Julius Caesar Act 4 Scene 2: ICSE Class 10 workbook answers

Julius Caesar Act 4 Scene 2
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Get notes, workbook solutions, summary, questions and answers, and pdf of the drama/play Julius Caesar (Act 4 Scene 2) by William Shakespeare, which is part of ICSE Class 10 English. However, the notes should only be treated as references, and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.


This scene takes place in Brutus’ camp near the ancient city of Sardis in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). The forces of Brutus and Cassius have joined together here as they prepare to face the advancing armies of Antony and Octavius in their struggle for control of the Roman empire following Caesar’s assassination.

As the scene opens, Brutus greets Titinius and Pindarus who have arrived from Cassius’ nearby camp with a message. Brutus reads a letter from Cassius and makes the mistake of criticizing him in front of his own servant Pindarus. He compounds this error by asking his friend Lucilius how Cassius treated him, implying Cassius was rude.

When Cassius arrives with his army, the two men agree to have a private conference in Brutus’ tent to air their grievances, while leaving Lucilius and Titinius to guard the entrance. This sets the stage for the famous “Quarrel Scene” between the two friends and leaders of the conspiracy against Caesar.

Their quarrel stems from Cassius feeling wronged by Brutus in some unspecified way. Brutus uses his typically “sober” rational demeanor to mask any wrongs he has committed against Cassius. He asks Cassius to speak his complaints calmly in private, away from their armies who should only see their unity.

In explaining his tactics to Lucilius earlier, Brutus reflects on how friends can grow apart and use “an enforced ceremony” instead of true affection, comparing them to horses that make “gallant show” but lack true mettle. This foreshadows the coming rift with Cassius, his closest friend.

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Workbook answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. This scene takes place in a camp near

a. Thasos b. Philippi c. Sardis d. Rome

Answer: c. Sardis

2. Lucilius reports to Brutus that Cassius met him

a. not with familiar instances b. rudely c. curtly d. like a good friend

Answer: a. not with familiar instances

3. Brutus told Lucilius that when love begins to sicken and decay

a. it uses an enforced ceremony b. it leads to fights c. it leads to deceit d. it leads to enmity

Answer: a. it uses an enforced ceremony

4. Brutus ordered the following to guard his tent:

a. Lucius and Pindarus b. the soldiers of his army c. Lucilius and Titinius d. Volumnius and Strato

Answer: c. Lucilius and Titinius

5. Brutus asks Cassius to

a. raise his voice b. speak his griefs softly c. enlarge his griefs and he will listen to him d. leave

Answer: b. speak his griefs softly

Context questions

1. LUCILIUS-With courtesy and with respect enough
But not with such familiar instances
Nor with such free and friendly conference
As he hath used of old

1. Who is being spoken about? Where does this scene take place? Who is Lucilius speaking about?

Answer: Lucilius is speaking about Cassius. This scene takes place near Sardis, the ancient capital of Lydia (near modern Turkey) in Asia Minor. Lucilius is addressing Brutus about Cassius’ demeanor towards him.

2. How does the listener assess ‘a hot friend cooling’ after the extract?

Answer: The listener, Brutus, assesses ‘a hot friend cooling’ by noting that when love begins to sicken and decay, it resorts to an enforced ceremony, lacking the genuine affection and openness that characterized the relationship in the past.

3. To whom are ‘hollow men’ compared to?

Answer: ‘Hollow men’ are compared to horses hot at hand, which present a gallant show and promise of their mettle but fail to endure when tested, particularly under the pressure of the bloody spur.

4. Whose army approaches? What are their intentions?

Answer: Cassius’ army approaches with the intention to quarter in Sardis for the night. The majority of the forces, especially the horsemen, have arrived with Cassius.

5. Compare the relationship between Brutus and Cassius to that of Antony and Octavius who appear more rational and logical? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The relationship between Brutus and Cassius is marked by tension, misunderstanding, and emotional conflict, highlighted by their heated quarrel in Brutus’ tent. In contrast, Antony and Octavius, though not directly described in this text, are implied to have a more rational and logical partnership, coordinating effectively against Brutus and Cassius. The rationality and logic of Antony and Octavius’ relationship likely stem from their shared goal and pragmatic approach to defeating their enemies, as opposed to the deteriorating personal relationship between Brutus and Cassius, which is clouded by pride, misunderstandings, and accusations.

2. CASSIUS- Brutus this sober form of yours hides wrongs;
And when you do them
BRUTUS-Cassius be content;
Speak your griefs softly, I do know you well

1. Which sober form of Brutus is Cassius referring to? How does Brutus use this ‘sober form’ to his advantage?

Answer: Cassius refers to Brutus’ calm, stoic demeanor, which he suggests hides Brutus’ wrongdoings under the guise of rational and just behavior. Brutus uses this ‘sober form’ to his advantage by maintaining moral high ground and authority, especially in disputes, making it difficult for others to question his actions without seeming to challenge his integrity.

2. Why does Brutus ask Cassius to speak his griefs softly?

Answer: Brutus asks Cassius to speak his grievances softly to maintain decorum before their armies, ensuring that any disagreement between them is not perceived as a lack of unity or love, which could undermine their leadership and morale.

3. What does Cassius instruct Pindarus to do?

Answer: Cassius instructs Pindarus to bid their commanders lead their charges off a little from the ground, suggesting they want privacy for their discussion without the immediate presence of their troops.

4. Who guards the door of the tent?

Answer: Lucilius and Titinius are ordered to guard the door of the tent, ensuring that no one enters until Brutus and Cassius have finished their conference.

5. How does this scene depict the relationship of Brutus and Cassius falling apart?

Answer: This scene depicts the relationship of Brutus and Cassius falling apart through their intense quarrel, marked by accusations of wrongdoing, misunderstanding, and a clear lack of trust. Their heated exchange reveals deep-seated grievances and a shift from mutual respect to contention, highlighting the strain in their relationship and the impact of power and moral disagreements on their friendship.

Extra/additional MCQs

1. Where does the scene take place?

A. Thasos B. Philippi C. Sardis D. Rome

Answer: C. Sardis

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10. What do Brutus and Cassius decide to do to resolve their differences?

A. Engage in a duel B. Disband their armies C. Speak privately in the tent D. Send messages through servants

Answer: C. Speak privately in the tent

Extra/additional questions and answers

1. Why do Brutus and Cassius argue in Brutus’s tent?

Answer: Brutus and Cassius argue because they feel wronged by each other, leading to a tense dispute about their mutual grievances and the challenges they face as leaders of their army.

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5. What role do Lucius, Titinius, and Pindarus play in this scene?

Answer: Lucius, Titinius, and Pindarus act as intermediaries and supporters of Brutus and Cassius, helping to manage the armies and facilitate the leaders’ private discussion, highlighting their loyalty and the hierarchical structure of their military campaign.

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