Grammar Worksheet I: NBSE Class 9 English (solved)

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Here, we’ve provided the solutions of NBSE Class 9 English Grammar Worksheet I. Attempts have been made to keep the solutions error-free, however, if you find any errors, let us know in the comments. We’ll review it and make corrections if needed.

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Parts of speech

1. Label the parts of speech in the following sentence.

He looked around carefully and jumped over the high wall into the beautiful castle.


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2. From the given table, pick words  from each part of speech and from a sentence using all these words. You have to form ten sentences. One sentence has been written for you as an example. Remember to use as many parts of speech as you can in each sentence.

parrotgreen spottedchatteredhappilyitssome

(a) I saw a huge dinosaur near the park, and it was trudging carefully.


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Fill in the blanks with quantifiers.

1. We got ____ holiday homework.

2 .How ____ time does it takes you to reach school

3. How ____ students do you have in your class?

4. He has visited ____ foreign countries

5. He didn’t have ____ support from the family.

6. ____ people had sue’s ability.

7. ____ Knowledge is a dangerous thing.

8 He’s having ____ of trouble with his fellow students.

9. I spend ____ of my time reading novels.

10. He knows ____ of English.


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Tick the correct choice of the word in each blanks.

When we got to the farm house, ____ (many/lots of) people were already there, and choice’t find a place to sit down. There wear ____ (few/little) empty chairs under one sun umbrella. We wear carrying ____ (a lot of/many) food baskets and this was a long walk from the entrance. But We didn’t have ____ (much/many) choice. As we trudge a long carrying all that weight, we met ____ (a few/little) people we had known earlier. We spent ____ (few/a little) time there because there wasn’t ____ (much/many) to do where there would not be ____ (many/much) people. This was spread out our things. Before we realised it we had eaten so ____ (much/many) and within ____ (a few/ little) minutes we were all dozing happily in the sun.


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Fill each of the sentences below with a, an, the or put a cross (x)

1. My sister’s painting is ____ remarkable work of art.

2. ____ life is fascination.

3. The air conditioner in ____ room was not functioning.

4. ____ weather report said it would rain.

5. My parents got me ____ little puppy for my birthday.

6. ____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

7. ____ pharaohs were buried in pyramids.

8. It takes ____ hour to get there.


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Complete the conversation with a, an, the or put a cross (x)

Mani: I had ____ very strange dream!

Linda: What was it about?

Mani: ____ dinosaur.

Linda: ____ dinosaur? It must have been ____ strange dream indeed. Tell me ____ little about it.

Mani: I saw ____ poor dinosaur, who had lost his way in ____ jungle and ____ wandered into ____ city. ____ dinosaur wasn’t along but had four of its young ones as well. ____ people of ____ city were horrified to see such ____ huge creature trudging in and so all them left ____ city and fled. ____ poor creature wanted to scream, ‘Stop please, I’m ____ herbivore. All  I need is some food and ____ place to rest till I find my way back.’ But ____ loud grunting scared ____ people even more.


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Fill in the blanks with suitable pronoun.

1. The plug blew up when I switch ____ on

2. We asked ____ if it was right to be rude.

3. Sita is my neighbour. ____ does all work ____.

4. The actor came out and introduced ____.

5. My mother is a wise lady ____ asks incisive questions.

6. Ms. Kapoor has agreed to be the chief guest. I wrote to her ____.

7. You should buy ____ a few new dresses before the wedding. 

8. Lats sang to ____.

9. The children should learn to take care of ____.

10. The ignition of the car stopped ____.


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Edit the statement. There are pronoun errors in each sentence. Correct them.

1. Her is my younger sister Rupa. He is two years younger than me/I.

2 . I wonder if they are busy this/ that afternoon. If you are not us could go out.

3. Which do you prefer, milk or fruit juice? My self like Juice.

4. I chose these sarees for my mother. She likes the color.

5.  I will give these books to she on her birthday.

6. The palace on wheels is a luxury train which travels across Rajasthan. It travels pretty fast.

7. Whom is taller, John or peter? Myself am taller than peter but shorter than John.

8. Pinky  is this umbrella your? The two black ones are my.

9.Which is the best time to meet you? I will ask Tim to be there. Himself will be on time.

