) Tropic of Cancer

(d) Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary is in (1)

(i) Kerala
(ii) Tamil Nadu
(iii) Odisha
(iv) Maharashtra

(e) The blue colour of a map denotes (1)

(i) forest area
(ii) water bodies
(iii) cultivable land
(iv) uncultivable land

(f) which of the following has superior power regarding money bills? (1)

(i) Lok sabha
(ii) Rajya Sabha
(iii) President
(iv) Prime minister

(g) When were the Fundamental Duties added to the Indian Constitution (1)

(i) 1970
(ii) 1972
(iii) 1974
(iv) 1976

(h) India is an example of (1)

(i) capitalist economy
(ii) socialist economy
(iii) mixed economy
(iv) closed economy 

(i) The food is distributed at subsidized prices through (1)

(i) MMS
(ii) PDS
(iii) PPS
(iv) NPP

(j) Who said, “I am a Government Officer, I know what I am doing”? (1)

(i) Mayangnokcha
(ii) Lhoulienyu Suokhrie
(iii) A. Kevichausa
(iv) Nikki Haralu

Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence not exceeding 15 words

2. What are mango showers? (1)

3. What are biosphere reserves? (1)

4. Why are conventional symbols so-called? (1)

5. Who is regarded as the “First Citizen” of the country? (1)

6. What are Rights? (1)

7. Define production.

8. Who are called adolescents? (1)

9. Write the full form of MGNREGA. (1)

10. Mention one thing necessary for good health. (1)

11. Who was the first Naga to be appointed as Governor of an Indian state? (1)

Answer the questions in about 20-30 words:

12. In what way did the French Revolution mean different aims for the liberals and the extremists? (2)

13. What is meant by the term “inland drainage”? Where does it occur the most in India? (1+1=2)

14. Mention any two important ways of conserving forests. (2)

15. Briefly explain the term ‘liberty’. (2)

16. Mention any two basic features essential for a democratic election. (6)

17. What is Kataki? Give one function of Kataki (1+1=2)

Answer the questions in about 50 -70 words:

18. Describe Hitler’s rise to power. (4)

19. a. Mention any four factors that contributed to the birth of nationalism in India. (4)
b. Give an estimate of Gandhiji’s role in India’s struggle for freedom.

20. a.Explain any two distinct parallel ranges of the Great Himalayan range. (4)
b. Write any four characteristic features of cold weather season.

21. a. Explain any two salient features of the Indian Constitution. (4)
b. Mention any four Objectives Resolution of the Constituent Assembly.

22. a. Explain any two main features of the Indian economy. (4)
b. Economy and its development and occupational structure are closely related. Give reasons in support of the statement.

23. On the given political map of India, four features A, B, C, D have been indicated. Identify these features with the help of the information mentioned below and write their correct names against their letters. (4)

i) Tapi basin
ii) Tropical deciduous forest
iii) Pulicat Bird Sanctuary 
iv) Area receiving rainfall between 101-200cm

24. Answer any three questions in about 80 – 100 words. (3×6=18)

(a) Describe theReign of Terror and the role played by Robespierre in it. (6)
(b) Describe the legacy left by the Russian Revolution.  (6)
(c) Explain any six essential features of a democracy. (6)
(d) Mention any six fundamental duties of a citizen of India. (6)
(e) Define unemployment. Explain any two types of unemployment (1+5=6)

25. a. Give a brief account on the origin of the word ‘NAGA’. (6)
b. Explain any four major factors that influenced the British government in the colonization of Nagaland.


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