Get, in English medium, the textbook solutions, questions, answers, extras, notes, MCQs, pdf of SEBA class 10 geography (social science) notes of all the chapters by clicking on the link under each heading. However, these notes/answers should be treated only for references and can be modified/changed according to needs.
Chapter 1: Economic Geography – Subject Matter and Resource notes
Introduction to SEBA Class 10 Geography (Social Science) Chapter 1 Economic Geography: Subject Matter and Resources: The subject of geography is broadly divided into two divisions: – physical geography and human geography. Economic geography is one of the important branches of human geography. The natural environment of the earth’s surface is characteristically different due to differences in its geological and physiographic structure, including climate and soil. For instance, when some parts of the earth’s surface are mountainous highlands, its other parts may be characterised by fertile plain, oceanic coastal plains, and some places may again be climatically very cold or very hot. Due to the prevalence of such differences in the natural environment, the relationship between man and the environment is not found to be similar in every place, and the resultant human environment also becomes different in different parts of the earth’s surface.
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Chapter 2: Environment and Environmental Problems notes
Introduction to SEBA Class 10 Geography (Social Science) Chapter 2 Environment and Environmental Problems: The environment as a theme has drawn the utmost attention of people during the contemporary period. Although the term ‘environment’ has been in use for a long time, it has now acquired special significance. Presently, almost in all kinds of academic, administrative, commercial, and political discussions, the issues relating to the environment are commonly referred to. Currently, all kinds of media are seen putting more emphasis on environmental issues. That we should keep the environment healthy has become a goal and objective for all of us.
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Chapter 3: Geography of the World notes
Geography of the World (Introduction of SEBA Class 10 Geography/Social Science chapter 3): The world, which is man’s only home, is huge. It has a total area of 510 million square kilometres. It’s worth noting that land covers only roughly 29% of the earth’s surface area, or 149 million square kilometres, while water covers the remaining 71%, or 361 million square kilometres. Continents such as Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica make up the earth’s land mass. The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern oceans, on the other hand, cover a large amount of the earth’s water surface.
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Chapter 4: Geography of Assam notes
Geography of Assam (Introduction of SEBA Class 10 Geography/Social Science Chapter 4): Assam covers 2.4 per cent of India’s area and has a 2.6 per cent population (as per the 2011 census). The literacy rate and sex ratios have increased in Assam from 2001 to 2011. Again, the percentage of the rural population has decreased while the percentage of the urban population has increased. There are 7 Class-I towns and 6 Class-II towns in Assam. Although the population growth in Assam depends on the birth rate, death rate, and migration, the impact of migration is very significant. Assam’s population increased more than twice during the four decades from 1901 to 1941. But, it had increased rapidly during the post Independence period from 1951 to 1971.
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sir how can i download the ch 4 geography note.
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I’m unable to download the notes sir
Sir by getting notes of various subjects.l have finish half of my course . Thank u sir
Geography practical parts of class 10