A Considerable Speck: ICSE Class 10 English answers, notes

A Considerable Speck icse class 10 english
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Get notes, line-by-line explanation, summary, questions and answers, critical analysis, word meanings, extras, and pdf of the poem “A Considerable Speck” by Robert Frost, which is part of ICSE Class 10 English (Treasure Chest: A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories). However, the notes should only be treated as references, and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.


The speaker describes a tiny speck he notices moving across a sheet of paper he is writing on. At first, he thinks it is just a dust speck blown by his breath. On closer inspection, he realises it is actually a living mite, moving with its own inclinations. The mite pauses suspiciously at the speaker’s pen, then races wildly towards the still wet ink on the page. It pauses again, seeming to drink or smell the ink, before turning to flee in apparent disgust. 

The speaker remarks on how the mite seems too tiny to have a full set of feet, yet it clearly does since it can walk and express a desire to live. The mite runs in terror and creeps cunningly across the page. It hesitates, as if trying to decide what to do.

It then cowers down in the middle of the sheet, accepting its fate at the hands of the speaker. The speaker reflects that he does not have the “tenderer-than-thou” collectivist mentality of the modern world that loves to destroy en masse. Since the mite has done no harm, he decides to let it be, hoping it will fall asleep on the page. 

The speaker concludes by affirming that he recognises and appreciates the presence of “mind” wherever he encounters it, however humble the guise. He is glad for even the smallest display of mind.

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Line-by-line explanation of the poem

A speck that would have been beneath my sight / On any but a paper sheet so white

The poet notices an extremely tiny speck on the bright white paper he is writing on. It is so tiny and diminutive in size that under normal circumstances, it would be invisible to him and completely beneath his ability to detect. The only reason he is able to discern the minuscule speck at all is because the paper providing the backdrop is such a stark, brilliant white. This high contrast between the bright white paper and the tiny dark speck is what allows it to barely be perceptible to him.

Set off across what I had written there. / And I had idly poised my pen in air / To stop it with a period of ink

As the poet is writing on this sheet of paper, he suddenly notices the tiny speck moving across the page, crawling over the words he had previously written down. At this moment, the poet’s pen was casually hovering in the air over the paper, as he had paused his writing briefly and left the pen temporarily suspended mid-air. He was just about to finish the sentence he had been writing by putting down a final period mark of ink as the terminating punctuation.

When something strange about it made me think, / This was no dust speck by my breathing blown, / But unmistakably a living mite

Just as the poet is about to set his pen back to paper, the movement of the tiny speck catches his attention. Some quality seems curious and strange about the way it is crawling across the page. This makes the poet stop and consider the speck more intentionally, sparking his thoughts about it. Upon closer observation and contemplation, the poet realizes this little speck is not just a random bit of dust that had wafted across the page carried by his own breathing as he wrote. Rather, he discerns that the speck is definitively a living mite traversing the page.

With inclinations it could call its own. / It paused as with suspicion of my pen, / And then came racing wildly on again

Moreover, as the poet watches the mite creep across the page, he perceives that it is not simply blowing aimlessly but moving with self-directed purpose, following its own inclinations. The tiny mite pauses momentarily in what seems like an apprehensive cessation to examine the poet’s pen still poised above. After this brief hesitation, the mite resumes scurrying rapidly, wildy racing across the page once more.

To where my manuscript was not yet dry; / Then paused again and either drank or smelt– / With loathing, for again it turned to fly.

The energetic mite scampers over to the part of the manuscript where the poet had recently written, and the ink remains damp and not yet dried. Reaching this moist ink, the mite pauses briefly again. During this second hesitation, it seems to either drink some of the liquid ink or smell and investigate its scent. However, the mite appears to despise and recoil from the ink’s flavor or odor. After examining the wet ink, it quickly whirls around once more to retreat away from the noxious substance.

Plainly with an intelligence I dealt. / It seemed too tiny to have room for feet, / Yet must have had a set of them complete

Through observing the mite’s self-motivated movements and interactions, the poet concludes he is clearly witnessing an intelligent creature acting intentionally, not just a mindlessly drifting speck. The mite is so unimaginably minute that it doesn’t seem possible it could contain space for a full set of feet within its microscopic form. Yet somehow within its diminutive body, the mite does indeed possess an entire functioning set of feet needed to traverse the page.

