Dr. T. Ao: NBSE Class 9 English summary, questions, answers

Dr. T. Ao NBSE class 9 English
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Here you will find answers to all the questions of Nagaland Board of School Education’s class 9 English chapter Dr. T. Ao. However, these notes should be used only for references and additions/modifications should be made as per the requirements.


Dr. Talimeren Ao was a legendary Indian footballer and medical doctor from Nagaland. He was born in 1918 in the Changki village.

Ao was blessed with great football skills from childhood. While studying at Cotton College, he became the football team captain in 1938. That year, Cotton College played an annual match against Murari Chand College. Ao scored the winning goal against Murari Chand, which had beaten Cotton for 13 straight years. This made Ao very popular.

Though busy with football, Ao diligently focused on academics too. He passed his I.Sc. exams and went on to study medicine in Kolkata. There, he joined the famous Mohun Bagan football club.

In 1948, Ao captained independent India’s first football team at the London Olympics. Though India lost in the semifinals, Ao’s talent impressed everyone. He played barefoot and was called the “Barefoot Genius.”

After returning from London, Ao completed his MBBS in 1950. He was invited to join a foreign football club but preferred to live simply among his Naga people.

Ao joined the Assam government’s health services in 1952. When Nagaland separated, he moved to Kohima in 1953 as Assistant Surgeon. Later he became Director of Health Services, retiring in 1978.

Though busy as a doctor, Ao kept his passion for football alive. He got the Nagaland football and badminton associations national recognition. Even after retirement, his love for the sport continued.

In his personal life, Ao married a nurse, Deikim Doungel, in 1956. They had four children. Ao lived in Dimapur in his later years and passed away in 1998 at 80.

Dr. Ao’s life teaches commitment, hard work and simplicity. He showed one can excel in sports and studies together. The government celebrates National Sports Day on his birthday, 29th August. Ao remains an inspiration for India’s youth even today.

Textual questions and answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Talimeren Ao was ………….. gentleman.

a. a tall expressive and a refined
b. a tall and soft-spoken
c. a soft-spoken but rude
d. an unimpressive

Answer: a. a tall expressive and a refined gentleman.

2. T. Ao wanted to excel in his I.Sc. exams because………..

a. it was a matter of pride for him
b. it would get him college admission
c. he had to uphold the name of the Nagas
d. he had to fulfil his dad’s wish

Answer: c. he had to uphold the name of the Nagas

3. The best way to describe T. Ao would be to call him………

a. an all-rounder
b. a committed and hard-working person
c. an exemplary son
d. all of the above

Answer: d. all of the above

4. The incident at the Dhaka match showed that T. Ao was………….

a. a true team leader
b. selfish
c. arrogant
d. not sociable

Answer: a. a true team leader

5. The life of Dr T. Ao put the Nagaland…………on the national level.

a. Football Association
b. Football and Badminton Associations
c. Badminton Association
d. None of these

Answer: b. Football and Badminton Associations

Complete the timeline

  • 1918: Talimeren Ao was born in Changki village.
  • 1938: While in his first year I.Sc at Cotton College, Talimeren became the captain of the football team.
  • 1948: Talimeren Ao was chosen as the undisputed Captain of the Indian Football Association for the London Olympics.
  • 1956: Dr. T. Ao married Deikim Doungel.
  • 1968-69: He was selected as a Member of the All India Football Selection Committee and also served as an Executive Member of the All India Council of Sports and Member Secretary of the Nagaland State Sports Council.

Answer the following questions briefly

1. Mention some of Dr. T. Ao’s impressive personality traits.

Answer: Dr. T. Ao was known for his impressive physical stature, standing 5’10” barefoot, with sharp features and a towering personality complemented by a booming voice. He was a refined gentleman, articulate, and well-versed in all matters, which often surprised those meeting him for the first time.

2. What was the fortunate thing to have happened to Dr. T. Ao? How did that help him?

Answer: The fortunate thing for Dr. T. Ao was the early recognition and constructive utilization of his football talents, beginning from his school days. This recognition, especially from American Missionaries, helped him by providing the guidance and support needed to develop his skills, ultimately leading him to become a great footballer.

3. Dr. T. Ao was proud to be a Naga and wanted to uphold their reputation. How do you know this?

Answer: Dr. T. Ao’s pride in his Naga identity and his desire to uphold their reputation is evident from his main concern during his I.Sc. final examination, which coincided with a crucial football match. He worried that failing the examination would reflect poorly on the Nagas, showing his deep commitment to positively representing his community.

4. How did the Principal and the Professor of Cotton College encourage Dr T. Ao’s sporting career?

Answer: The Principal and the Professor of Cotton College encouraged Dr. T. Ao’s sporting career by insisting that he lead the college football team despite his request to be exempt from playing due to his final examination. Their refusal to accept his request and the subsequent arrangement that allowed him to miss one paper for a match demonstrated their support for his dual talents in academics and sports.

