Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene 2: ICSE Class 10 workbook answers

julius caesar act 3 scene 2
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Get notes, workbook solutions, summary, questions and answers, and pdf of the drama/play Julius Caesar (Act 3 Scene 2) by William Shakespeare, which is part of ICSE Class 10 English. However, the notes should only be treated as references, and changes should be made according to the needs of the students.


The scene takes place in Rome’s central public square, or forum. Brutus and Cassius enter the forum along with a large crowd of Roman citizens who are upset about Caesar’s death. The citizens angrily demand to know the reason why Caesar was killed.

Brutus decides to address half of the crowd, while Cassius will speak to the other half. Brutus gives a logical but unemotional speech to the people. He says the crowd should listen to him because he is an honourable man. Brutus claims he loved Caesar, but he loved Rome more. Brutus says he was forced to kill Caesar because Caesar was becoming too ambitious and wanted to make all the citizens his slaves. After hearing about Brutus, the fickle crowd is convinced. They even say Brutus should be crowned king! The naive citizens don’t fully understand what has happened. They carry Brutus home in a victory procession.

Shockingly, Brutus tells the people to stay and listen to Mark Antony, who will also speak about Caesar’s death. This turns out to be a huge mistake by Brutus. Antony is a clever speaker who knows how to play on people’s emotions.

When Antony first speaks, the crowd yells that Caesar was a tyrant. Antony politely calls them “friends” and “Romans” and says he has only come to bury Caesar, not praise him. Antony says he will try to be as logical as Brutus was. Antony agrees that Brutus is an honourable man, and if Caesar was too ambitious, then his death was reasonable.

But slowly, Antony reminds the people of good things Caesar did, like filling the treasury with money from conquered lands and crying when the poor were suffering. Antony asks, “Was this ambition?” He also reminds them of how Caesar refused a crown when Antony offered it to him multiple times. Was refusing power a sign of ambition? Antony tells the crowd, “Men have lost their reason!” He pauses for effect, and the emotional crowd starts to turn against the conspirators.

Antony continues, saying he does not want to accuse the “honourable” conspirators, but in reality, he repeats that word with growing sarcasm to undermine them. Antony cleverly hints that Caesar left a will for the people, but refuses to read it, knowing this will make the crowd even angrier and more unstable. The frenzied mob demands to hear Caesar’s will.

Antony descends from the stage and reveals Caesar’s bloody, stabbed body to the crowd. He describes each wound and names Caesar’s killers, while still calling them “honourable.” This whips the crowd into an absolute rage. Antony reads Caesar’s will, which leaves money and land to every Roman citizen. This is the final straw, and the irrational mob is ready to burn and destroy. They grab torches and benches from the forum and cremate Caesar’s body in a furious frenzy, then set out to burn the houses of his killers.

Antony is satisfied that he has incited mayhem and “set mischief afoot.” A messenger arrives to tell Antony that Octavius has come to Rome and is meeting with Lepidus at Caesar’s house. Pleased with the chaos, Antony goes to join them and take the next steps. 

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Workbook answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Brutus addresses the mob in his speech as 

A. Friends, Romans, countrymen B. Friends, countrymen, common lovers! C. Romans, countrymen and lovers D. Friends, countrymen and Romans. 

Answer: C. Romans, countrymen and lovers 

2. Brutus rose against Caesar because 

A. not that he loved Caesar less, but that he loved Rome more B. not that he loved Rome more, but because he loved Caesar less C. he wanted to become king D. Caesar was becoming his enemy 

Answer: A. not that he loved Caesar less, but that he loved Rome more 

3. Anthony began his speech by telling the mob that 

A. he had not come to bury Caesar but to praise him. B. he had come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. C. he had come to speak ill of the conspirators. D. Brutus was a dishonourable man 

Answer: B. he had come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. 

4. Antony asked the mob to 

A. make a ring around Caesar’s corpse B. not press upon him and to stand far off C. climb up the podium (stage) D. disperse 

Answer: A. make a ring around Caesar’s corpse 

5. Brutus was 

A. Caesar’s Angel B. Caesar’s enemy C. Caesar’s guardian Angel D. Caesar’s only friend 

Answer: A. Caesar’s Angel 

6. Caesar had bequeathed to the citizens 

A. seventy drachmas B. twenty drachmas C. gold D. silver guineas 

Answer: A. seventy drachmas 

Context questions


BRUTUS -As Caesar loved me, I weep for him, as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it, as he was valiant, I honour him, but as he was ambitious, I slew him. 

