Grammar Worksheet IV: NBSE Class 9 English solved

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Here, we’ve provided the solutions of NBSE (Nagaland Board) Class 9 English Grammar Worksheet IV (four). Attempts have been made to keep the solutions error-free, however, if you find any error, let us know. We’ll review it and make corrections if needed.

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The Present Perfect

I. Fill in the blanks with ‘since’ or ‘for’.

1. I have studied here ____ six years. 

2. I have lived here ____ 2008. 

3. I have been abroad ____ four years. 

4. I have been waiting for her ____ 5 pm. 

5. We practised ____ months 

6. I studied English ____ ten years.


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II. Tick the correct options.

1. I ____ (practise/have practised) instrumental music since (since/for) I was ten years old.

2. She ____ (works/has worked) at the store since (since/ for) she left school.

3. I ____ (live/have lived) here since (since/for) I was a little girl.

4. I ____ (had run/ran) the race for (for/since) an hour before I fainted

5. I ____ (danced/dance) on the stage for (since/for) 7 minutes.

6. I have never ____ (drive/driven) a truck before. 


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III. Fill in the blank with just, yet, already.

1. ‘Would you like to have a cup of tea?’ ‘No thanks. I’ve ____ had.

2. ‘Have you finished your homework ____?’

3. ‘Have you cleaned your study table yet?’ No, not ____ I’ll do now.’

4. ‘Are you going to complete your assignment?’ No, I’ve ____ done it!’

5. You have ____ learnt the first five chapters. 


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IV. Tick the correct form of the verb.

Mother: ____ (has/have you cleared/clear) your study table?

Alina: No, I ____ (hasn’t/haven’t). I’ll ____ (just/already/yet) do it.

Mother: ____ (have/has) you put the water bottles away in the kitchen?

Alina: Yes I ____ (has/have). I’ve ____ (just/already/yet) done it.

Mother: (has/have) ____ you (packed/pack) ____ your bag and put it away? 

Alina: No, I ____ (hasn’t/haven’t) ____ (just/already/yet done) it.


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Past Perfect Tense

I. Match the following to make meaningful sentences.

Column A   Column B
By the time the bell ranghe had already left
By the time I reached homeI saw that the house had been burgled
By the time I reached the theatreI had laid the table
When I switched on the lightswho I hadn’t seen for years
I met Lucy at the partythe show had already begun


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II. Match the questions to their answers.

Did you meet her in the mall?No, I had no money left
Did you buy the fur coat?No, her flight had taken off by the time I reached.
Did you meet Sue at the airport?No, I had already seen it. 
Didn’t you go with your mom to see the movie?No, I didn’t. 
Didn’t you sit through the play?No, she had already left by then.


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III. Fill in the correct option of the verb.

1. Last night, I ____ (wasn’t finished/hadn’t finished/ didn’t finish) clearing the table when I heard a scream.

2. The sales person ____ (had negotiated/have negotiated/did negotiated) a new price before he signed the

3. The food on the cooking gas burnt because I ____ (had forgot/had forgotten/have forgotten) to turn down the flame.

4. After we ____ (had complete/did complete/had completed) our work, the teacher allowed us to go for games.


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IV. Complete the following sentences using the correct tense. 

1. Ali’s parents ____ (had died/had die) when he ____ (was/ were) a small boy.

2. After they ____ (had eaten/have eaten) their food, they ____ (packed/are packing) their belongings and left the place.

3. The film ____ (had started/started) by the time we ____ (reached/had reached) the theatre.

4. After she ____ (had finished/will finish) washing clothes, she ____ (sat/sit) down to write a letter.

5. For years we ____ (had dreamt/have dreamt) of a house of our own, but we ____ (did not have/did not had) the resources to buy one.


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Future Perfect Tense

I. Complete these sentences using the correct tense

(a) She ____ (will have finished/will be finishing) writing by the time the guests arrive.

(b) Gaurav ____ (will be discussing/will have discussed) this with his teacher by tomorrow.

(c) The police ____ (will be arresting/will have arrested) the thief before the end of the week.

(d) He ____ (will have packed/will be packing) his suitcase by the time the cab arrives.

(e) It ____ (will have stopped/ will have been stopping) raining by the time we have to leave for school.


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II. Make questions in the future perfect by ticking the correct tense.

(a) ____ (Would he be arriving/Would he have arrived) by the time we leave for school?

(b) ____ (Will he have eaten/Would he be eating) by 8:30?

(c) (Would he have completed/Will he be completing) ____ his school by May next?

(d) (Would you have left/would you be leaving) ____ left for Australia by early next month?

(e) ____ (Would he have participated / Would he be participating) in the competition by month end?


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III. Do as directed. Tick the correct option.

1. Janvi’s friends will have arrived by 4 o’clock (Interrogative)

(a) Will Janvi’s friends have arrived by 4 o’clock?
(b) Are Janvi’s friends arriving by 4 o’clock? 

2. Geeta will have left for Australia next year. (Negative) 

(a) Geeta will not be leaving for Australia next year. 
(b) Geeta will not have left for Australia next year. 

3. The Chairman will have met his clients tomorrow at this time. (Interrogative)

(a) Will the Chairman have met his clients tomorrow at this time? 
(b) The Chairman will be meeting his clients tomorrow at this time?

4. Will Mehak have left this country for a year this November? (Affirmative) 

(a) Mehak will have left this country for a year this November. 
(b) Mehak has left this country for a year this November. 

