WBBSE (West Bengal Board) Class 10 questions and solutions

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If you are looking for notes on any subject relating to WBBSE (West Bengal Board) Class 10 subjects like English, Social Science, History, Geography, Alternative etc., select the class you need the notes for and proceed accordingly. The study materials should, however, only be used for reference purposes, and the students can make changes wherever they feel the need to.

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About class 10 (madhyamik/HSLC)

The West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) is responsible for a variety of duties and functions. All of these responsibilities are primarily concerned with the development and advancement of the state’s educational system.

The 2022 examination began on March 7, 2022, and the results were announced 79 days after the first phase examination. The total number of examiners who took the madhyamik exam was 10,98,775. Male candidates numbered 4,88,907, while female candidates numbered 6,09,868.

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