Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene 1: ICSE Class 10 workbook answers

julius caesar act 3 scene 1
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Get notes, workbook solutions, summary, questions and answers, and pdf of the drama/play Julius Caesar (Act 3 Scene 1) by William Shakespeare, which is part of ICSE Class 10 English. However, the notes should only be treated as references, and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.


The scene starts outside the Capitol, where Caesar arrives with his supporters and the conspirators. As Caesar approaches, the soothsayer reminds him that the Ides of March have come. Artemidorus and Decius try to hand petitions to Caesar, but he arrogantly brushes them off, saying he will read them later.

Caesar then goes into the Capitol with the senators, including the conspirators. Popilius whispers something to Cassius that worries him, but Brutus reassures Cassius when he sees Popilius smile at Caesar. The conspirators are relieved. As planned, Trebonius draws Mark Antony away from Caesar.

Inside the Capitol, Caesar sits on the throne. Metellus Cimber kneels before Caesar and petitions to repeal his brother’s banishment. But Caesar refuses arrogantly, saying he stands firmly by his decisions. Seeing no other way, Casca strikes the first blow at Caesar from behind his neck. The other conspirators surround Caesar, stabbing him repeatedly. Lastly, Brutus delivers the final blow, at which Caesar utters his famous words, “Et tu, Brute?” before dying at the base of Pompey’s statue.

Chaos ensues on the streets as the public runs around in fear and confusion. The conspirators emerge, pleading with the senators and the public not to panic. Antony, shocked at what has happened, runs home. He sends his servant back to check if the conspirators plan to harm him too. The servant cleverly flatters the conspirators, after which Brutus ensures Antony’s safety.

Antony soon arrives, grieving over Caesar’s body and almost offering to let the conspirators kill him too out of loyalty to Caesar. But Brutus assures him that there is no malice against Antony. All conspirators make gestures of friendship with Antony, but Cassius remains suspicious of his motives.

Antony then requests to speak at Caesar’s funeral. Cassius objects, but Brutus allows it, provided Antony speaks only with their permission and after Brutus has spoken first. Antony agrees, so the conspirators depart, leaving him alone with the body.

Alone now, Antony emotionally accuses the conspirators of butchering Caesar. He prophesies that Caesar’s death will bring civil war and destruction to Italy. When a servant informs him of Octavius Caesar’s impending arrival, Antony sends a message that Octavius should wait awhile, as Rome is not a safe place for him. 

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Workbook answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Caesar compared himself to the 

a. northern star b. the sun c. God d. stars in the universe 

Answer: a. northern star 

2. Caesar lay dead at the base of the statue of 

a. Pompey b. Junius Brutus c. Cato d. his ancestor 

Answer: a. Pompey 

3. After the murder of Caesar, Antony 

a. runs to his house amazed b. attacks the conspirators c. kills himself d. stirs the mob to kill the conspirators 

Answer: a. runs to his house amazed 

4. Antony is allowed to speak in the funeral of Caesar on the following condition: 

a. he will speak only after Brutus has spoken b. he will not speak good of Caesar c. he will blame Caesar d. he will support the conspirators for murdering Caesar 

Answer: a. he will speak only after Brutus has spoken 

5. Antony addresses Caesar’s dead body as 

a. an honourable man b. a deer hunted by the evil doers c. bleeding piece of earth d. a purger of Rome 

Answer: c. bleeding piece of earth 

6. At the end of the scene 

a. a servant of Octavius enters b. the servant informs Antony of the arrival of Octavius c. Antony stops Octavius to enter Rome for the time being.  d. All of the above 

Answer: b. the servant informs Antony of the arrival of Octavius 

Context questions


Caesar (to the soothsayer) The Ides of March are come
Soothsayer-Ay Caesar, but not gone
ARTEMIDORUS – Hail Caesar! Read this schedule.
DECIUS- Trebonius doth desire you to o’er read,
At your best leisure, this his humble suit 

1. What does Caesar answer to the people who want him to read their suit? Who does Caesar get annoyed with? Why? 

Answer: Caesar tells Artemidorus that he will read his suit last as it is something that touches Caesar personally. Caesar gets annoyed with Artemidorus because of his persistence in asking Caesar to read his petition immediately. 