To express how much it didn’t want to die. / It ran with terror and with cunning crept. / It faltered: I could see it hesitate;

The way the mite actively darts about reveals a strong inborn will to survive and evade death. It runs with an urgency suggesting fear, but also moves with the careful cunning of an instinctual hunter. The poet sees the mite falter, hesitating in an uncertain, wavering manner, as if internally deliberating what to do next.

Then in the middle of the open sheet / Cower down in desperation to accept / Whatever I accorded it of fate.

After exhibiting that moment of hesitant indecision, the mite ends up frozen in the very center of the blank open page. It seems to crouch down low against the paper in desperate surrender, willing to accept whatever fate the poet now chooses to deal out.

I have none of the tenderer-than-thou / Collectivistic regimenting love / With which the modern world is being swept.

At this climactic moment, the poet declares he does not personally possess a sentimental, excessively gentle nature, nor any oppressive variety of “collectivist” love that tries to control everything according to specific regulations. He criticizes this totalitarian kind of “love” which he sees as currently overtaking the modern world.

But this poor microscopic item now! / Since it was nothing I knew evil of / I let it lie there till I hope it slept.

However, observing this particular helpless, tiny mite pitiably poised before him, and given that it has done no evident harm, the poet decides not to interfere with it. He chooses to leave the mite alone on the page undisturbed, hoping it will fall asleep there in peace.

I have a mind myself and recognize / Mind when I meet with it in any guise / No one can know how glad I am to find / On any sheet the least display of mind.

In conclusion, the poet declares that he himself possesses intelligence and imagination. He is able to perceive those same faculties of intellect and creativity when he encounters them manifesting through any living being. No one else can fully understand the happiness the poet feels when he discovers even the smallest exhibition of imagination or inventive thought on a written page.

Word meanings

speck: a tiny spot or fleck

idly: lazily, not busily

poised: held suspended; balanced

mite: a very small insect or arachnid

inclinations: natural tendencies or preferences to act in certain ways

manuscript: a handwritten document or text

loathing: intense dislike or disgust

cunning: skillful aptitude; craftiness

crept: moved stealthily and carefully

faltered: hesitated; wavered

hesitate: pause due to uncertainty

open sheet: blank paper space

cower: crouch down in fear or submission

desperation: hopeless resignation; despair

accorded: allowed; granted

fate: destiny or outcome

tenderer-than-thou: excessively gentle or sentimental

collectivistic: focused on group control rather than individualism

regimenting: strictly controlling according to rules

microscopic: extremely tiny; visible only by microscope

guise: form; manifestation

About the author

Robert Frost (1874-1963) is considered one of the most prominent and influential American poets of the 20th century. He was born in San Francisco but moved to New Hampshire as a boy when his father died. He attended Dartmouth College briefly before returning to work on farms and in factories. 

Though he was initially unsuccessful at publishing his poems, Frost persevered and eventually found acclaim with collections like A Boy’s Will (1913) and North of Boston (1914). 

He went on to win four Pulitzer Prizes for poetry over the course of his lifetime, a record unsurpassed to this day. Frost was made Poet Laureate of Vermont in 1916 and served as a poetry consultant to the Library of Congress later in life. 

His works such as “The Road Not Taken,” “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” and “Mending Wall” have become classics. 

Workbook answers/solutions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. When did the poet notice something running across his paper?

A. when he sneezed B. when he was writing C. when he was about to put a full stop to his writing finally D. when he left writing

Answer: C. when he was about to put a full stop to his writing finally

2. What was it that the poet liked in the mite?

A. its colour B. its being intelligent C. its being fearful D. its running in terror

Answer: B. its being intelligent

3. How did the mite taste or smell the ink?

A. with loathing B. with relish C. hesitatingly D. with a shudder

Answer: A. with loathing

4. What did the poet imagine?

A. that the mite was a proud creature B. that the mite did not want to die C. that the mite feared nothing D. that the mite was mischievous

Answer: B. that the mite did not want to die

5. ‘It faltered. I could see it hesitate’. Which literary device is used here?

A. enjambment B. irony C. caesura D. sarcasm

Answer: C. caesura

6. What did the mite finally do?

A. It squatted. B. It bent down and moved backwards in fear. C. It sat still. D. It ran away to the edge of the sheet of paper.

Answer: B. It bent down and moved backwards in fear.

