People as a Resource: NBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 19

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Here are the notes, questions, solutions, textual answers, pdf, and extras for Chapter 19: People as a Resource, which is a part of the social science class 9 syllabus for students studying under the Nagaland Board of School Education.

Human resources refer to human beings. If their qualitative aspects are developed, they can contribute a lot to the economic development of the nation. From this standpoint, the population helps in economic development. The relationship between population and economic development is very complex. Many things can be said in favour of and against this complex relationship. The population is an asset to the economy rather than a liability. The population becomes human capital when there is an investment made in the form of education, training, and medical care. An investment in human capital yields a return just like an investment in physical capital. Educated, skilled, and healthier people generate higher productivity and income.

‘People as Resources’ is a way of referring to a country’s working people in terms of their existing productive skills and abilities. Looking at the population from this productive aspect emphasises its ability to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product. Like other resources population also is a resource ‘human resource’. This is the positive side of a large population that is often overlooked when we look only at the negative side, considering only the problems of providing the population with food, education and access to health facilities.

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Which of the following statements is not an argument in favour of population growth?

Answer: (c) Population growth causes unemployment in the country.

2. Which of the following is not a cause of unemployment in India?

Answer: (d) Development of skills and proper training.

3. The literacy rate in the year 2011 was

Answer: (b) 74.04%

4. What is the current infant Mortality Rate in India?

Answer: (b) 47.57

5. When there is unemployment due to slacking of demands for goods, it is called

Answer: (b) Cyclical unemployment

6. According to census 2011, the life expectancy in India is

Answer: (a) 66.8 years

7. Which is the most important component of human resource development?

Answer: (a) Education

II. Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is human capital?

Answer: Human capital can be defined as the knowledge, ability, skill and physical capacity of the people which help them to produce more.

2. Mention two things necessary for good health.

Answer: Two things necessary for good health are (i) Balanced and nutritious diet and (ii) healthcare facilities.

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5. Define seasonal unemployment.

Answer: There are some industries and occupations which offer employment for only a certain period of time in a year. Unemployment during the off-season is known as seasonal unemployment.

6. Define structural unemployment.

Answer: This type of unemployment is related to the structural setup of the economy.

III. Short Answer Type Questions

1. Describe in brief the role of human resources in economic development.

Answer: Human resource refers to human beings. If their qualitative aspects are developed, they can contribute a lot to the process of economic development of the nation. Investment in human capital (through education, training, and medical care) yields a return just like an investment in physical capital.

2. Explain the positive relationship between population growth and the economic development of a country.

Answer: Like other resources population also is a resource ‘human resource’. If the growing population is provided with better education, better health and a better environment, the quality of the labour force may be improved to a great extent. Thus, people can produce more and hence national production/output is increased. In this way, the population can help in the economic development of a country.

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5. Why is population growth a major cause of unemployment in India?

Answer: The rapid population has created an army of the labour force. When the number of people increases in a country much faster than the increase in employment opportunities, that situation may lead to unemployment. This is what has happened in India.

IV. Long Answer Type Questions

1. Differentiate between physical capital and human capital. How can human capital be created?

Answer: Physical capital can be defined as a factor of production such as machinery, buildings, or computers. Human capital, on the other hand, can be defined as the knowledge, ability, skill and physical capacity of the people which help them to produce more.

Human beings can be turned into resources only if their innovative aspects are developed. Qualitative aspects in human beings cannot be developed automatically. This requires investments in them. Education and health are the major human resources of a country. When we make adequate inputs of education and health in the people, the quality of human resources will definitely increase. They convert human beings into human capital.

2. How is population growth, a retarding factor in the economic development of India?

Answer: Population growth is a retarding factor in the economic development of India because of the following reasons:

(i) Despite considerable growth in national income, per capita income could not increase much due to the fast population growth.
(ii) The burden of unproductive consumers upon the workforce is still high.
(iii) Population growth is considered one of the major causes of unemployment in India.
(iv) Heavy pressure of population has led to the problem of overcrowding in cities, unplanned urbanisation, the emergence of slums, etc.
(v) Rapidly growing population lowers the land-man ratio. Per capita cultivated area is gradually on the decline in India.
(vi) In spite of large increases recorded in foodgrain production, their per capita availability has not improved much.

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5. How does good health contribute to economic development?

Answer: Good health contributes to economic development in the following ways:

(a) It increases the efficiency of workers.
(b) It reduces production loss caused by workers’ illness.
(c) It permits the use of natural and other resources.
(d) It increases the enrollment of children in schools and makes them better able to learn.
(e) It spares/frees resources that otherwise would have to be spent on treating illness.

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