WBBSE/WBCHSE notes: Get solutions for Class 9, 10, 11 & 12

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Get here the questions, answers, notes, solutions, mcqs, extras, and pdf for different subjects for class 9, class 10, class 11, and class 12 for students studying under West Bengal’s WBBSE and WBCHSE. Select the class for which you need the notes and proceed.

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Class 9Class 10
Class 11Class 12


Since 1951, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has been in charge of the Standard 10 examination. This test is also called the secondary school level examination. It was first set up in 1950 under the West Bengal Secondary Education Act. At that time, it was called the Board of Secondary Education. Sri Apurba Kr. Chanda was the first Chair of the Board. According to the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education was set up in 1963 and given a new name in 1964. Dr. J. C. Sengupta was named chairman in January 1964, and the Board as we know it today was born. 

In 1951, Calcutta University gave the board 1270 high schools to run. This was the board’s first job. By the end of 1963, there were 2,312, and today there are about 11,100 middle and high schools under the Board’s control. As the number of schools that are recognised by the government has grown, so has the number of students taking the secondary exams. In 1952, when the board’s first high school exit exam was conducted, 42,000 passed. Along with its own textbooks, the Board also approves works by private publishers for use in secondary education. Private publishers have made books in Santali, Nepali, and Urdu to meet the needs of readers who speak those languages. To keep up with how quickly the field changes, the board has added new courses like Information Technology, Computer Applications, and Hardware Management.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education was set up in 1975. It is an independent group that works with both public and private schools to give standardised tests to students in grade 12 at schools that have teamed up with it. Its goal is to improve and make public education better all over the state. The WBCHSE runs the annual West Bengal Higher Secondary (Class 12) Examinations, which are taken by more than 8 lakh students from all over the state of West Bengal.

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5 thoughts on “WBBSE/WBCHSE notes: Get solutions for Class 9, 10, 11 & 12”

  1. Kya aap ka pas class 12 Hindi and English notes hai West Bengal board ka
    Provide me

    Editor’s response
    We’re working on English.

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