1. Where does the scene take place? Who is Brutus addressing? 

Answer: The scene takes place in the Roman forum. Brutus is addressing the Roman citizens. 

2. Why does Brutus ask who he addresses be a better judge? Is Brutus correct in his assessment of what he addresses? Give reasons for your answer. 

Answer: Brutus asks the people to be better judges and censure him wisely because he wants them to carefully consider his words and make an informed judgment about his actions. Brutus is not correct in his assessment of the mob’s ability to judge wisely. The mob is fickle and prone to emotion rather than reason. 

3. Who does Brutus feel he has offended in his speech? What reply does he get? 

Answer: Brutus feels he may have offended any dear friends of Caesar in his speech justifying Caesar’s death. He asks if any friends of Caesar are present to speak up because he only killed Caesar out of love for Rome, not out of hatred for Caesar. The crowd replies “None, Brutus, none.” 

4. How does Brutus justify that he has offended no one at the end of his speech? Who enters after his speech? 

Answer: Brutus says that if he has offended no friends of Caesar, then he has offended no one, since he has done no more to Caesar than they would do to him in the same circumstances. Mark Antony and others enter with Caesar’s body after Brutus’ speech. 

5. How does Brutus introduce the person who enters? Why is he confident that the person means no harm to the conspirators? 

Answer: Brutus introduces Mark Antony as a noble man who, though grieved by Caesar’s death, means no harm to the conspirators since he is an honorable man. Brutus is confident Antony means no harm because he mistakenly believes Antony is reasonable and honorable like himself. 


ANTONY – noble Brutus had told you that Caesar was ambitious, if it was so, it was a grievous fault and grievously hath Caesar answered it.

2. State two instances cited by Antony in his speech to prove to the mob that Caesar was not ambitious. 

Answer: Antony cites Caesar’s filling the public treasury with ransoms and weeping for the poor as examples that he was not ambitious. 

3. What is the word used by Antony in his speech which is a repetition in a sarcastic manner to incite the mob to anger and fury? How does he cleverly play on the emotions of the mob against Brutus indirectly refuting what Brutus spoke of Caesar? 

Answer: The word is “honorable.” Antony repeats it sarcastically to undermine Brutus’ portrayal of Caesar as ambitious and cast doubt on the conspirators’ motives. This indirectly turns the mob against the conspirators while avoiding openly attacking Brutus. 

4. Why does Antony ask the mob to bear with him? What is his ulterior motive in doing so? 

Answer: Antony asks the mob to bear with him and be patient so he can work them into an emotional frenzy. His motive is to manipulate their anger at the injustice of Caesar’s death. 

5. What is the reaction of the mob? What do they discuss among themselves? Give two instances of their conversation. 

Answer: The mob starts saying there is reason in Antony’s words. They discuss how Caesar was wronged and debate whether the conspirators were ambitious traitors or honorable men. 

6. What qualities of Antony do you admire? What character traits are portrayed in his speech? 

Answer: I admire Antony’s skillful use of rhetoric and emotional manipulation in his speech. He comes across as passionate and clever in the way he sways the crowd from supporting Brutus to turning against the conspirators. Antony shows he is cunning, strategic, and persuasive. He pretends to be humble while actually intending to incite the mob to mutiny all along. Antony is portrayed as more emotionally intelligent than the logical Brutus, understanding how to appeal to the people’s hearts rather than their heads. 


ANTONY – O masters, if I were disposed to stir your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong. Who, you all know, are honourable men

1. Who would Antony choose to wrong rather than the honourable men? 

Answer: Antony says he would choose to wrong the dead Caesar rather than wrong the living “honorable” conspirators. 

2. What had Antony found in Caesar’s closet? What would the people do if they came to know of the contents of what Antony found? 

Answer: Antony found Caesar’s will in his closet. He implies the people would be enraged and riot if they knew Caesar left them money and public lands. 

3. What reasons does Antony give for delaying in reading the contents of what he had found in Caesar’s closet? How does he incite the mob further? 

Answer: Antony says reading the will would drive the people into a mutinous rage against the honorable conspirators. This makes the people more eager to hear the will. 