2. What does Popilus say to Cassius? Why does Cassius get tensed? What does he instruct Casca to do? 

Answer: Popilius wishes Cassius good luck and success in his “enterprise” today. This makes Cassius tensed as he fears their conspiracy has been discovered. He instructs Casca to be sudden in striking Caesar and not wait any longer. 

3. What makes Brutus tell Cassius to be calm?

Answer: Brutus notices that Popilius is smiling at Caesar and Caesar’s face does not show any anger or fear. This makes Brutus assure Cassius that Popilius was not talking about their conspiracy and there is no cause for worry. 

4. Who takes Antony out of the way? Why? What is Metellus Cimber’s suit to Caesar? State three instances to show Caesar’s high handedness in not granting Metellus Cimber’s suit. 

Answer: Trebonius takes Antony out of the way as part of the conspirators’ plan. Metellus Cimber pleads with Caesar to repeal the order banishing his brother Publius Cimber. Three instances showing Caesar’s high-handedness: 1) He says prayers and flattery will not move him 2) He spurns anyone trying to plead for Publius Cimber like kicking a dog 3) He refuses to alter his decision declaring himself as constant as the Northern star. 


CAESAR- I could be well moved,
If I were as you,
If I could pray to move, prayers would move me;
But I am constant as the …………

1. Who does Caesar compare himself to in the blanks in the extract? How does he compare himself to the object? Mention two qualities Caesar boasts about himself. 

Answer: Caesar compares himself to the Northern star. He says like the northern star which has a fixed and constant position in the sky, he is also fixed and constant in his decisions and qualities. The two qualities he boasts about are being unshakable and unwavering. 

2. What is the outcome of Caesar’s high-handedness? Who strikes Caesar first and who strikes him last? 

Answer: Caesar’s high-handedness and arrogance make the conspirators attack him. Casca strikes Caesar first while Brutus strikes him last. 

3. What are Caesar’s famous words before he falls? What is the significance of his last words? 

Answer: Caesar’s famous last words are “Et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar!”. This shows his disbelief and shock that even his dear friend Brutus has betrayed him. It highlights the deep personal betrayal Caesar felt. 

4. What is the reaction of the people when Caesar falls? How does Brutus try to appease the people? 

Answer: The people are terrified, running around and crying out as if it is doomsday. Brutus tells them not to be frightened and to stand still, assuring them their ambition’s debt is paid. 

5. How does Brutus show that he has performed an honourable deed? What does it tell us about Brutus? 

Answer: Brutus asks the conspirators to wash their hands in Caesar’s blood to show they have purged rather than murdered Caesar. This shows Brutus’ idealism in trying to justify the murder as a noble deed rather than a crime. 


Stoop Romans, stoop,
And let us bathe our hands in Caesar’s blood up to the elbow and besmear our swords 

1. Who is the speaker? What does the speaker want the conspirators to do after this action? 

Answer: The speaker is Brutus. He wants the conspirators to walk to the marketplace waving their bloody swords and crying “Peace, freedom and liberty!”. 

2. Where does Caesar lie dead? Who does Cassius want to lead? 

Answer: Caesar lies dead at the base of Pompey’s statue. Cassius wants Brutus to lead. 

3. Who enters after the extract? Why has the person come there? What has he been asked to do? What has that person been ordered to tell Brutus? What does Brutus have to vouchsafe? 

Answer: Antony’s servant enters. He has come on Antony’s request to confirm his safety from the conspirators. The servant has been asked by Antony to kneel before Brutus. He is ordered to tell Brutus that Antony loved Caesar but honors and loves Brutus more now. Brutus has to assure safe passage for Antony if he comes to meet Brutus. 