5. How did Dr. T. Ao’s story of being a head-hunter spread in the area?

Answer: Dr. T. Ao’s story of being a head-hunter spread in the area through his teammates, who shared the tale, especially after the sensational victory over Murari Chand College’s football team. This story, though a misconception, contributed to his enigmatic reputation among opponents and spectators.

6. How did Dr. T. Ao get national recognition?

Answer: Dr. T. Ao gained national recognition through his remarkable football career, notably when he was selected as the captain of the Indian football team for the 1948 London Olympics. His performance and leadership, especially the press conference where he humorously distinguished between playing football and “bootball,” played a significant role in his national acclaim.

7. Why was Dr. T. Ao given the title of a Barefooted Genius?

Answer: Dr. T. Ao was given the title of a Barefooted Genius following his and the Indian team’s performance at the 1948 London Olympics. Despite playing barefoot, their skillful play, particularly T. Ao’s, left a significant impact on the international stage, showcasing exceptional talent and resilience.

8. What is the lesson that we learn from Dr. T. Ao’s life?

Answer: The lesson from Dr. T. Ao’s life is that dedication, hard work, and a commitment to excellence in both academics and sports can lead to remarkable achievements. His life exemplifies how one can overcome stereotypes and misconceptions through personal integrity, valor, and by being a positive example, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

Think and Write

1. Dr Talimeren was not only a talented sportsman but also a bright student. He proved that academics and co-curricular activities can go hand in hand. Do you know of another well-known person who was a bright academician and equally good in co-curricular activities? Write about him/her in about 50 words.

Answer: Sir Roger Bannister, a British middle-distance athlete and neurologist, epitomizes the blend of academics and sports. Known for being the first athlete to run a mile in under four minutes in 1954, Bannister balanced his athletic pursuits with a successful medical career, demonstrating the possibility of excellence in both domains.

2. Dr. Talimeren Ao was one of the pioneers of Indian football. He was the Captain of the Indian Football Team in the first official match in 1948 London Olympics. This ace footballer from the North East also played in the 1950 World Cup team; the Indian team was barred from entering the tournament just because they played barefooted. He has a very important place in Indian Football history. To commemorate his birth centenary in 2028, the government has called for ideas so that his contribution to the sport inspires the footballing generations to come.

Answer: To commemorate Dr. Talimeren Ao’s centenary and honor his contributions, a national football tournament named after him could be organized, encouraging participation from across the country. Additionally, incorporating his story into school curriculums and sports education programs would inspire young athletes. Erecting a statue or memorial at a prominent sports facility and instituting a scholarship for talented footballers from underprivileged backgrounds would also be fitting tributes to his legacy.

3. Madame Tussauds is a museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud. Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars, and other well-known people. Madame Tussauds London has invited nominations for the wax statue of a sportsperson. Suggest the name of Indian footballer Dr. Talimeren Ao. Write to the Director stating why you think he deserves the honour.

Answer: Dear Director,

I am writing to nominate Dr. Talimeren Ao for a wax statue at Madame Tussauds. Dr. Ao was not only a pioneering figure in Indian football but also a symbol of excellence and perseverance.

As the captain of the Indian football team at the 1948 London Olympics and a respected physician, his life story embodies the spirit of dedication, both on the field and in professional life. Including his statue would not only honour his legacy but also inspire countless visitors by showcasing the rich diversity of achievements that individuals from various backgrounds can attain.

Dr. Ao’s representation would be a befitting tribute to his contributions and a celebration of sportsmanship and academic excellence.


Extra MCQs

1. Where was Dr. Talimeren Ao born?

A. Kohima
B. Changki village
C. Guwahati
D. Sylhet

Answer: B. Changki village

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19. What was Dr. Ao’s profession after retiring from football?

A. Teacher
B. Doctor
C. Government Official
D. Sports Coach

Answer: B. Doctor

Extra Questions and Answers

1. When was Dr. Talimeren Ao born?

Answer: Dr. Talimeren Ao was born on 28 January 1918.

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17. Describe Dr. Talimeren Ao’s contributions to sports and his academic achievements.

Answer: – Dr. Ao had a flourishing football career but did not neglect his studies, passing the MBBS course in 1950.

  • He declined an invitation to join Arsenal, choosing instead to live a simple life among his people.
  • Joined Dibrugarh Medical College as Registrar (ENT) in 1952 and later transferred to Kohima as Assistant Surgeon.
  • Retained the position of Director of Health Services until retirement in 1978.
  • Made a member of the All India Council of Sports in 1972 and served on the All India Football Selection Committee in 1968-69.

18. When did Dr. Talimeren Ao pass away?

Answer: Dr. Ao passed away in Dimapur on 13 September 1998 after a brief illness.

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