Tourism in Manipur: BSEM Class 10 English (Course Book) notes

Tourism in Manipur
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Get summary, textbook solutions, questions, answers, notes, pdf, and extras to the chapter “Tourism in Manipur” which is a part of Class 10 English (Course Book) syllabus for students studying under BSEM. The notes should, however, only be seen as references only and changes should be made according to needs.

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Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today. Governments are very interested in developing tourism, as it is a key driver of economic growth. The growth of tourism has been particularly noticeable in places that attract many tourists, as well as where tour operators, governments and businesses compete to attract tourists through advertising destinations, facilities and services. Tourism has become a major economic force globally, impacting work culture, living standards and income levels.

Manipur is slowly emerging as an important tourist destination. It has immense potential for growth in the tourism sector due to its rich cultural and religious heritage as well as its varied natural attractions. The Manipur Tourism Policy aims to generate employment, promote environmental conservation, develop remote areas, and empower women and disadvantaged groups. In addition to contributing to the state’s economy, tourism promotes social integration.

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation estimates that tourism contributes around 5% to global economic activity and generates 6–7% of employment opportunities worldwide. According to the Government of India’s think tank, NITI Aayog, the travel and tourism sector outpaces overall economic growth, accounting for 10.4% of global GDP, 12.2% of global exports, 8.3% of global employment and 9.5% of global capital investment.

Manipur, with its tourism potential, cultural richness, English language skills and youthful population, is ideally suited to promote tourism as its primary industry and major employment generator. The tourism industry can create jobs across all levels – luggage handlers, porters, waiters, front desk staff, managers, accountants, etc. It has a multiplier effect and could become the state’s largest employer.

Despite being geographically disadvantaged in the past, Manipur’s comfortable climate, cultural heritage and natural beauty give it huge potential for tourism growth, especially with the government’s “Act East” policy focusing on Southeast Asia and the development of trans-Asian highways and railways. The state aims to brand itself as the “Gateway to Southeast Asia” by leveraging its strategic location.

The removal of restrictions on foreign tourists visiting Manipur since 2011 has already attracted more visitors. Moreover, as a World War II battlefield, Manipur could attract tourists from Japan and Commonwealth countries tracing their ancestors’ footsteps. However, a safe and tourist-friendly environment needs to be created by both the government and the public.

The Manipur Tourism Policy seeks to position tourism as a major economic engine by promoting the state globally as a preferred destination, ensuring quality guest services, facilitating community participation, involving private entrepreneurs and developing infrastructure and tourism products centred around its heritage and natural assets. Its mission is sustainable tourism that integrates economic growth with social integration while showcasing Manipur’s glorious past, vibrant present and bright future.

The policy envisions a unique brand to market Manipur as a favourite national and international destination through sustainable infrastructure development. Beyond providing tourists with a unique experience, it aims to improve the quality of life and economic prospects for the state’s needy sections.

To achieve its tourism promotion goals, Manipur must introduce professionalism through training and re-training of human resources across all tourism-related activities. It has immense potential for eco-tourism, medical tourism and adventure tourism that needs to be harnessed.

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Textbook solutions

Based on your reading complete the following

(i) Tourism has become a major economic force throughout the world.

(ii) The tourism industry has its own multiple effects and could become the largest employment generator in the state.

(iii) Tourism industry in Manipur has become all the more important in view of India’s Look East Policy (now termed as Act East Policy), the Trans-Asian Highways, and the Railways.

(iv) Exclusion of Manipur from the Protected Area Regime since January 2011 has started attracting foreign tourists to the state.

(v) The broad objectives of tourism development should be to foster understanding between people, create employment opportunities, and to preserve, enrich, and promote the cultural and natural heritage of Manipur.

(vi) Manipur has vast potential for eco-tourism, medical tourism, and adventure tourism.

Answer in a word, pharse or sentence each

(i) What is the status of Tourism as an industry in the world today? 

Answer: One of the fastest growing industries 

(ii) Over and above contributing to the state’s economy, what does Tourism promote? 

Answer: Social integration 

(iii) When was tourism given the status of an industry in Manipur? 

Answer: January 1987 

(iv) Whose duty will it be to create ‘a safe tourist-friendly environment’? 

Answer: The Government and the people 

(v) What should be the relation between tourism development and overall development structure of the state? 

Answer: Tourism development should be planned as a part of overall development structure 

Answer each of the following question briefly

(i) When has the development of tourism been particularly conspicuous? 

Answer: The development of tourism has been particularly conspicuous both in cities and countries where a large number of tourists originate and where tour operators, governments, and other economic agencies compete through advertising tourist destinations, facilities, and services to attract tourists and make a visible impact. 

(ii) With what has the expansion of tourism coincided? 

Answer: The expansion of tourism has coincided with significant cultural, political, and environmental changes identified with post-industrial technology of the past few decades. 

(iii) How is Manipur an ideal place for promotion of tourism as an industry? 

Answer: Manipur is an ideal place for the promotion of tourism as an industry because of its inherent tourism potential, rich cultural heritage, vibrant pool of youth with excellent command over the English language, and its strategic location. 

(iv) How can Tourism become the largest employment generating industry? 

Answer: Tourism can become the largest employment-generating industry through its own multiple effect, creating employment opportunities at every tier, such as Luggage Handler, Porter, Waiter/Waitress, Front Desk Official, Managers, Accountants, etc. 

(v) What are the factors that can turn Manipur from a disadvantageous geographical area into a state having huge tourism potential? 

