Grammar Worksheet III (three)

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Here, we’ve provided the solutions of NBSE Class 10 English Grammar Worksheet III (three) which cover the topic of active and passive voice (voice change). Attempts have been made to keep the solutions error-free, however, if you find any error, let us know. We’ll review it and make corrections if needed.

The term “voice” refers to whether a verb is active or passive. The verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject of the verb is performing the action of the verb (e.g., “The dog bit the milkman.”). The verb is said to be in the passive voice when the subject of the verb is being acted upon (e.g., “The milkman was bitten.”). So, a verb’s voice indicates whether the subject is acting or being acted upon.

The thing/person doing the action is the subject of the sentence in active voice sentences, and the thing/person receiving the action is the object. The thing/person receiving the action is the subject of the sentence in passive voice sentences, and the thing/person doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence as the object.


  • The subject and object are interchanged.
  • Preposition ‘by’ is added before the object.
  • The verb is changed to the past participle (3rd form of the verb).
  • A new auxiliary is added to the past participle form of the verb.
  • If the subject or object in an active voice sentence is a pronoun (I, we, you, he, she,
  • they, it), it changes to I – me; we – us; you -you; he – him; she – her; they-them; it – it, and viceversa.

Active: Subject + verb + object
Eg. I found a bag.
Passive: Object + auxiliary verb + 3rd form of verb or past participle + by + object
Eg. A bag was found by me.

Active: Subject + auxiliary verb + verb-ing + object
Eg. I am writing a letter.
Passive: Object + auxiliary verb + being + 3rd form of verb or past participle + by + object
Eg. A letter is being written by me.

Active: Subject + has/have/had + 3rd form of verb + object
Eg. I have found a letter.
Passive: Object + has/have/had + been + 3rd form of verb + by + object
Eg. A letter has been found by me.

Active: Subject + modal + verb + object
Eg. You should write a letter.
Passive: Object + modal + be + 3rd form of verb + by + subject
Eg. A letter should be written by you.

Active: Interrogative (what/why/when etc.) + auxiliary/modal + subject + verb + object + ?
Eg. Why did you break the glass?
Passive: Interrogative (what/why/when etc.) + auxiliary/modal + object + 3rd form of verb + by + subject+ ?
Eg. Why was the glass broken by you?

Active: Verb + object
Eg. Post the letter.
Passive: Let + object + be + 3rd form of verb
Eg. Let the letter be posted.

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A. Choose the sentences written incorrectly in the passive voice.

1. I was eaten an ice cream.

2. The song was sung by a singer.

3. I was deceived by the TV programme.

4. The concert was finished at 12 p.m.

5. He was written a novel.

6. The tennis match was aired on TV.

7. He was treated kindly.


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B. Change the voice of the following.

1. We are taught grammar by Ms Jain.

2. The firemen took the injured to the hospital.

3. The fire is damaging the building.

4. We will be blamed by everyone.

5. The storm has swept away the boat.


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C. Your school basketball team played a friendly match with a neighbouring school recently. You were one of the players representing your school.  Write a short paragraph describing the match. Underline the sentences in which you have used the passive structure.


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E. Complete the following paragraph by inserting appropriate verbs.

Porta dolmens are ancient tombs which____ (build) more than 5000 years ago. They can ____ (see) in many parts of the United Kingdom. First huge stones ____ (put) up. These stones then ____ (form) walls. Another stone, called the capstone ____ (place) on top of the wall to make the roof. Once the body ____ (place) inside the chamber, a stone ____ (put) at the entrance to close it. The structure ____ (get) its name Porta from portal because it looks like a doorway.


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F. Complete the following sentences by using the appropriate voice. Identify whether the sentence is active or passive.

1. We ____ our exams by this time coming Monday. (finish)

2. The furniture ____ at throwaway prices. (sell)

3. I ____ the letter last evening. (post)

4. The dogs ____ (feed)

5. His house ____ by the Income Tax department late last night. (raid)


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G. Complete the following newspaper report with passive verb forms.

300-year-old Sunken Treasure Found

A rare treasure ____ (find) at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The treasure, which ____ (bury) in the sand, comprised gold chains, rings, and coins.  The treasure ____ (lose) when a fleet of Spanish ships, ripped apart by a hurricane, had sunk in 1715. More than 1,000 ____ (declare) dead when the ships had sunk, but the sunken treasure has remained intact for three centuries.


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H. Fill in the blanks to complete the instructions in the passive form.

First an appropriate sized aquarium ____ (select). A deeper one would mean more work. A close watch ____ (keep) over your aquarium so that it is free of fungus infections, parasites and bacteria. Fishes. ____ (chose) wisely. Not all fishes get along with others. The fishes ____ (give) too much to eat. One of the most common causes of fish dying prematurely in aquariums is overfeeding them.


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