Julius Caesar Act 5 Scene 5: ICSE Class 10 workbook answers

Julius Caesar Act 5 Scene 5
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Get notes, workbook solutions, summary, questions and answers, and pdf of the drama/play Julius Caesar (Act 5 Scene 5) by William Shakespeare, which is part of ICSE Class 10 English. However, the notes should only be treated as references, and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.


It depicts the aftermath of the battle between the forces of Brutus and Cassius against the triumvirate of Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus.

The scene opens with Brutus resting with his remaining friends Clitus, Dardanius, Strato, and Volumnius after their army has been defeated in battle. Brutus is dejected and appears to have lost the will to live. He whispers to Clitus and Dardanius, asking them to kill him, but they refuse. Brutus then confides in Volumnius that Caesar’s ghost has appeared to him twice – once in Sardis and once the previous night on the fields of Philippi. He takes this as a sign that his end is near.

Brutus asks the noble Volumnius, his old friend from school days, to hold his sword while he impales himself on it. But Volumnius refuses, saying it is not something a friend should do. As their enemies close in, the others flee, leaving only Brutus and his servant Strato behind.

Brutus persuades Strato to hold the sword for him and turn away as Brutus runs himself through. With his dying words, Brutus tells Caesar’s spirit to be at peace, for he killed Caesar with less malice than he now kills himself. Brutus dies by suicide on the battlefield.

The victorious leaders Octavius, Antony, and their men then arrive. They find Strato beside Brutus’ corpse. Antony delivers a poignant eulogy, calling Brutus “the noblest Roman of them all”. He says that unlike the other conspirators who acted out of envy of Caesar, Brutus killed Caesar with honorable intentions for the greater good of Rome. Antony describes Brutus as a paragon of virtue and humanity.

Octavius, now the heir to Caesar’s legacy, orders that Brutus be given an honorable soldier’s burial within his tent that night. He decides to welcome into his service all of Brutus’ former followers. The triumvirs then depart to celebrate their “happy” victory as the battle ends.

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Workbook answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Brutus is resting on

a. a rock b. a pavement c. in the battlefield d. in his house

Answer: a. a rock

2. Brutus is desperate to

a. die b. run away c. kill the triumvirs d. fall asleep

Answer: a. die

3. Brutus, before he dies, asks Caesar

a. to be still b. to take revenge c. to create havoc d. to forgive him

Answer: a. to be still

4. Antony says that Brutus had

a. all the elements so mix’d in him b. no good qualities c. had a great amount of prejudice d. a selfish nature

Answer: a. all the elements so mix’d in him

5. Octavius, at the end of the play, decides to

a. call the field to rest b. call the field to march c. to bury Brutus at once d. to reward the soldiers

Answer: a. call the field to rest

Context questions

VOLUMNIUS – What says my Lord?
BRUTUS- Why this, Voluminous
The ghost of Caesar hath appear’d to me
Two several times by night: at Sardis once,
And this ladt night here in Philippi fields.
I know My hour is come.

1. Where are the speakers? Who else are there with them? Where did Brutus ask them to rest?

Answer: The speakers are in Philippi, on the battlefield. With them are Dardanius, Clitus, Strato, and Volumnius. Brutus asked them to rest on a rock.

2. Who was feared to be taken? Who does Brutus whisper to?

Answer: Statilius was feared to be taken or slain. Brutus whispers to Clitus and then to Dardanius.

3. What does Brutus whisper to Clitus that makes him react very strongly? What does he say? What does it indicate about Clitus’ feelings towards Brutus?

Answer: Brutus whispers to Clitus asking him to kill him, which Clitus strongly refuses, saying he would rather kill himself. This indicates Clitus’ loyalty and respect towards Brutus, showing he could not bear the thought of harming him.

4. How did the prophecy of the ghost of Caesar come true? How many times and where did the ghost of Caesar appear to Brutus?

Answer: The prophecy of the ghost of Caesar came true with Brutus’ death, signaling his hour had come. The ghost appeared to Brutus two times: once at Sardis and the last night in the Philippi fields.

5. What does Brutus request Volumnius to do? What special relationship did the two share in the past?

Answer: Brutus requests Volumnius to hold his sword while he runs onto it, intending to kill himself. They shared a special relationship of old friends, having gone to school together.

ANTONY- This was the noblest Roman of them all.
All the conspirators save only he
Did what they did in envy of great Caesar

1. Who does Antony pay his tribute to? Which people are included in the word ‘all’?

Answer: Antony pays his tribute to Brutus, including all the conspirators in the word ‘all’.

2. What does Antony say about the person at the end of his speech? What were the elements ‘so mix’d in him’? Refer to the Elizabethan way of thinking.

Answer: Antony says that Brutus was the noblest Roman of them all, with elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, “This was a man!” This refers to the ideal balance of qualities such as bravery, moral integrity, and compassion in Brutus, as per the Elizabethan view of an ideal person.

3. What does Octavius order about this ‘noble Roman’? Did the person deserve the honour? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Octavius orders that Brutus be given all respects and rites of burial, stating his bones shall lie within his tent that night, ordered honorably. Yes, Brutus deserved the honor as, unlike the other conspirators who acted out of envy, Brutus acted for what he believed was the common good of Rome, maintaining his honor and principles until the end.

4. What idea of disloyalty and deceit is highlighted in the play?

Answer: The idea of disloyalty and deceit is highlighted through the actions of the conspirators against Caesar, who betray him despite his trust and friendship. Brutus’ internal conflict and his ultimate decision to join the conspiracy also underscore these themes, as he grapples with loyalty to Caesar versus his perceived duty to Rome.

5. What sort of burial does the person get? What does this show about Brutus’ status in society? Did you like the ending of the play? Write your answer in a short paragraph.

Answer: Brutus receives a burial with full honors and respect, indicating his high status in society and the recognition of his noble intentions by even his adversaries. This reflects the complexity of his character and the tragic nature of his choices, providing a profound commentary on the themes of honor, loyalty, and the consequences of political actions. The ending of the play is fittingly tragic and thought-provoking, effectively bringing closure to the tumultuous events and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. It leaves the audience to ponder the true cost of power and the nature of honor, making it a compelling conclusion to the story.

Extra/additional MCQs

1. Where is Brutus resting according to the text?

A. On a rock B. On a pavement C. In the battlefield D. In his house

Answer: A. On a rock

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15. What does Brutus request of Volumnius that is refused?

A. To flee with him B. To hold his sword while he runs onto it C. To kill him D. To betray Antony

Answer: B. To hold his sword while he runs onto it

Extra/additional questions and answers

1. Where did Brutus and his followers decide to rest during their final moments?

Answer: They decided to rest on a rock, as indicated by Brutus’ invitation to his remaining friends to join him there.

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14. What does the interaction between Octavius and Strato reveal about the aftermath of the conflict?

Answer: The interaction between Octavius and Strato, where Octavius offers to entertain those who served Brutus, reveals a gesture of reconciliation and clemency in the aftermath of the conflict. This exchange signifies the attempt to restore peace and stability by absorbing the defeated into the new order, rather than perpetuating cycles of vengeance. It highlights the value of loyalty and service, even among former enemies, and showcases a pragmatic approach to governance and unity following civil strife.

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