10. The dog can fetch the ball herself. My sister himself taught it to do so.


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Subject Verb Agreement

I. Read this anonymous poem about a postman.

The whistling postman swings a long
His bag is deep and wide,
And messages from all the world
Are bundled up inside.
The postman’s walking up our street, 
Soon now he ‘ll ring my bell.
Perhaps there’ll be a letter stamped
In Asia. Who can tell?

Now, fill in the blanks by ticking the correct form of the verb,

I saw a postman ____ (walk/walks) down the street. He ____ (was/were) Carrying a bag that was deep and wide. The letters in his bag ____ (were/ was) from all over the world. They ____ (was/were) lying bundled up in the bag. I thought the postman would ____ (rings/ring) my door bell. He would ____ (does/do) that if he ____ (have/has) a letter for us. It ____ (was/were) very difficult to  tell at that moment.


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II. Your school has got  a new library built. Write to your friend  joseph, describing the library.

Place: Kohima
Date:22, February 2018

Dear Joseph

Our school library ____ (has/have) just become functional. I can’t  tell you how delighted I am. It ____ (is/are) the Reading Room with two floors. On the ground floor ____ (is/are) the Reading Room with lots of tables and chairs. This area ____ (provide/provides) ample space to sit and read. On the first floor ____ (is/ are) book shelves stacked with books. The book ____ (include/includes) both fiction and non- fiction. One can be issued two books at a time. The catalogue ____ (has/have) names of all the books with their authors.

The corner on the far end ____ (is/are) the kids corner. Here the librarian or the teacher ____ (reads/read) out to the younger children. The children sometimes ____ (act/acts) out different roles from stories as well.


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III. Fill in the blanks with the correct choice of the verb in brackets.

1. The doctors ____ (is/ are) treating the patients.

2. The news in the paper ____ (was/ were) true.

3. Either ____ (come/comes) with me or ____ (stay/ stays) at home.

4. I will ____ (study/ studies) mathematics or physics.

5. ____ (is/are) there an extra pair of scissors in the drawer?

6. The students in the class ____ (was/ were) shouting loudly.

7. The players and the coach ____ (put/ puts) in a lot of hard work

8. Our parents ____ (want/wants) us to be good.

9. One of my sisters ____ (is/are) going to Australia to ____ (meet/meets) our youngest sister.

10. Dr. Doolittle, with all the animals, ____ (live/lives) on my street.

11. Everybody ____ (know/knows) that I can act well.

12. All the actors in the movie had ____ (come/comes) to promote the film.


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Underline the incorrect verbs and write the correct verbs in the space provided, one has been done for you

1. Geckos, garden lizards, frogs and toads has a vital role ____

2. To played in the ecosystem. Many of us in a fit of rage or due to ____

3. aversion kills these reptiles, without realizing the fact that they ____

4. eat away many insects, which is harmful to humans. One can ____

5. sees hundreds of snake in a puddy fields in the rural areas ____

6. rats is founds in large numbers in and around paddy fields ____

7. and the snakes is  attracted  towards them.  Sadly,even some ____

8. misinformed farmers looks at the snakes as their enemies ____

9. and kills them, while the intelligent ones realize their role in pest control ____


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Complete this story about the farmer’s concern for others by filling in the correct from of the verbs.

Once,a king’s army ____ (is/was) going back after a battle. Their food supplies ____ (was/were) depleted. The king said to his soldiers, ’Go to a nearby village and ____ (get/gets) some food.’

The soldiers and their commander entered the village and met a farmer. The commander asked him, ‘Dear farmer, please ____ (lead/leads) us to this village’s largest field.’

The farmer took them to a large field. The commander ordered his soldiers, ‘____ (cut/cuts) and ____ (collect/collects) all the grains.’

The farmer got scared and said, ‘Sir, come and I’ll ____ (show/shows) you another field.’ The soldiers went with him to a small field. He asked the soldiers to ____ (take/takes) the grains from that field.

The commander asked the farmer why he had led them to this field.

The farmer replied, ‘That field ____ (belong/belongs) to someone else. How could I let you destroy it? This is my field and I can allow you to do what you wish.’ The king learnt of the farmer’s concern for others. He paid him handsomely for his grains.


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