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Thank You, Ma’am: Summary, workbook solutions of ISC Class 11 English (Prism)

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Get notes of the story Thank You, Ma’am by Langston Hughes which is part of ISC Class 11 English (Prism). However, the notes should only be treated for references and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.

Workbook solutions/answers

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

(i) Mrs. Jones carried a:

Answer: (c) a big and heavy purse

(ii) The woman was:

Answer: (b) stout and strong

(iii) When the woman asked the boy if he would run away on getting a chance, he said that:

Answer: (c) yes he will run away

(iv) Mrs. Jones dragged Roger to:

Answer: (c) her house

(v) The boy Roger wore:

Answer: (d) tennis shoes and blue jeans

(vi) Who used to work in a hotel beauty shop:

Answer: (b) Mrs. Jones

(vii) When Roger entered Mrs Jones house, she asked him to:

Answer: (c) wash his face

(viii) There was an opportunity for the boy to run away:

Answer: (b) but he did not run away

(ix) Mrs. Jones, treated the boy:

Answer: (a) with kindness

(x) In the end, the boy:

Answer: (c) wanted to say thank you ma’am’ but could not say

Logic-based questions

(i) The woman’s bag was heavy because _______________.

Answer: it had everything in it but a hammer and nails.

(ii) The boy fell down on the ground because _______________.

Answer: he lost his balance when he tried to snatch the woman’s purse and the strap broke.

(iii) Mrs Jones kicked the boy because _______________.

Answer: he tried to snatch her purse.

(iv) Mrs Jones bent down because _______________.

Answer: she wanted the boy to pick up her purse and give it to her.

(v) The boy attempted the theft because _______________.

Answer: he wanted a pair of blue suede shoes.

(vi) The woman took the boy home because. _______________.

Answer: she wanted to clean him up and teach him a lesson.

(vii) The boy did not run away with the woman’s purse when there was an opportunity for him to do so because _______________.

Answer: he was moved by her kindness and he did not want to be mistrusted.

(viii) The woman asked the boy to go to the sink because _______________.

Answer: his face was dirty.

(ix) The woman did not ask the boy any questions about his family and life because _______________.

Answer: she was more concerned with teaching him a lesson and making sure he learned right from wrong.

(x) The boy could not say Thank You, Ma’am’ because _______________.

Answer: he was overwhelmed by the kindness that he was shown despite his attempt to snatch her purse.

Short answer questions

1. Where was Mrs Jones when a boy attempted to snatch her purse?

Answer: Mrs Jones was walking alone on the street when a boy attempted to snatch her purse.

2. What does the narrator say about the bag?

Answer: The narrator said that the bag had everything in it but hammer and nails. It had a long strap, and she carried it slung across her shoulder.

3. What happened when the boy tried to snatch the purse?

Answer: The strap of the purse broke when the boy tried to snatch it, causing him to fall on his back on the sidewalk. The woman then kicked him and shook him until his teeth rattled. She then asked him to pick up her purse and asked why he did it, to which he replied that he didn’t aim to.

4. Where did the woman take the boy and why?

Answer: The woman, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, took the boy to her home. She did this because she wanted to teach him a lesson about right and wrong. She also noticed that the boy was dirty and looked hungry, so she wanted to feed him and clean him up.

5. Why did the woman leave her purse unattended on the table near the boy?

Answer: The woman left her purse unattended on the table near the boy because she trusted him not to steal it again. She wanted to show him that she had faith in him, which was a part of her effort to teach him about right and wrong.

6. Why did the boy try to snatch the purse?

Answer: The boy tried to snatch the purse because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes. He was also likely hungry and didn’t have anyone at home to provide for him, which may have driven him to desperation.

7. What did Mrs Jones tell the boy about herself?

Answer: Mrs. Jones told the boy, Roger, that she had also done things in her past that she wouldn’t tell him or God if he didn’t already know. She also shared with him about her job in a hotel beauty-shop that stayed open late, describing the work and the different types of women who came in and out.

8. How did the woman treat Roger at her house?

Answer: At her house, Mrs. Jones treated Roger with a mix of sternness and kindness. She made him wash his face and combed his hair. She also prepared a meal for him, which included lima beans, ham, and cocoa. She did not ask him any questions that would embarrass him. After they ate, she gave him ten dollars to buy the blue suede shoes he wanted. She also gave him advice about not stealing in the future.