7. What do you imply by ‘collectivistic regimenting love’?

A. love for the whole society or group B. forced love C. one-sided love D. indiscriminate love for all irrespective of one’s mental calibre.

Answer: D. indiscriminate love for all irrespective of one’s mental calibre.

8. Why did the poet not kill the mite?

A. because it had a mind of its own. B. because it was a lively creature. C. because it had no evil intention. D. because the poet took pity on it.

Answer: A. because it had a mind of its own.

9. What is this poem about?

A. a mite on a white sheet of paper B. about the mind, its creativity and imagination C. collectivist ideology D. individuality

Answer: B. about the mind, its creativity and imagination

10. The title ‘A Considerable Speck’ is quite

A. amusing B. ironical C. surprising D. foolish

Answer: B. ironical

Comprehension Passages

PASSAGE-1A speck that would have been beneath my sight
On any but a paper sheet so white
Set off across what I had written there.
And I had idly poised my pen in air
To stop it with a period of ink

(i) What is a speck? What did it turn out to be?

Answer: A speck is a very small spot or piece of dirt. It turned out to be a living mite.

(ii) What had the poet been doing? What does the last line here tell you in this context?

Answer: The poet had been writing. The last line suggests he was about to end a sentence with a period but paused due to the speck.

(iii) What do you mean by ‘idly poised my pen’?

Answer: ‘Idly poised my pen’ means the poet held his pen in the air without purpose, ready to write but momentarily not writing.

(iv) What did the poet observe about the mite later in the context?

Answer: The poet observed the mite showing signs of intelligence and trying to avoid death, which indicated it had its own mind.

(v) Why did the poet spare the mite?

Answer: The poet spared the mite because it displayed intelligence and a will to live, which he respected.

PASSAGE-2 When something strange about it made me think,
This was no dust speck by my breathing blown,
But unmistakably a living mite
With inclinations it could call its own.

(i) What was ‘something strange’ about the speck?

Answer: The ‘something strange’ was its movement, which indicated it was a living being and not just a piece of dust.

(ii) What was the first thing about the speck that struck the poet’s mind?

Answer: The first thing that struck the poet’s mind was that the speck was actually a living mite, not just dust.

(iii) The mite had its own ‘inclinations’. Explain in the context.

Answer: Having its own ‘inclinations’ means the mite displayed behavior that suggested it had preferences and a desire to avoid danger or unpleasant situations.

(iv) In what way did the mite reach the inked portion of the sheet of paper?

Answer: The mite reached the inked portion by racing across the paper, showing it was actively exploring or possibly attracted to the ink before showing disapproval of it.

(v) What was it that refrained the poet from killing the mite?

Answer: The poet refrained from killing the mite because he recognized its intelligence and mind, appreciating these qualities enough to spare its life.

PASSAGE-3 It paused as with suspicion of my pen,
And then came racing wildly on again
To where my manuscript was not yet dry;
Then paused again and either drank or smelt
With loathing, for again it turned to fly.

(i) When did the poet notice the reality of the speck on his page?

Answer: The poet noticed the reality of the speck when it moved across his paper, indicating it was a living mite.

(ii) What is the significance of the word ‘suspicion’ in Line 1 here?

Answer: The significance of ‘suspicion’ suggests the mite was wary or cautious of the poet’s pen, as if aware of potential danger.

(iii) How did the mite seem to drink or smell the ink?

Answer: The mite seemed to investigate the ink with dislike or disapproval, as indicated by its subsequent reaction to flee.

(iv) Explain the third line.

Answer: The third line indicates the mite approached the part of the manuscript where the ink was still wet, showing curiosity or an attempt to interact with it.

(v) What did it do in terror?

Answer: In terror, the mite turned to flee.

PASSAGE-4 Plainly with an intelligence I dealt.
It seemed too tiny to have room for feet,
Yet must have had a set of them complete
To express how much it didn’t want to die.
It ran with terror and with cunning crept.
It faltered: I could see it hesitate;

(i) What do you mean by ‘an intelligence’ in Line 1? Why does the poet assert this?

Answer: ‘An intelligence’ refers to the mite’s ability to think, make decisions, and react to its environment. The poet asserts this to emphasize that even a tiny creature can possess significant mental capabilities.

(ii) What was it that refuted the poet’s thinking that the mite had ‘no room for feet’?