4. What does Brutus assure the person? 

Answer: Brutus assures Antony’s servant that Antony will be safe and can depart untouched if he comes to meet Brutus. 


ANTONY -O mighty Caesar!
Dost thou lie so low?
Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs spoils shrunk to this little measure?
Fare thee well. 

1. What does Antony wish for? Why does he make such a wish? 

Answer: Antony wishes to be killed by the conspirators and placed next to Caesar’s corpse, as he wants to die nobly like Caesar rather than live without him. 

2. What reason does Brutus give for not granting Antony’s wish? How does he justify to Antony the reason for murdering Caesar? 

Answer: Brutus says they only appear bloody and cruel but their hearts are pitiful. He says they killed Caesar out of pity for Rome’s general wrongs, to drive out Caesar’s ambition which would have harmed Rome. 

3. How does Brutus try to convince Antony that they have no ill will towards him? What does Antony do to extend his hand of friendship towards the conspirators? What is Antony’s ulterior motive in doing so? 

Answer: Brutus says their swords and arms have no malice towards Antony. Antony shakes hands with the conspirators, declaring love and friendship. His ulterior motive is to avenge Caesar’s death. 

4. What does Antony compare Caesar and the conspirators to? How does Antony win the confidence of the conspirators? 

Answer: Antony compares Caesar to a hart (deer) hunted by many princes (the conspirators). He wins their confidence by flattering them and pretending to make peace and be friends with Caesar’s enemies. 

5. What request does Antony make? Who objects to his request? Was the person who objected sound in his judgement of Antony? 

Answer: Antony requests to speak at Caesar’s funeral. Cassius objects as he distrusts and fears what Antony may say to instigate the masses. Yes, Cassius had sound judgment about Antony’s dangerous speech-making ability. 


ANTONY -O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
Who ever lived in tide of times. 

1. Why does Antony refer to Caesar’s body ‘thou bleeding piece of earth? Who does he call ‘butchers’? 

Answer: He refers so due to the multiple wounds making Caesar’s body bleed profusely resembling the earth. He calls the conspirators who killed Caesar “butchers”. 

2. When, why and how had Antony been meek and gentle with these butchers? What trait of Antony’s character do you assess by this action? 

Answer: Earlier Antony had politely greeted the conspirators, praising Brutus and pretending to make peace with them, concealing his true grief and rage. This shows Antony’s cunning nature. 

3. What does Antony prophesy on the wounds of Caesar? Who will roam about to take revenge? Does Antony’s prophecy come true? How? 

Answer: Antony prophesies that Caesar’s wounds call for revenge and curse the men who killed him, leading to fierce civil war. Caesar’s spirit will roam taking revenge with the goddess Ate. Yes, this prophecy of revenge and civil war comes true later in the play. 

4. Who enters after Antony soliloquy’s? What news does the person bring? 

Answer: A servant of Octavius Caesar enters. He informs that Octavius lies seven leagues from Rome and is coming to Rome. 

5. What does Antony tell the person to convey to the person who has sent him? What two things does Antony request from the person to do at the end of the scene? 

Answer: Antony tells him to go back quickly and inform Octavius that Rome is currently dangerous for him. Antony requests the servant to help him carry Caesar’s body to the marketplace. He also wants the servant to stay back and observe Antony’s speech and its effect on the masses, and report back to Octavius. 

Extra/additional MCQs

1. Who does Caesar compare himself to? 

A. The sun B. God C. The northern star D. Stars in the universe 

Answer: C. The northern star 

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10. Who brings the news of Octavius Caesar’s impending arrival in Rome? 

A. Decius Brutus B. Lepidus C. Octavius’ servant D. Trebonius 

Answer: C. Octavius’ servant 

Extra/additional questions and answers

1. Who strikes Caesar first? 

Answer: Casca strikes Caesar first. 

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10. Why does Antony stop Octavius from entering Rome immediately? 

Answer: Antony stops Octavius from entering Rome immediately because he feels Rome is currently very dangerous for Octavius after Caesar’s assassination. He asks Octavius to wait for some time outside.

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