Long answer questions

1. Describe the way Roger tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones.

Answer: Roger, the boy, tried to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones by running up behind her and giving the purse a single tug from behind. The purse had a long strap and was slung across Mrs. Jones’ shoulder. However, the strap broke with the tug, and the combined weight of the boy and the purse caused him to lose his balance. Instead of running away as he had planned, he fell on his back on the sidewalk.

2. How does the woman get hold of the boy and in what manner does she take him home?

Answer: After the boy’s failed attempt to snatch her purse, Mrs. Jones, the woman, got hold of the boy by picking him up by his shirt front and shaking him. She then commanded him to pick up her purse and give it to her. She kept a firm grip on him and did not release him even when he pleaded with her. She then started up the street, dragging the frightened boy behind her. When she got to her door, she dragged the boy inside, down a hall, and into a large kitchenette-furnished room at the rear of the house. She switched on the light and left the door open. The woman still had him by the neck in the middle of her room.

3. What does Roger find in the women’s house and what is he made to do?

Answer: In the woman’s house, Roger finds a gas plate, an icebox, and a day-bed. The woman, Mrs. Jones, asks him to sit down and comb his hair while she prepares something for them to eat. She does not watch him closely or guard her purse, which she leaves on the day-bed. Roger, however, chooses to sit on the far side of the room where he believes she can easily see him if she chooses to. He does not trust the woman not to trust him and does not want to be mistrusted. He even offers to go to the store for her, but she declines and prepares cocoa and a meal of lima beans and ham from what she has in the icebox. After they eat, she gives him ten dollars to buy the blue suede shoes he wanted and advises him not to snatch people’s pocketbooks in the future.

4. Summarise the conversation between the boy and the woman before she enters her house with him.

Answer: Before the woman, Mrs. Jones, takes Roger into her house, they have a conversation where she firmly tells him that he will remember her. She asks him his name and instructs him to wash his face. When Roger asks if she’s going to take him to jail, she responds that she won’t and instead, she’s trying to get home to cook a meal. She realizes that Roger might be hungry too, which could be why he tried to snatch her purse. Roger admits that he wanted a pair of blue suede shoes. Mrs. Jones tells him that he didn’t have to snatch her purse to get the shoes; he could have asked her.

5. Why did the woman leave the purse on the table? Why did Roger not run away with the purse?

Answer: The woman, Mrs. Jones, leaves her purse on the table because she trusts Roger not to run away with it. She does not watch him closely or guard her purse, which she leaves on the day-bed. 

Roger, on the other hand, does not run away with the purse because he does not want to betray the trust that Mrs. Jones has shown him. He chooses to sit on the far side of the room where he believes she can easily see him if she chooses to. He does not trust the woman not to trust him and does not want to be mistrusted.

6. Comment on the ending of the story.

Answer: The ending of the story is quite touching and leaves a lasting impression. After they finish eating, Mrs. Jones gives Roger ten dollars to buy the blue suede shoes he wanted. She advises him not to snatch people’s pocketbooks in the future, as shoes obtained in such a way will “burn his feet.” She then leads him to the front door and wishes him goodnight, reminding him to behave himself. Roger wants to say something more than just “Thank you, ma’am” to Mrs. Jones, but he can’t find the words. He barely manages to say “Thank you” before she shuts the door. He never sees her again. This ending is impactful as it shows the profound effect Mrs. Jones had on Roger, and it leaves the reader wondering about the lasting impact of this encounter on Roger’s life.

7. Did the woman in the story behave with the boy in the expected usual way? How?

Answer: The woman in the story, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, does not behave with the boy, Roger, in the expected usual way. Instead of reacting with anger or fear when Roger tries to snatch her purse, she responds with understanding and compassion. She drags him to her home, not to punish him, but to feed him and teach him a lesson about right and wrong. She does not call the police or try to get him into trouble. Instead, she talks to him, feeds him, and even gives him money to buy the shoes he wanted. She treats him with kindness and respect, despite his initial attempt to steal from her. This unexpected behaviour likely has a significant impact on Roger, teaching him about empathy, trust, and the importance of making the right choices.

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3 thoughts on “Thank You, Ma’am: ISC, NBSE, BSEM English solutions”

  1. hiii can you guys add some more details questions made by you guys which cover important topics it will be very helpfull for the students

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