5. Will they have practised their respective sports by next month? (Negative)

(a) They will not have practised their respective sports by next.
(b) They will not have been practising their respective sports by next month.


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IV. Match the following to make suitable sentences.

By this time next month, I’ll be back in India.
By the time my parents grow oldhe’ll have learnt to take care of himself. 
By the time the child goes to schoolshe would have got a job
By the time, she finishes her collegemy friend will have left for the party.
By the time, I finish my work my friend I’ll have submitted my work.


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I. Identify the modal verbs and their use in the following sentences.

1. You could miss school today, but you need to be more responsible.

2. Since all wild animals are caged in the zoo, the rhinoceros must be a wild animal.

3. I will finish my work even if I have to spend a sleepless night.

4. The baby can walk now.

5. You may face difficulties on the path of truth.

6. The guests should be here any time.

7. The situation would not be so bad if all of us behaved sensibly.

8. I will have eaten my dinner by 8 pm.


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II. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Why didn’t you tell me you were unwell? You ____ (could have phoned/could phone).

2. I loved vacations as a child. I ____ (was able to/could go to) sleep when I liked because I didn’t have to get up early.

3. This dress is very expensive. But I ____ (could get/was able to get) a discount. So it was affordable.

4. Wish I had studied properly. With a good degree I ____ (I could have been/ I can be) a rich man today.

5. I should have thought of it. I ____ (I can be/I could have been) saved the trouble of coming here.


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III. Complete the sentences with could (n’t)/was (n’t) able to.

1. Ram’s car broke down. He ____ reach on time. 

2. I had broken my hand. So I ____ write. 

3. I ____ get a cab back home. I had to walk.

4. I ____ read well as a young child but I had a lot of trouble with maths. 

5. I didn’t enjoy the movie. I reached late so ____ understand the story.


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IV. Tick the best choice.

1. My shoes are muddy, I ____ should/can/may polish them. 

2. I’m tired, I ____ should/could/might rest.

3. Young children ____ should/shouldn’t/mustn’t roam on the roads alone.

4.You ____ mustn’t/shouldn’t/couldn’t tell lies.

5.You ____ mustn’t/can’t/mightn’t drive the car till you get a license.


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V. Match Ashu’s questions with Bindu’s answers.

Ashu’s questionsBindhu’s answers
Are you going for the cricket match tomorrow?No, the woodwork isn’t complete
Are you shifting into your new house this weekend?It depends on how expensive it is.
Would you be taking the children for a holiday?Yes, i will.
Have you decided to buy the farm house?No, I won’t. I have to meet my clients.


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VI. Now complete the list of Ashu’s plans.

1. Ashu ____ (can’t/shouldn’t/mightn’t) go for the cricket match tomorrow as her clients ____ (may/will/shall) be coming to meet her.

2. Ashu ____ (may not/would not/must not) be shifting into her new house as the woodwork ____ (wasn’t/can’t be/ mightn’t be) complete.

3. Ashu ____ (will/can/shall) be taking children for a holiday during their summer vacations.

4.Ashu ____ (would/should/could) buy the farm house depending on how expensive it was.

5. Ashu said she ____ (might/could/would) drop me home.


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VII. Fill in the blanks with can, may, must.

1. ‘Hello. It’s a bad line ____ you hear me?’ 

2. You ____ work hard and pass the test next time. 

3. You ____ not wait for me, I will reach on my own. 

4. I have returned home after a week. I ____ dust the house today. 

5.This ____ not be Jane. She’s much older.


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VIII. Complete the following sentences with the following words:

cancouldmay might should ought to shall will 

1. Helen Keller ____ read by feeling of the dots. 

2. You ____ rest or your fever will become worse. 

3. ____ l we leave for school? Else we’ll get late.

4. Jenny ____ l be leaving by the Air India flight.

5. Since traffic is heavy, I ____ be late for the meeting. 

6. You look tired. ____ I get you a glass of cold water? 

7. You were rude to your teacher. You ____ to apologise. 

8. I don’t have a dress for the party. ____ I borrow yours?


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IX. Tick the correct modal verb.

1. ____ (May/Can/Might) I come in?

2. Esther ____ (can/could/should) be a good girl when she wants to.

3. Do you think, it ____ (can/might/shall) snow?

4. We ____ (might/could/can) visit my family in London. But I’m not sure.

5. You ____ (must/can/could) wear your seat belt. It is the law in Delhi.


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X. Complete the following sentences with needn’t have/ didn’t have to and use the correct form of the verb.

1. The hostel provides furniture. You ____ (bring) your own.

2. I ____ (iron) my clothes. My mother had done it for me.

3. I ____ (get) the costume stitched. I borrowed one.

4. You ____ (cook) your meals. You can get them delivered.

5. I could recite the poem any time. I ____ (learn) it.


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XI. Fill in the correct question tags.

1. You can dance well, ____?

2. She is going to the US, ____?

3. He loves non-vegetarian food, doesn’t he? They couldn’t hear you, ____?

4. She needn’t have gone there, ____?

5. She ought to do her own work, ____?


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XII. Match the beginning of each sentence with the most suitable ending.

You must have seen beautiful monumentsyou have been playing all day.
You can’t be boredafter the way the kids behaved.
You could buy a new pair of formal shoestill you get a visa.
You must be upsetduring your visit to Istanbul.
You can’t visit a foreign countryafter all, you have lived there.
You know the place is not safesince you have forgotten to get yours.


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