Answer: The mite’s actions, like running and creeping with apparent purpose and reaction to stimuli, refuted the poet’s initial thought that it was too small for such complex behavior.

(iii) ‘It ran with terror and with cunning crept’. Explain.

Answer: The phrase describes the mite’s movements as being driven by fear and also strategic, indicating it was trying to survive in a situation it perceived as threatening.

(iv) What is it that the poet satirizes later in the context?

Answer: Later in the context, the poet satirizes the indiscriminate acceptance and love for all beings, irrespective of their mental capacity, prevalent in collectivist ideologies.

(v) What does the poet appreciate in others?

Answer: The poet appreciates the display of intelligence and mind, valuing independent thinking and creativity in others.

PASSAGE-5 Then in the middle of the open sheet
Cower down in desperation to accept
Whatever I accorded it of fate. I have none of the tenderer-than-thou
Collectivistic regimenting love
With which the modern world is being swept.
But this poor microscopic item now!
Since it was nothing I knew evil of I let it lie there till I hope it slept.

(i) What position did the mite take eventually? In what state was it?

Answer: The mite eventually cowered down in the middle of the sheet, in a state of desperation and acceptance of whatever fate the poet might decide for it.

(ii) Explain ‘Collectivistic regimenting love’?

Answer: ‘Collectivistic regimenting love’ refers to a universal, undiscriminating affection and acceptance for all members of society, regardless of individual traits or abilities, often enforced or encouraged by collectivist ideologies.

(iii) Which ideology is implicitly criticised here?

Answer: Collectivism, especially the aspect that promotes indiscriminate equality and acceptance without regard to individual merit or intelligence, is implicitly criticised.

(iv) What made the poet let the mite ‘lie there till …. it slept’?

Answer: The poet let the mite lie there until it presumably slept because he recognized its intelligence and decided to spare it, valuing its display of mind over any predisposed bias he might have had.

(v) Why does the poet choose a ‘considerable speck’ to express his appreciation of the mind, its imagination, and creativity?

Answer: The poet chooses a ‘considerable speck’ as a metaphor to highlight how even the smallest and seemingly insignificant entities can demonstrate significant intelligence and creativity, thereby appreciating the value of individual thought and imagination.

PASSAGE-6 I have a mind myself and recognize
Mind when I meet with it in any guise
No one can know how glad I am to find
On any sheet the least display of mind.

(i) What does the poet appreciate and why?

Answer: The poet appreciates the presence of intelligence or a thinking mind in any form because he values the ability to think and act with independence.

(ii) What quality in a writing appeals to the poet?

Answer: The quality that appeals to the poet in writing is the display of intelligence, creativity, and individual thought, as these elements bring life and authenticity to the text.

(iii) Do you think the idea contained in this last stanza has relevance in the context? What is it?

Answer: Yes, the idea in the last stanza is highly relevant in the context of the poem, emphasizing the importance of individual thought and intelligence over collective ideologies or physical size.

(iv) ‘On any sheet the least display of mind’. Which figure of speech is used here?

Answer: This phrase uses metonymy, a figure of speech where something is called by a new name that is related in meaning to the original thing or concept. Here, ‘any sheet’ metonymically represents any medium or context where thought and intelligence are expressed.

(v) What has the poet dealt with earlier in the context?

Answer: Earlier in the context, the poet dealt with observing a mite’s behavior on a sheet of paper, using it as a metaphor to discuss broader themes of intelligence, individuality, and his critique of collectivist ideologies.

Additional/Extra questions and answers

1. What does the poet first notice on the sheet of paper?

Answer: The poet first notices a tiny speck on the sheet of paper.

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17. What is the significance of the poet titling the poem “A Considerable Speck” when it is about a tiny mite? Explain.

Answer: The irony and contradiction of calling the miniscule mite “considerable” highlights the poet’s deeper meaning – that the mite’s exhibition of consciousness makes it significant. Though physically small, its display of “mind” has greater philosophical meaning for the poet.

Additional/Extra MCQs

1. What does the poet first notice moving across his paper?

A. An ant B. A dust speck C. A gnat D. A mite

Answer: D. A mite

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20. What does the poet appreciate about the speck?

A. Its fragility B. Its perseverance C. Its brevity D. Its vitality

Answer: B. Its perseverance

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