4. What does he ask the mob to do? What does he want to show them? 

Answer: He asks them to form a ring around Caesar’s corpse so he can show them Caesar’s wounds. 

5. Explain “If I were disposed to stir more hearts and minds to mutiny and rage” 

Answer: Antony is saying that if he wanted to, he could easily work the crowd into a fury against the conspirators. But he pretends not to want that. 

6. Does Antony really stir their minds to mutiny and rage? Explain. 

Answer: Yes, everything Antony says is carefully calculated to enrage the mob against the conspirators while pretending not to. 


ANTONY – This was the most unkindest cut of all,
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms quite vanquish’d him, then burst his mighty heart.

1. Which was the unkindest cut of all? Who have already stabbed Caesar? Where? When? 

Answer: Brutus stabbing Caesar was the unkindest cut. Casca and the other conspirators had already stabbed Caesar in the Capitol earlier that day. 

2. Why was it referred to as ‘the unkindest cut of all’? What was the reaction in Caesar’s body to this cut? What does it show about Caesar’s relationship with the person who gave him this cut? 

Answer: It was the unkindest because Brutus was Caesar’s friend. When Brutus stabbed him, Caesar was heartbroken by the betrayal, and his mighty heart burst. This shows Caesar loved and trusted Brutus. 

3. Where did Caesar fall? What was ironical about his fall? 

Answer: Caesar fell at the base of Pompey’s statue, which is ironic since Pompey was Caesar’s enemy. 

4. What is spoken about the vesture of Caesar by Antony in his speech? What was so special about it? What was its significance in history? 

Answer: Antony shows Caesar’s bloodied robes, pointing out the rents where the daggers pierced him. It was the robe Caesar wore when he conquered the Nervii. 

5. How did the mob react? What did Antony achieve through his speech? How far was he successful? 

Answer: The mob is enraged and vows mutiny and revenge. Antony successfully turned them against the conspirators through calculated manipulation. He was entirely successful. 


ANTONY – Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up,
To such a flood of mutiny
They that have done this deed are honourable

1. How does Antony go on to compare himself with Brutus? How does Antony try to project himself to be simple and out right to the mob? Why does he do so? 

Answer: Antony says he is no orator like Brutus. He claims to be a plain, blunt man who loved Caesar. This makes him seem honest and trustworthy to the mob, unlike the deceptive conspirators. 

2. What does Antony show the people that incites them still further to mutiny and rage? What does it contain? 

Answer: He shows them Caesar’s will, which contains bequests of money and land to each Roman citizen. 

3. What do the mob decide to do at the end of the scene? 

Answer: The mob decides to violently riot, mutiny, burn and kill. 

4. Who enters after the mobs disperses? What information does the person bring? 

Answer: A servant enters and reports that Octavius has come to Rome and gone to Caesar’s house with Lepidus. 

5. What shortcomings does Antony have as an orator according to himself? What would have happened had Antony and Brutus changed their places? 

Answer: Antony claims he lacks skill and eloquence in public speaking. If their roles were reversed, Brutus could have stirred the mob into a rage with his oratory.

Extra/additional MCQs

1. Where does the scene in the extract take place? 

A. The Senate B. The Forum C. Caesar’s house D. Outside Rome 

Answer: B. The Forum 

2. Who first addresses the crowd at the Forum? 

A. Antony B. Caesar C. Brutus D. Cassius 

Answer: C. Brutus 

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10. How does Antony portray himself in his speech to the crowd? 

A. As Caesar’s friend B. As an eloquent speaker C. As a plain, blunt man D. As Brutus’ ally 

Answer: C. As a plain, blunt man 

Extra/additional questions and answers

1. Who enters the forum at the start of the scene? 

Answer: Brutus and Cassius enter the forum. 

2. Who does Brutus ask to follow and give him audience? 

Answer: Brutus asks his friends to follow and give him audience. 

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10. Analyze the contrast between Brutus and Antony’s speech and style. 

Answer: Brutus appeals to the crowd through logic and prose, mistakenly thinking they will understand his honorable reasons. Antony uses rhetorical skill and emotional manipulation, understanding how to work the crowd into a frenzy. Brutus is too trusting, allowing Antony to speak, while Antony is shrewd and calculating in his oration.

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