Answer: Factors that can turn Manipur into a state with huge tourism potential include its comfortable climate, mystique cultural heritage, sublime natural beauty, and strategic location in a previously considered disadvantageous geographical area. 

(vi) How has the state Government trying to develop tourism in Manipur? 

Answer: The state government has been trying to develop tourism in Manipur by developing infrastructure, hotels, and restaurants, enhancing human resources, and through active marketing, publicity, promotion programs, and market research. 

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(x) What steps do the Manipur Tourism Policy attempt to take for promoting tourism as an engine of economic growth? 

Answer: The Manipur Tourism Policy attempts to promote tourism as an engine of economic growth by promoting Manipur as a preferred tourist destination at a global level, creating satisfactory customer/guest services, facilitating community participation, and involving private entrepreneurs. 

(xi) What is the mission of the Manipur Tourism Policy? 

Answer: The mission of the Manipur Tourism Policy is to promote sustainable tourism as a means of economic growth, social integration, and to promote the image of Manipur as a state with a glorious past, a vibrant present, and a bright future. 

(xii) What does the Manipur Tourism Policy envision? 

Answer: The Manipur Tourism Policy envisions developing and marketing sustainable infrastructure to make Manipur a favourite national and international tourist destination, while ensuring a unique experience for visiting tourists. 

(xiii) What does the Manipur Tourism Policy seek to achieve over and above providing a unique experience to the visiting tourists? 

Answer: Over and above providing a unique experience to the visiting tourists, the Manipur Tourism Policy seeks to ensure a quality of life and economic benefits to the needy sections and bring overall prosperity to the people in the state. 

(xiv) What should be the broad objectives of tourism development? 

Answer: The broad objectives of tourism development should be to foster understanding between people, create employment opportunities, and preserve, enrich, and promote the cultural and natural heritage of Manipur. 

(xv) What are the things that we must try to promote tourism in Manipur? 

Answer: To promote tourism in Manipur, we must introduce professionalism through training and, if necessary, retraining of human resources in all related activities of the tourism industry, and focus on eco-tourism, medical tourism, and adventure tourism.  

Opening of railways to Imphal

Write a paragraph on how the opening of railways to Imphal will be convenient for people to visit Manipur.

The opening of railways to Imphal, the capital city of Manipur, will undoubtedly enhance the convenience for people to visit this scenic northeastern state. With the introduction of rail connectivity, travellers from various parts of the country will be able to embark on a seamless journey to Manipur, eliminating the need for arduous road travel or expensive air travel. The railway network will not only streamline the transportation of passengers but also facilitate the movement of goods and resources, fostering economic growth and development in the region. Tourists and visitors will be able to explore the natural beauty of Manipur, including its pristine hills, lakes, and rich cultural heritage, with greater ease and comfort. The railway’s efficient and affordable services will make it possible for more people to experience the unique traditions, cuisine, and warm hospitality of the Manipuri people. Moreover, the improved accessibility will likely boost tourism, create new employment opportunities and contribute to the state’s overall economic prosperity.

‘Manipur as a Gateway to South-East Asia’

Write a paragraph on ‘Manipur as a Gateway to South-East Asia’.

Manipur, a state in northeastern India, serves as a strategic gateway to Southeast Asia. With its geographical location bordering Myanmar, it acts as a crucial link between India and the vibrant region of Southeast Asia. The state’s proximity to countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos positions it as a potential hub for economic, cultural, and strategic interactions. Manipur’s significance as a gateway lies in its ability to facilitate trade, investment, and people-to-people connections. Its infrastructure, including roads, airports, and border crossings, can serve as conduits for the exchange of goods, services, and ideas with Southeast Asian nations. Furthermore, the state’s rich cultural heritage and diversity make it an ideal platform for fostering cross-cultural understanding and promoting regional cooperation in areas such as tourism, education, and arts. By leveraging its unique position, Manipur can play a pivotal role in strengthening India’s engagement with Southeast Asia, contributing to the region’s economic development and fostering closer ties between the two regions. This gateway potential holds immense opportunities for mutual growth and prosperity, making Manipur a strategic asset in India’s eastward outreach.

Letter writing

You are the Manager of Hotel Lakeview. Write a letter to M/s Super Furniture, Imphal, asking the rate of furniture items for the hotel. Name the items and ask the terms of their business. You can use the following format.

Hotel Lakeview


M/s Super Furniture

Sub: Inquiry Regarding Furniture Supply

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to you in my capacity as the Manager of Hotel Lakeview, situated in the heart of Imphal. Our establishment is in the process of enhancing our guest experience by upgrading our furniture and fixtures. In light of this, we are considering M/s Super Furniture for our needs, given your reputation for quality and service in the region.

We are interested in procuring the following items:

  • Queen-sized bed frames – 20 units
  • Bedside tables – 40 units
  • Wardrobes – 20 units
  • Writing desks and chairs – 20 sets
  • Lounge sofas – 15 units
  • Dining tables (for four) – 10 units
  • Dining chairs – 40 units

We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with a detailed quotation for these items, including any bulk purchase discounts that may apply. Additionally, we are interested in understanding the terms of your business, specifically regarding payment terms, delivery schedules, and any after-sales services you might offer.

Given our commitment to both quality and budget, we are keen to establish a fruitful and long-term relationship with your esteemed company. Should your terms and pricing meet our requirements, we are ready to proceed with a significant order at the earliest.

Please feel free to contact me directly at Hotel Lakeview for any further information or clarification. We look forward to your prompt and favourable response.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]
Manager, Hotel Lakeview

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